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Bowman, John E: A Practical Handbook of Medical Chemistry Herz, Marcus: Briefe an Aerzte Lee, Henry: On Diseases of the Veins, Haemorrhoidal Tumors, and Other Affections of the Rectum
Hertwig, Oscar: Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundzüge der allgemeinen Anatomie und Physiologie. Part One Dawbarn, Robert H. M: Starvation Treatment of Certain Malignant Growths. The Samuel D. Gross Prize Essay Thompson, Henry: Cremation: The Treatment of the Body After Death
Gross, S. D: History of American Medical Literature, from 1776 to the Present Time; Being an Address Introductory to the Fifty-First Course of Lectures in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Delivered October 4th, 1875 Macartney, James: A Treatise on Inflammation Lobb, Theophilus: A Treatise on Dissolvents of the Stone; And on Curing the Stone and Gout by Aliment. Shewing. .
Berard, F: Doctrine médicale de l'Ecole de Montpellier, et comparaison de ses principes avec ceux des autres écoles d'Europe Hodgson, Jos: Traité des maladies des artères et des veines. Traduit de l'anglais et augmenté d'un grand nombre de notes par G. Breschet. Tome Premier & Second (Volume One & Two) Pellegrini, Francesco: Per la Storia Della Lotta Contro le Epidemie. 4 Volumes
Darrach, W: Drawings of the Anatomy of the Groin: with Anatomical Remarks Burgess, Arthur H: Electrosurgery. The Bradshaw Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on December 14th Mills, Charles K: The Custom of Delivering Inaugural Addresses, with Some Discussion of the Methods of Undergraduate Teaching in Different Countries
Osgood, Edwin E. and Howard D. Haskins: Causes, Classification and Differential Diagnosis of Anemias Meeker, Louise H: Tumors of the Nose and Throat Related to Developmental Defects Boyer, A: DICTIONAIRE ROYAL, FRANCOIS-ANGLOIS ET ANGLOIS-FRANCOIS. Tome Premier
Siebold, Carolus Casparus: Dissertation Inauguralis Sistens Fasciculum Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum, Quas cum Subiunctis ex Universa Medicina Corollarus, sub dei Triunius Auspicio. . [Societe d'Agriculture et d'Horticulture de Vaucluse]: Bulletin Societe d'Agriculture et d'Horticulture de Vaucluse. Tome XXXV, Mai 1885 Bandet, Andra: Weckoskrift for Lakare och Naturforskare
Celsus, A. Cornelius: Medicinae. Libri Octo ex Recensione Leonardi Targae . . . Praefixa de Celsi vita dissertatione concinnavit, indice jam delphiniano auxit Eduardus Milligan. Editio secunda, auctior et castigatior Tyrrell, Frederick: A Practical Work on the Diseases of the Eye, and Their Treatment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation. Volume 1 Bernard, Claude: L'Oeuvre de Claude Bernard
Laennec, R(ené) T(héophile) H(yacynthe): Traité de l'auscultation médiate et des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur Entelwein, J. A: Anweissung zur Auflosung der hohern numerischen Gleichungen mit einer oder mehrern unbekannten Grossen Croom, J. Halliday: Retroversion and Retroflexion of Gravid Uterus. Some Points in the Technique of Laparotomy. A Series of Cases of Abdominal Section
Albrecht, Ehrenfried: Der Herzmuskel und siene Bedeutung fur Physiologie, Pathologie und Klinik des Herzens Lettsom, John Coakley: Hints Designed to Promote Beneficence, Temperance & Medical Science. Vol. 3 Mace, Jean: Histoire d'unn Bouchee de Pain: L'Homme. With a french and English Vocabulary, and a List of Idiomatic Expressions
An American Woman, comp: Suggestions for the Sick-Room Vurpas, Cl: Petits Syndromes Mentaux l"Etat Mental des Obsedes Ward, William Tilleard: Practical Observations on Distortions of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs; Together with Remarks on Paralytic and Other Diseases Connected with Impaired of Defective Motion
Mendelssohn, M: Untersuchungen ueber die Muskelzuckung bei Erkranungen des Nerven- und Muskel-Systems. Inaugural-Dissertation. . Chase, Elisha: The Rubicon Is Passed! The Science of Development of the Human Family: Discovered, Systemitized, and Explained Anthropological Society of London: Memoirs Read before the Anthropological Society of London. Vol. I. 1863-4.; Vol. II. 1865-66
Bailey, Pearce: Report Upon Two Cases of Tumor of the Spinal Cord, Unaccompanied by Severe Pain Ashley, John M: The Relations of Science Hettich, H. D. Fr: Das Medizinalwesen des Konigreichs Wurtetemberg, nach dem Stande in der Mitte des Jahres 1875
Luciani, Luigi: Human physiology. Translated by Frances A. Welby. With a preface by J. N. Langley. Volumes 1, 2, & 3 (of 5) Harris, Elisha: Cholera Prevention: Examples and Practice: and A Note of the Present Aspects of the Epidemic. [Communicated to the Metropolitan Board of Health, August 8, 1867] Silliman, Benjamin: American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, PA., August 1, 1874
Dr. Russell and Mr. Scott: Scion College, Founded by Thomas White, D.D Hoppe-Seyler, Felix: Specielle physiologische Chemie. Tl. IV: Die Organe des Thierkörpers und ihre Functionen, der Gesammtstoffwechsel der Thiere Monsieur Desault: Parisian Chiurgical Journal. Translated into English by Robert Gosling. Volume II
Wellcome Historical Medical Library: A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Volume 2: Books Printed from 1641 to 1850: A-E Kocher, Th. und E. Tavel:: Vorlesungen uber Chirurgische Infektionskrankheiten. Ersetr Theil Du Nouy, P. Lecomte: Biophysique Moleculaire. II. La Temperature Critique du Serum. II. Phenomenes Optiques et Phenomenes Ioniques. In: Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles 402
Humboldt, Alexander von: Versuche über die gereizte Muskel - und Nervenfaser nebst Vermuthungen über den chemischen Process des Lebens in der Thier- und Pflanzenwelt. Erster Band Paulmier, François: Gründlicher Unterricht vom Podagra und dessen Heilung. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt Rush, Benjamin: Medical Inquiries and Observations. Volumes III and IV
Stoll, Maximilian(i): Rationis Medendi in nosocomio pratico Vindobonesi. Pars Prima Snodgrass, W. D. [Janus Press]: Traditional Hungarian Songs Buchan, William: ALS (3 pages) to his publisher regarding Domestic Medicine
Boulanger, Guillaume: Anwisning att bibehålla Ögonen Friska, och att sjelf, så wida möjligt är, bota deras Sjukdomar. För Dem som befara blindhet, Närsynta, och war och en, som är mån af sina Ögon Vulpian, M: Statistique Generale des Personnes Qui-ont ete Traites L'Institut Pasteur, apres Avoir ete Mordues par des Animaux Enrages du Suspects Alpini, Prosperi. Dav. Gaubius, ed.; Hermann Boerhaave, pref: De Praesagienda Vita Et Morte Aegrotantium Libri Septem.In quibus ars tota Hippocratica praedicendi in aergotis varios morborum eventus. . . Cum Praefatione Hermanni Boerhaave
Krebs, John M: The Reciprocal Relations of Physicians and Clergymen: A Speech, Delivered at the Anniversary Dinner of the "New York Society for the Relief of Widows & Orphans of Medical Men," on Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 1847 Verity, Robert: Changes Produced in the Nervous System By Civilization, Considered According to the Evidence of Physilogy and the Philosophy of History Tilney, Frederick: An Analysis of the Juxta-Neural Epithlial Portion of the Hypophysis Cerebri, with an Embryological and Histological Account of a Hiterto Undescribed Part of the Organ
Various: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. Volume IX, No. 19, October, 1933 Jaxtthal, Eduard Jäger von: Beiträge zur Pathologie des Auges Powers, Grover F: Developments in Pediatrics in the Past Quarter Century
Strauss, Maurice B. and William B. Castle: Studies of Anemia in Pregnancy. II. The Relationship of Dietary Deficiency and Gastric Secretion to Blood Formation During Pregnancy Viets, Henry R: Boston Medical Library. Report of the Librarian Spence, J. C: The Liver and Pernicious Anaemia. SIGNED
Silvette, Herbert: The Making of Anatomies in Seventeenth Century England Spriggs, Edmund: An Address on the Role of Starvation in Treatment. Delivered before the Medical Society of London on Jan. 28th, 1929 Proulx, Annie: Close Range. Wyoming Stories. Proof
[Edicion Esteriotipica]: El Nuevo Testamento de Nuestro Senor Jesu-Christo, Traducido en Espanol. Version Cotejada Cuidadosamente con las Lenguas Aantiguas Bowles, Paul: The Delicate Prey. in Gent. Vol. 1, No. 4, April, 1957 Cavanagh, Terry and Susan Cavanagh, et. al: Crust. Magazine. Vol. II, No. 1, February 2004
Williams, H. B. and J. A. Riche and Graham Lusk: Animal Calorimetry. Second Paper. Metabolism of the Dog Following the Ingestion of Meat in Large Quantity Fuller, Sallie, ed: Ink Spots. Vol. III, No. IV, June 1932 Fuller, Sallie, ed: Ink Spots. Vol. IV, No. 1, December 1932
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