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Richard Coke Wood FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank Endpaper Blue illustration Sketch of old Sperry s Hotel drawn by Mrs Dave Matthews on front cvr illustrated in Plain b W&Glossy B W Preface by Selma Lagerlof written by Helen Ferris Translated by Velma Swanston Howard Illustrated Johan Bull Glossy B W Frontispiece of Selma FORMER OWNER STAMP&Ink Name Blank Endpapers Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped WITH RUB WEAR CREASE FOLD Oscar Wilde Introduction by Edgar Saltus original price on jacket FLAP is $0 95&ON BACK DJ INNER HINGES STARTING SLIGHTLY CRACKED Orange&White Running streamer man Endpapers
Glenn Clark SIGNED&Inscribed by Lao Russell near back of book in Margin FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpapers which has Protective Mylar Cvr TAPED TO IT Illustrated in B W Photos Adm Robert E Peary Engravings of Photographs The Snow Baby profusely illustrated with numerous engravings of photographs by Commander Peary and of drawings by Albert Operti BLANK ENDPAPERS Former Owner STAMP Peter Berresford Ellis Literary Sleuth AKA Peter Tremayne FORMER OWNER STAMP ON BACK Blank Endpaper Talbot Mundy was Dust Wrapper artwork by Ned Dameron Inner DJ Flap Price markout B W Frontispiece Foto of A
Walter De La Mare Illustrated by Dorothy P Lathrop in color&b w FRONT Inner Flap&DJ Spine area Entirely Missing&DJ Front is TAPED TO Blank Endpaper butBack DJ Flap is Present Introduction Created&Illustrated Color by William Wiesner pictorial endpapers with Spiral Bound with 1st pg completely Loose Robert Penn WARREN Grey&White decorative endpapers Runniing Streamer Man Inner DJ Flap top corner $1 25 a copy No 170 edge Creased Back DJ Inner Flap Lists 4 Titles ends with Appointment in Samarra CORNER CREASE
Norman Mailer born Long Branch NJ in 1923 Grey&White Rockewll Kent Running Streamer Man INNER DJ Flap PriceClipped B W Frontispiece Anopopei DOROTHY PARKER Inner DJ Flap Pricclipped but sticker reads $1 10 Grey&White Streamer running Man Endpapers Lewis Carroll 1832-1898 Intro by Alexander Woolcott Original ILLUST B W JOHN TENNIEL INDEX FOXING to blank endpapers Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but Back Flap Lists G1 War&Peace Thru G43 Intelligence in Modern World
Aldous Huxley Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but 95 cents Price Intact ORANGE&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS RUNNING STREAMER MAN HAS FORMER OWNER Name&Date Lewis Carroll Intro by Alexander Woollcott ILLUST B W JOHN TENNIEL INDEX Small gift note on the ffep Front Inner DJ Flap Chipping to Btm left AT FOLD NOT affecting Print Back Inner Flap Lists Thru G77 An Anthology of Famous American Stories Maurice RHEIMS Blue Endpapers Inner Dj Flap original price intact $6 95 DJ design by Penelope Ansley Translated from French by David Pryce-Jones Lavishly illustrated with 48 reproductions in Halftone
LEWIS CARROLL B W Illustrated by Tenniel Light Fade wrinkle to BRODSKY M&L Endpapers with Name&Ink Date with tiny Edge Chip BOOKPLATE TO BACK Front Endpaper B W Frontispiece BONI&LIVERIGHT NY ON TITLE PG Lewis Carroll 1832-1898 Intro by Alexander Woolcott Original ILLUST B W JOHN TENNIEL INDEX FOXING&Former Owner inscription to blank Endpapers Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped BUT $1 10 Price at Btm Intact Illustrated thruout Kate Greenaway in color Beautiful pictorial Endpapers of Floral coloured Frontispiece
Maugham W Somerset The dust jacket has original $1 25 price intact Grey&White endsheets Rockwell Kent running Streamer Man Back Inner Dj Flap Lists 4 Titles starts with of Human Bondage&ends with Fortitude by Walpole by William Saroyan with new Preface GREY&WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS DJ PRICECLIPPED but priced 95 cents INTACT ILLUSTRATED 64 black&white plates Aubrey Beardsley with biographical essay and artistic introduction by Arthur Symons SEPIA Portrait Frontispiece of Beardsley Priceclipped but 95 CENTS INNER DJ FLAP intact
Fyodor DOSTOYEVSKY FIODOR Written by Translated PREFACE by Constance Garnett Glued in Photo of author on blank pg opposite pg 1 Russian Writer and Essayist known for his Novels Douglas Norman was an English author 95 CENTS ON BACK OF DJ Grey&White running Streamer man Rockwell Kent Endpapers IRVING STONE INNER DJ FLAP PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact Light wear crease Blank Endpapers FOXED
Read by Helen Hayes written&Produced by Elizabeth Roberts Dubose Heyward INNER DJ FLAP Priceclipped but 95 CENTS INTACT Orange&White Rockwel Kent running streamer man BOOKPLATE attached Illustrated with B W pictorial chapter titles LION FEUCHTWANGER Written by German-Jewish novelist and playwright SIGNED by the author on the title page Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir
Benedict Blathwayt Color Illustrated&Written Kevin Henkes Illustrated in Color Guy Vasilovich AUTHOR ILLUSTRATOR with Original price on back of DJ $16 99
Lori Eisenkraft-Palazzola Colour-art Frontispiece with colour and monochrome art illustrations throughout Edith Robinson B W Glossy Illustrated by L J Bridgman Decorated endpapers STAMP&small Pencil Rub out B W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE WITH TISSUE GUARD Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings INNER DJ ORIGINAL PRICE $1 10&back DJ mentions $1 10 a Title Grey&White running man with Streamer endpapers INK NAME
BY DAPHNE du MAURIER Grey&White Torch Bearer running man on Endpapers Light Fox Owner name Inner DJ Flap Pricelipped BUT shows 95 CENTS INTACT CHARLES DARWIN Written by English Naturalist Inner DJ FLAP Pricecliped BUT $1 AT BTM BLANK ENDPAPERS FOX WITH FORMER OWNER Inscription Back Inner DJ flap Lists 10 Titles Origin Species end with Philosophy of Schopenhauer Armine Von Tempski B W Illustrated by Paul Brown Previous owners name DATE on first blank page Light Fox
HARRIET OWENS ENDERLE ILLUSTRATED BY STEVE ENDERLE in B W ROBERT GRAVES Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 cents INTACT Orange&White Rockwell Kent running streamer man by Moliere Introduction by Waldo Frank INNER DJ FLAP PRICECLIPPED BUT 95 CENTS INTACT has small crease
NAT FOSTER HOLMES who has written Mysteries Novels in Pulp Magazines Cast of Characters Roy Elliott Young country Editor Silas Hilton the Banker Duke Hennigan Proprietor of Happy Days Club Tillie Thompson OWNER OF TEA GARDEN NAT FOSTER HOLMES who has written Mysteries Novels in Pulp Magazines Cast of Characters Pop Dryden Eccentric Old Chap Allen Dryden His son Dave Ross Picture Theatre Manager Skipper NAT FOSTER HOLMES who has written Mysteries Novels in Pulp Magazines Cast of Characters Colonel Zeb Crane Verne Thomas a young Man Spud Regan a bad Egg Aunt Emma Crane Zeb s Wife Thelma Gordon who cracks Safes ETC
Betty Cadbury SIGNED&Inscribed by author&dated 1979 Illustrated B W photos Half Title pg corner crease Introduction Kurt Baer Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped But Original Price Intact $5 B W Glossy Frontispiece Fray Padre Junipero Serra who brought 1st art to California Blank endpapers FOX STAINS Mikhail Naimy Blank endpaper has small number in red&Name Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $2 75
Wilkie COLLINS With a Foreword Introduction by Alexander WOOLLCOTT Front inner DJ Flap Price Inked Out BUT was $1 10&ON VERSO OF DJ MENTIONS $1 10 COPY for Giants&on DJ Back BLANK ENDPAPERS FOXED Victor Hugo Translated from French by Charles E Wilbour Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped BLANK ENDPAPERS FORMER OWNER NAME Told&Illustrated by Marion BULLARD Illustrated in 23 Color and B W Drawings by Author Beautiful Color Frontispiece It s a New Day Said the Toad
VICTOR HUGO Priceclipped Grey&White Rockwell Kent endpapers Dust jacket design by Paul Galdone Translated from the French Articles by Jorie Parr Holly O Dell Photography by John Aigner Ethan Kaminsky Mark Davidson Alexandre Dumas wrote this book in 1845 INTRO&New Translation from French into English by Jacques Le Clercq Inner DJ flap PRICECLIPPED Owner bookplate on front free endpaper
Alexandre Dumas nner DJ flap $95 Orange&White Rockwell Kent Streamer man Endpapers Bookplate&Former owner name Date VICTOR HUGO Front DJ flap retains printed $1 25 issue price and has an unusual bookseller's ID label pasted onto it at bottom of flap Grey&White Rockwell Kent endpapers Dust jacket design by Paul Galdone William Makepeace Thackeray Vera Bock DJ Art Grey&white Rockwell endpapers Inner DJ Flap 95 cents Small smudge marks to Title&Opposite Blank Pg near Btm Edge
Alexandre Dumas INTRO&New Translation from French into English by Jacques Le Clercq Inner DJ flap $1 25 Grey&White Rockwell Kent Streamer man Endpapers VICTOR HUGO front DJ Flap retains printed $95 issue price Grey&White Rockwell Kent endpapers Dust jacket design by Paul Galdone Translated from the French CHARLES DICKENS 39 Illustrations by Phiz Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents&on Back DJ 95 cents Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers B W Frontispiece Has a previous owner ex libris sticker opposite the half-title page
LAURA CHILDS SIGNED on Title pg with Autographed Sticker on front of DJ Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $25 95 DJ DESIGN By Lesley Worrell W H HUDSON Decorative grey&White endpapers Inner DJ Flap 95 Cents Introd John galsworthy Sept 1915 Illustrated B W 100 B W Illustrations by FRANCES BRUNDAGE Color Frontispiece On his Return he did not Fail to Interrogate the Parrot
C S Forester very light fox blank endpapers DJ design Ivan Lapper inner flap DJ small Stain Willaim Blake was one of England's greatest poets as well as being an excellent artist Edited by William Butler Yeats or W B Yeats 95 cents on lower Spine DJ Green&White endpapers by Horace Brodzky with M&L William Makepeace Thackeray McKNIGHT-KAUFFER Pictorial DJ Art orange&white Rockwell endpapers Inner DJ Flap 95 cents Small smudge marks to Title&Opposite Blank Pg near Btm edge Illustrated B W
Henry James Green&White Streamer Man running Endpapers Introduction by Heywood Broun LAURA CHILDS SIGNED on Title pg DJ DESIGN By Lesley Worrell Inner DJ Flap ORIGINAL $22 95 Intact ALDOUS HUXLEY English Novelist Illustrated by Barbara Cooney DJ FLAP 15s NET Green&White Egg endpapers FORMER OWNER INSCRIPTION B W&Green Frontispiece
LAURA CHILDS SIGNED on Title pg DJ DESIGN By Lesley Worrell Inner DJ Flap ORIGINAL $24 95 Intact LAURA CHILDS SIGNED on Title pg DJ DESIGN By Lesley Worrell Inner DJ Flap ORIGINAL $19 95 Intact HOWARD A GARIS Illustrated with 8 plates each printed in two colors COLOR Illustrated Louis Wisa Color Frontispiece of 2 Mice in Red&White Outfits Front Inner DJ Flap Lists Thru Towser Dog's Story corner Crease
Story&b w Pictures by Laura Bannon Blank endpaers Former owner Inscription Cape Cod Illustrated B W Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $2 25 ALDOUS HUXLEY full-page colour illus with text opposite ILLUST BY DUTCH ARTIST HANS SCHABRACQ Name crossed out on front pastedown Written&Color Illustrated Tim Egan SIGNED&Inscribed by Author with small DUCK Drawing Inner DJ flap Original price $15 expressive ink-and-watercolor illustrations capture the comic aspects of the text
Lorrie McLaughlin B&W Illustrations by Leonard Shortall Small HIGH PARK SCHOOL EX LIBRARY STAMP usual wear pocket in back&scuff to blank Endpapers Inner Flap Priceclipped Written and COLOR illustrated Don Freeman Pictorial dust jacket SIGNED&Inscribed by author with Original drawing of Little Girls face Named Julie on Blank Endpapers written&Illustrated Frederick Richardson Illustrator of some OZ bks Color Frontispiece of Cat&Little Mouse Contains 14 lovely color illustrations PRINTED ON HEAVY IVORY Finished Stock
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