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Pelikan, Jaroslav (Editor): Luther's Works, Volume 14. Selected Psalms III Pelikan, Jaroslav (Editor): Luther's Works, Volume 13. Selected Psalms II Schlitt, W.J and W.C. Larson and J.B. Hiskey (Editors): Gold and Silver. Leaching, Recovery and Economics
Steiner, Rudolf: The Younger Generation. Educational and Spiritual Impulses for Life in the Twentieth Century Steiner, Rudolf: Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms Steiner, Rudolf: An Introduction To Eurythmy. Talks Given before Sixteen Eurythmy Performances
Keil, C.F. and F. Delitzsch: Commentary On The Old Testament In Ten Volumes, Complete Set, Translated From The German (By Various Translators) Spence, Jonathan D: The Search For Modern China Weller, Jac: Wellington In The Peninsula
Markham, J. David: Imperial Glory. The Bulletins Of Napoleon's GRande Armee 1805-1814 Parker, Elizabeth C: A Natural History of Camden and Rockport Steiner, Rudolf: Education and Modern Spiritual Life
Konig, Karl: The First Three Years of the Child Heirman, Leo: Pictures of initiation in Greek Mythology Tucker-jones, Anthony: Hitler's Great Panzer Heist. Germany's Foreign Armor in Action, 1939-45
Tucker, Mike: THE LONG PATROL - With Karen Guerillas in Burma Brayley, Martin J: Camouflage Uniforms. International Combat Dress 1940-2010 Bevis, Mark: British and Commonwealth Armies 1939-45 Supplement Volume 2. (Helion Order of Battle 4)
Kushi, Michio and Alex Jack: British and Commonwealth Armies 1939-45 Supplement Volume 1. (Helion Order of Battle 3) Michelsen, Neil F: The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, 1900 to 2000 at Midnight. REVISED EDITION Stanton-Jones, Kristina: An Introduction to Dance Movement Therapy in Psychiatry
Costa, Antonio De Macedo: A Questao Religiosa do Brazil Perante a Santa se ou a Missao Especial a Roma em 1873 a luz de Documentos Publicados e Ineditos Bispo do Para Nova Edicao com accrescimos e mais correcta. The Question Before Brazil's Religious or Holy Se or to a Special Mission to Rome in 1873, in light of published and unpublished documents from the Bishop for a New more correct Edition.. NOAA with Norden, Wendy & Esperanza Stanicoff (Project Coordinators), Susan White (Editor): A Guide to Common Marine Organisms Along the Coast of Maine Hal Roach Comedies: A Story of Our Gang. "Romping Through The Hal Roach Comedies" (Whitman # 699)
Munroe, Lieutenant Clark C: The Second United States Infantry Division in Korea, 1950-1951 General Mills: Betty Crocker's Cookbook (Pie Collage Front Cover, First Printing, thus stated) Loadbooks USA: The Complete Reloading Manual for the .38 Special, Containing Unabridged Information From All The U.S. Bullet and Gun Powder Makers. 1,231 Proven Loads/45 Various Bullets, 37 Different Powders
Michaels, J. Ramsey: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 49: 1 Peter Dillard, Raymond B: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 15: 2 Chronicles Braun, Roddy: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 14: 1 Chronicles
Lasalle Corbell Pickett (Mrs. General George E. Pickett): The Bugles Of Gettysburg Walter, John: The Greenhill Dictionary Of Guns And Gunmakers. From Colt's First Patent to the Present Day, 1836-2001.. Paine, Lauran: Witchcraft and the Mysteries
Forman, George E: Action And Thought. From Sensorimotor Schemes To Symbolic Operations (Developmental Psychology Series) Richardson, Bill: Leading By Example. How We Can Inspire An Energy And Security Revolution Akhtar, Salman (Editor): Three Faces Of Mourning. Melancholia, Manic Defense, and Moving On
Porter, Robert J. (Editor): U.S. Navy Mobile Construction Battalion Four (4). June 1955 - September 1956 Beasley-Murray, George R: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 36: John Allen, Leslie C: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 29: Ezekial 20-48
Anderson, A.A: Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 11: 2 Samuel Taylor, Dick: British Infantry Tank Mk. II Valentine, Part II. (Model Centrum Progres Armor Photohistory #3) Plowman, Jeffrey: Camouflage and Markings of the Stewarts in New Zealand Service. Model Centrum Progres Armor Color Gallery #7
Kim, Chang Sik: The Countries of the United Nations. Name Poems of the 191 Member States DIRKS, JERALD F: THE CROSS & THE CRESCENT an Interfaith Dialogue Between Christianity and Islam McKaughan, Jeffrey: Tech Intell. World War II U.S. Army Technical Intelligence Reports and Summaries, Volume 1
Foss, Christopher; Sarson, Peter: Warrior Mechanised Combat Vehicle 1987-94. New Vanguard 10 Zaloga, Steven; Bull, Peter: Staghound Armored Car 1942-62. New Vanguard 159 Swami Anantananda, Guest Editor: Darshan : In The Company of the Saints. Doorways to the Infinite (Issue 48, March 1991, ISSN: 0892130X
Swami Gitananda, Guest Editor: Darshan : In The Company of the Saints. Time & Eternity (Issue 37, April 1990, ISSN: 0892130X Swami Gitananda, Guest Editor: Darshan : In The Company of the Saints. Living In Contentment (Issue 40, July 1990, ISSN: 0892130X Heerden, Bill Van: Film and Television In-Jokes. Nearly 2,000 Intentional References, Parodies, Allusions, Personal Touches, Cameos, Spoofs and Homages
Riccio, Ralph: AFVS IN IRISH SERVICE SINCE 1922: From the National Army to the Irish Defence Forces (MMP Green Series No 4108) Taylor, Michael J.H: World Jet Fighters 1945-1985, Warbirds Illustrated #28 none stated: Gizmology 1. The World's Leading Index of Aftermarket Armour Detail & Conversion Sets, Fall 1997
none stated: Gizmology 2. The World's Leading Index of Aftermarket Armour Detail & Conversion Sets, Spring/Summer 1998 Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Three Science Fiction Novels: At The Earth's Core; Pellucidar; Tanar Of Pellucidar Bleiler, E.F. (Editor): Five Victorian Ghost Novels: A Phantom Lover; The Uninhabited House; Monsieur Maurice; The Ghost Of Guir House; The Amber Witch
Coffin, Howard: Full Duty. Vermonters in the Civil War Samuels, Frederick: To Spade The Earth and Other Poems Burr, Reverend E.F: Supreme Things In Their Practical Relations
Arrison, Sonia: 100 Plus. How the Coming Age of Longevity will Change Everything, from Careers and Relationships to Family and Health Darlow, Steve (Editor): Fighting High World War Two - Air Battle Europe, Volume One Shores, Christopher & Brian Cull & Yasuho Izawa: Bloody Shambles, The First Comprehensive Account of Air Operations Over South-East Asia December 1941 - April 1945. COMPLETE THREE VOLUME SET. The Drift to War to the fall of Singapore
Nolan, Cathal J: The Concise Encyclopedia of World War II [2 volumes] Greenwood Encyclopedias of Modern World Wars Greenland, Tony: Tony Greenland's Panzer Modelling Masterclass Sulloway, Alvah W: On Their Own. 3 New Hampshire Scholars Chronicle Their Adventures Abroad
Stone, David: Fighting for the Fatherland. The Story of the German Soldier from 1648 to the Present Day Salecker, Gene Eric: Rolling Thunder against the Rising Sun. The Combat History of U.S. Army Tank Battalions in the Pacific in WWII Coffin, Howard; Bearss, Edwin C: The Battered Stars. One State's Civil War Ordeal During Grant's Overland Campaign: From the Home Front in Vermont to the Battlefields of Virginia
Fletcher, Ian: Galloping at Everything. The British Cavalry in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo 1808-1815. A Reappraisal White, Ellen G: An Appeal for Self-Supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields. Compiled from the Writings of Ellen G. White Smith, Uriah: An Appeal to the Youth. Funeral Address of Henry N. White, At Battle Creek Michigan, December 21, 1863, Who Died at Topsham, Maine, December 8th; Also a Brief Narrative of his Life, Experience and Last Sickness. His Mother's Letters, etc..
White, Ellen G: Manuscript Releases From the Files of the Letters and Manuscripts written by Ellen G. White, Volume One, Release Number 19 (October 5, 1941) to Release Number 96 (October 29, 1957) Boas, Norman F: Jane M. Pierce (1806-1863) The Pierce-Aiken Papers. Letters of Jane M. Pierce, her sister Mary M. Aiken, their family and President Franklin Pierce, with biographies of Jane Pierce, other members of her family, and geneological tables New Hampshire Historical Society: Walter Ingalls. Maker of Likenesses. An exhibition at the New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, New Hampshire
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