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DON FREEMAN Born in CA EX-LIBRARY Usual wear Tiny Stamps Missing front BLANK flyleaf H Rider Haggard Introduction by Orville Prescott Inner DJ Flap shows $1 95 Intact Grey white running Man Endpapers By G M IMLACH illustrated GLOSSY frontispiece He was Gazing at His Own Reflection NO OTHETR ILLUSTRATIONS Inner DJ Flap corner creasse&shows price 2-NET INTACT
L Frank Baum Inner DJ Flap $2 with crease B W&Color illustrations Evelyn Copelman adapted from famous pictures by W W Denslow Written&Illustrated Eleanor Frances Lattimore in B W Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped with code 007-0010 remins Charlotte Bronte PriceClipped but 95 cents Price Intatct&Also on back DJ Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers Former Owner Name Date 1934 Preface
Story&Color&B W Pictures by VIRGINIA LEE BURTON Color Red&B W Pictorial endpapers of People on Sidewalk Cable Car Man With Car Trouble Horse FORMER Owner Inscription in Ink Written&llustrated In b w&pink by Nora S Unwin Distinguished British Artist Living in Massachusetts Blank Endpapers Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped Frances Hodgson Burnett Color illustrated Harrison Cady Altho Not Named Color Frontispiece Light Fox Former Owner Inscription of 1906
Written and Color illustrated by Andy Kauffman and His Little Sister Green edpapers FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE Preface Jan 1929 in Geneva Switzerland Lewis Carroll Charmingly Illustrated by Marjorie Torrey AKA Torrey Chanslor in color&B W Text carefully abridged by Josette Frank to highlite those parts of the story which children particularly Enjoy Frances Hodgson Burnett Gift inscription on ffep THAT FOXED B W Illustrated by Henry Sandham Glossy B W Frontispiece
Frances Hodgson Burnett Plain endpapers Former Owner STICKER Inner Flap DJ PRICE Code 100100 NOT Illustrated by Brooks Henderley Blank Endpapers LIGHT FOX NAME ON BLANK FLYLEAF B W Glossy Frontispiece Ellen MacGREGOR B W Illustrated by Paul Galdone Small Stamp front paste-down Inner DJ Flap Prcieclipped but $2 25 Intact B W Frontispiece of 2 in Helicopter
Lois Donaldson B&W and full color illustrations by Mathilde Ritter Green endpapers Green Endpapers Former Owner Stamp PriceClipped Laura Roundtree Smith Color pictures Illustrated by Haidee Zack Walsh WITH ORIGINAL PRICE 50 CENTS INTACT INNER DJ Flap Harriette Augusta CURTISS 1856-1932 Order of Christian Mystics&Frank F Homer Curtiss B S M D 1875-1946 Founders Universal Religious Fellowship
Harriette Augusta CURTISS 1856-1932 Founder Order of Christian Mystics&Frank F Homer Curtiss B S M D 1875-1946 Frances Hodgson Burnett Illustrated with full page bright bold color images in a simple style perhaps more suitable for the very young reader Inner Hinge little Wobbly Noel JAQUIN greatest Living Psycho-Palmist Glossy B W Frontispiece of right hand great scientist Albert Einstein shows that he possessesmental scope denied to most human beings
Max Freedom LONG INNER DJ FLAP ORIGINAL PRICE INTACT $6 HAS CORNER Crease&Pencil Underlining Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language&English-Hawaiian Vocabulary by Lorrin Andrews Theodore FLOURNOY Introduction by C T K Chari translated by Daniel B Vermilye] Inner DJ FLAP Original price Intact $10 Illustrated B W Ellen MacGregor and Dora Pantell illustrated by Charles Geer in B W Jacket is not price clipped
L W De Laurence Plain white endpapers small stain edge Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $6&small Sticker Small Wehman Bros STAMP BTM Title pg J H Anony ous Richard Hughes B&W Frontispiece Introduction by Isabel Paterson Previous owner name on Orange&White Endpapers with man running with streamer Retailed by Macy's Stamp On Title Pg
HOMER EDITED Translated&Done into English Prose by Andrew Lang Walter Leaf Ernest Myers Prefatory Note Green&White Running Man with Streamer Endpapers LIGHT CREASE Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings INNER DJ Flap PRICECLIPPED with small black mark but back Dj mentions $1 10 a Title Grey&White man with Streamer Endpapers Richard Hughes B&W Frontispiece 1st Stage of Their Journey was by land to Montego Bay Introduction by Isabel Paterson Inner DJ Flap has Original Price Intact $1 45 GREY&WHITE endpapers running man with Streamer Preface
GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO Translated By John Payne Orange&White Endpapers with man with Streamer running Previous owner name inked to FFEP Endpapers Charles Dickens Orange&White running man with Streamer Endpapers Preface Alexander Dumas Bernhard endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP Early DJ PriceClipped with 95 Cents Intact Introduction by Sir Edmund Gosse
THORTON WILDER Intro by Herbert Gorman yellow&white endpapers FORMER OWNER NAME has running man with Torch MOSS HART Playwright INNER DJ Flap $1 95 with Markthru and someone wrote to side 144 Grey&White Endpapers Running man with Streamer has scuff&Rub to back 1 W H Hudson Introduction by John Galsworthy Brodzky end papers INNER DJ FLAP 95 CENTS Former owner gift inscription is dated 1923 ML mural appears on the Brodzky endpapers IN GREEN&WHITE OF NAKED MEN Working
by Francis Parkman GREY ENDPAPERS RUNNING MAN WITH STREAMER SMALL NAME Inner DJ Flap priceclipped but $1 25 Intact Introduction Henry Steele Commager of Columbia University Alexander Dumas Bernhard YELLOW endpapers rub tiny chips edges Tape Residue Introduction by Sir Edmund Gosse Walt Whitman With an introduction by Carl Sandburg Inner Flap Priclipped with creases has 95 CENTS INTACT Brown&White Running torchbearer endpapers sticker Half Title pg ink Writing
Alexander Dumas Chips to edge of back Bernhard YELLOW endpapers Introduction by Sir Edmund Gosse EDNA FERBER Inner DJ Flap priceclipped but 95 CENTS PRICE Intact Orange&White endpapers running man with streamer Foreword Bram Stoker Front Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but 95 cents price Intact TINY CHIPS TEARS along fold of Inner Flap Orange&White Endpapers running man with Streamers has 2 small Stamps
Robert Browning Inner Dj Flap Price Clipped but 1 DOLLAR INTACT Blank Endpapers Foxed Written by de MIGUEL CERVANTES OZELL's Revision of Translation by Peter Motteux Intro by Herschel Brickell Pricelipped DJ but 95 cents on Inner Flap intact Rockwell Kent endpapers in Green OF STREAMER MAN Edith Wharton Inner DJ Flap priceClipped but 95 cents Intact Grey&White KENT Endpapers Streamer man Running
by John Steinbeck BLANK ENDPAPERS FOXED Title&Next pg have small Round CLEAR Embossement STAMP Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 CENTS INTACT Creased William M Makepeace Thackeray INNER DJ FLAP PRICELIPPED shows 95 Cents ALMOST DETACHED but has been Mended underneath with Clear TAPE Orange&White ENDPAPER streamer Man running has small star Stamp on back 1 Alexander Dumas introduction by Edmund Gosse Bernhard endpapers grey&white of Man running with Streamer PriceClipped but 95 cents Intact inner Flap as well as on Back DJ
GERTRUDE SMITH Illustrated Elsie D Drake B W FRONTISPIECE EMILE ZOLA With an introduction by Ernest Boyd BERNHARD DESIGN ENDPAPERS Inner DJPricelipped but 95 CENTS INTACT Katherine Mansfield Inner DJ Priceclipped but 95 cents intact in Green&B&W DJ by L Trevisan Orange&White Rockwell Kent endpapers of Running Stremer Man
LORD BYRON AKA LORD GEORGE GORDON BYRON Introduction by Louis Kronenberger Inner DJ flap has $1 25 INTACT WITH FOX TO FOLD EDGE Grey&White Rockwell Kent endpaper running Streamer Man THOMAS HARDY Yellow&White endpapers light Scuff Mark Harold L Peterson Inner DJ flap Priceclipped general Editor Claude Blair List of plates Illustrated B W
Gertrude Stein introduction by Carl Van Vechten Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers Edgar Rice Burroughs blank endpapers&Half Tiltle pencling&ink notes MISSING Frontispiece four sepia full page plates by J Allen St John are glossy illustrated Thruou B W 12 full-page chapter head illustrations&other 4 are Glossy Edgar Rice Burroughs 4 Illustrated full page plates by J Allen St John FORMER OWNER Name Date on Amtor Map Illustrated Endpapers B W Frontispiece Spreading His Powerful Wings he rose while Duare stretched her hands toward Me
Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated full page plates by Larry Ivie X-LIBRARY FORMER OWNER Name Date on Blank Rubbed CHIPPED Endpapers Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Inner DJ Flap $2 95 Sticker Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated full page plates by Mahlon Blaine with Frontispice in B W X-LIBRARY FORMER OWNER Name Date on Blank Rubbed CHIPPED Endpapers Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Inner DJ Flap $2 95 Sticker Edgar Rice Burroughs 7 Illustrated full page GLOSSY plates by J Allen St John opposite PG 8 32 96 160 256 288 320 which is different from from Illustration list Numerically FORMER OWNER Name Date on BlankFoxed Endpapers
Edgar Rice Burroughs Glossy B W Frontispiece by J Allen St John This Time a Kavuru Fell Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Date light small stamp NOT Illustrated Back Inner Flap DJ Lists 22 Titles Thru Carson of Venus Madeline Brandeis in Color Dustjacket by Howard Church o B W Glossy Photo Frontispiece RED&WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS Light Fox tiny Sticker Illustrated by B W Glossy Photo graphic Illustrations taken with her Big Reflex Camera called Ref Madeline Brandeis in Color Dustjacket by Howard Church B W Glossy Photo Frontispiece RED&WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS Light Fox tiny Sticker
Lafcadio Hearn Introduction by Manuel Komroff 95 CENTS ON BACK OF DJ&Front Inner Flap that is Tiny PriceClipped Yellow&White Bernhard Endpapers running Man with Former owner name Ink Lilla Stirling Inner DJ Flap $2 95&Printed specially for members of Parents Magazine s Book Club for Children Illustrated Kurt Werth by Leo Edwards Inner DJ Flap original Price Intact 50 cents Red&white pictorial endpapers Inner hinges slight starting Illustrated Bert Salg NO Frontispiece FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank Flyleaf
Kurt Singer SIGNED&INSCRIBED by Author to Max Liebman Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact 15-NET 47 b w photographs on plates Glossy B WFrontispiece Charles Laughton Department of Public Utilities&Transportation C S Forester Brief gift inscription on the Grey&White running Streamer Man flyleaf Inner DJ Flap Tiny Priceclipped but Original Price 95 Cents INTACT
GORDON STUART Tiny corner chip on Half Title pg with Fox Inner DJ Flap Original Price intact 25 Cents by Dorothy Whitehill B W Illustrated by Thelma Gooch Glossy B W frontispiece FORMER OWNER STAMPS ON ENDPAPER with small dogears&STICKERS ON Inner DJ Flap Lists Thru Twins Avisiting Joseph Slate SIGNED BY Illustrator Ashley Wolff on Blue Endpapers INNER DJ FLAP PRICECLIPPED Bright and colourful illustrations TITLE PG CORNER CREASE
Mark Mccord Written&color Illustrated Dale M Titler Illustrated by Robert Jenney Black Endpapers With b&w illustrations $5 95 on inner DJ Flap None Listed Illustrated B W
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