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Lipinski, Tara, FLAT SIGNED, NO INSCRIPTION, TEXT by MARK Zieigler, Original color Photos by Simon Bruty, $25 on Back Cvr: Totally Tara : An Olympic Journey. , SIGNED BY LIPINSKI, A photographic biography of an American figure skater. At the age of 15, she won the Ladies' Singles Olympic gold Meda Sarah Bixby Smith ( bixby-smith ), Introduction by Robert Ernest Cowan, owner's name in pencil on ffep, blank endpapers sticker light Fox, Fold out Sepia: Adobe Days A Book of California Memories, 1ST EDITION 1ST PRINTING, 1925, Vivid historical account of life in Old by Valentine Davies , 1905-1961, PRICECLIPPED BUT $1.75 price still on the DJ Flap , ILLUSTRATED BY TOMIE DEPAOLA: Miracle on 34th Street IN DUSTJACKET , 1947, TRUE 1ST EDCITION WITH MOVIE AD in Red ON BACK OF DJ , modern Christmas classic,CHARMING FAIRY TALE,
KATHRYN HEISENFELT.,Illustrated by ,DAPHNE HAIG.. was Originally published in Jack and Jill in 1947. Illustrated endpapers with former owner name fep: PUSSYCAT IN BUSINESS. in RARE Color DustJacket ,CHILDREN CAT STORY. Author wrote Hollywood Children studio Bios, Slumber-Town Tales Series, Five stories a ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, Full page color Illustrations BY MILO WINTER, picture end papers,: TREASURE ISLAND IN DUSTJACKET ILLUSTRATED BY MILO WINTER, WINDERMERE SERIES, Adventures of Jim Hawkins & Long John Silver GORDON STUART: HAL KENYON DISAPPEARS, This is a Rei-Lee adventure story for boys
WRITTEN Kurt Wiese with 14 B/W & Color Illustrations, PRICECLIPPED BUT $1.50,: Ella the Elephant, IN DUSTJACKET BABY Indian Elephant SURROUNDED BY GREEN JUNGLE LEAFS ,In Pictures & Prose , her Life in Jungle, her friends, The Peacock, the Kind Buffalo & Parrots her enemies the Tiger & Crocodile KURT WIESE , (1887-1974), Priceclipped with $1.50 flap price , illustrated with 15 color crayon lithographs,: Karoo, The Kangaroo IN DUSTJACKET First Printing of author's first book. Karoo is learning about all the Australian Karoo stays safely in his mother's pouch for a long time Then GORDON STUART, INNER DJ FLAP 25 CENTS: WILD NIGHT LOST ISLAND , Action-mystery for boys in Color Dustjacket
DITA VON TEESE , SIGNED & Dated Oct 2007 , NO INSCRIPTION, Illustrated with COLOR Fotos, $39.95 Inner DJ Flap: Burlesque and the Art of the Teese Fetish and the Art of the Teese, SIGNED 1st Printing, NO INSCRIPTION in color Dustjacket FAY WRAY SIGNED , NO INSCRIPTION, , INNER DJ FLAP $16.95, Illustrated with Black and White Plates, ACTRESS born in Canada in 1908: ON THE OTHER HAND A Life Story, SIGNED BY FAY WRAY WHO STARRED IN KING KONG & her recollection of working with Erich von Stroheim COREY FORD WRITING AS June Triplett as told to Corey Ford, with 36 Unbelievable Illustrations, Glossy Photographic frontispiece June sitting on Lion she just Shot,: Coconut Oil June Triplett's Amazing Book out of Darkest Africa
Fran Striker, B /W FRONTISPIECE by Kuhloff , Brown White decorated Endpapers, Striker wrote 60,000 words per week, Priceclipped,Back DJ Flap red stain btm Edge: The SECRET of the LOST MESA [Tom Quest Adventure #4 ] in Color Dustjacket Clement Moore, PICTURED IN COLOR by John R. (J. ) Neill (Oz Books for L. Frank Baum), with COVER illustration by A. B. Gremin ? mounted to the cover board: The NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, And Mother Goose Rhymes and Jingles WITH SANTA CLAUS ON FRONT COVER IN RED & WHITE & BLACK BOOTS & TOYS, by A.B. Gremin mounted to the cover board. Enright illustrated color endpages Margaret Love Sanderson, ink FORMER OWNER name DATE on endpaper: JANE PELLEW IN KENTUCKY in Dustjacket
ROY J. SNELL , NOT an ex library book, Priceclipped but Inner DJ Price $1: ROPE OF GOLD, a mystery story for boys, IN COLOR DUSTJACKET, Alaskan story for Boys, follows Dog Teams over Frozen Barrens bordering Arctic Circle ROSS MATHEWS ,SIGNED BY AUTHOR, Foreword by Gwyneth Paltrow, Afterword by Chelsea Handler: Man Up! : Tales of My Delusional Self-Confidence by ROSS MATHEWS SIGNED BY AUTHOR, Ross Mathews is an American television personality who first rose to fame DAVID CRAIGIE , (pen name for Dorothy Glover) , Illustrated with drawings by Dorothy Craigie, SOME Front INNER FLAP PASTED TO: DARK ATLANTIS in Dustjacket, Extremely scarce fantastical work about the fabled lost city, with several weird illustrations drawings by Dorothy Craigie,
JUNE TRIPLETT AS TOLD TO & SIGNED & Inscribed DATED 1929 by COREY FORD, who started Algonquin table in NY WITH DOROTHY PARKER ,: SALT WATER TAFFY OR TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES AWAY FROM THE SEA incredible autobiography of Capt. Ezra Triplett's Seafaring Daughter by June Triplett in Dustjacket, SIGNED, MARCIA MARTIN , Jon Nielson (illustrator)., FRONT INNER DJ FALP $ 5? , Name/address DATE on STAINED front endpaper,, tape RESIDUE offsetting to BLANK endpapers,: Donna Parker at Cherrydale, Series #1, IN DUSTJACKET of Beautiful Girl standing in woods with polkadot scarf at her Neck Looking JULES VERNE, including four full page Illustrations: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , 20,000 ,Windermere Series Illustrated by Milo Winter in Color Dustjacket WITH 2 DEEP SEA DIVERS IN HELMETS & STINGRAY FISH TO THE LEFT IN RED & Long TaIL, A very collectible Copy
DR. SEUSS ,SIGNED in Red Ink WITH SQUIGGLY , NOT INSCRIBED, BLUE, GREEN B/W ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS Turtles Swimming: Dr. Seuss Yertle the Turtle & Other Stories. ,SIGNED in Red Ink By Marjorie Barrows, SIGNED & Inscribed by BARROWS ,Illustrated COLOR & B/W by KEITH WARD, COVERS WOBBLY & Spine Chipping & Wear: MUGGINS MOUSE ,SIGNED By Marjorie Barrows, SCARCE & COLLECTIBLE, About a busy mischievous mouse and his Adventures KURT BROWNING, SIGNED on the front free endpaper NO INSCRIPTION, , UNCLIPPED DJ $17.95, Color Illustrated MELANIE ROSE,: A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet (Sports Alphabet) SIGNED SIGNED NO INSCRIPTION by 4 Time World champion v Kurt Browning, Glides & Dances thru the Alphabet
Marjorie Hayes, Illustrated by Kurt Wiese , price-clipped dust jacket, B/W Illustrated Endpapers & Frontispiece: ALICE-ALBERT Elephant in Color Dustjacket by Kurt Wiese , Larry & His Sister, Laddy saw a Pigmy Elephant at the Circus & they wanted it so Badly, At bedtime he took them on Imaginary rides to Africa & India Alexander McLeod,SIGNED & INSCRIBED, ONE OF AMERICA?S TOP AVIATORS SINCE 1913 Holding top Military Medals, Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $5, 37 Illustrations: Pigtails & Gold Dust, SIGNED in Dustjacket, Scarce this Nice, Chinese in California Chinatown, GOLDDUST, Chinese in California from time of the Gold Rush. Discusses Chinese Philosophy, Charlotte Macleod , Signed by Charlotte Macleod, Marcia Muller, Sharyn McCrumb, Susan Dunlap and Dorty Salisbury Davis on the TITLE PAGE: Mistletoe Mysteries by Charlotte Macleod SIGNED LARGE PRINT BOOK CLUB EDITION, Yuletide Theme written for this Anthology, Haunted Crescent, Here comes Santa Claus, HO ! HO ! HO ! ,
Illustrated MABEL BETSY HILL, Written by Eliza Lee Follen & Elizabeth Prentiss, Jane Taylor, & Charming 3 color illustrations: LITTLE KITTENS ,Folk Tales Little Folk's Library 1928 , Nursery Rhymes CHILDREN ROY J. SNELL, Blank FoxEndpapers , NOT ILLUSTRATED: CURLIE CARSON LISTENS IN , #1 IN THIS SERIES, COLOR Dustjacket of Plane Crashing into Water, first book in this series, featuring a young but very skilled wireless Beatrix POTTER, Glossy COLOR FRONTISPIECE,: TALE OF MR. TOD ,SPOOKY TALE, SERIES # 13, DJ Flap price of $1.25. principal characters are villains. FOX with Cane ON FRONT OF dustjacket CVR NEAR WOODS, tell the tale of two disagreeable characters, Tommy Brock and Mr. Tod
By Kay Roberts - Illust Drawings Nora S. Unwin - , Inner DJ Flap $1 , Blue & White Cloud Endpapers: Bobby Bunnyfly in Dustjacket, , Children will find a lovable bunny close to their hearts. Bobby, tiring of keeping his big ears to the Ground ROY J. SNELL, NOT ILLUSTRATED: THE DESERT PATROL IN COLOR DUSTJACKET COWBOY IN RED SHIRT RIDING HORSES, with blue Sky. Radio-Phone Boys Stories KIRK MUNROE, with illustrated orange & white end papers, 5050 Inner DJ Flap, NOT ILLUSTRATED: Rick Dale: A Story of the Northwest Coast. adventure with a Northwest setting. GREAT COLOR DJ , Hw was Christened Alatic, called Allie,
roy J. snell ,NOT Illustrated: The INVISIBLE WALL IN COLOR DUSTJACKET, Curlie Carson & his Sturdy Companion, Dave Townsend , [the Radiophone Boys Stories]. You will Not Return to Manaos BASED ON Newspaper Strip by FRED HARMAN, Story by Carl W. Smith, Includes B/W Illustrations & ENDPAPERS, Back Inner DJ Flap starts Robinson Crusoe & Ends 50 Famous Americans,: Red Ryder and the secret of the lucky mine IN DUSTJACKET Authorized edition. Based on the famous newspaper strip by Fred Harman CHARLES DICKENS, INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped, Red & White ILLUSTRATIONS BY DONALD MCKAY, blank endpapers Foxed: A Christmas Carol in Red, Green & White Dustjacket, Red & White ILLUSTRATIONS simple etchings BY DONALD MCKAY, Two-color printing with red Headers
Frances COWEN, Illustrator: Savile Lumley: In the Clutch of the Green Hand ,PREMIER SERIES , The story involves a group of boys from a boarding school who stumble across a MYSTERY plot by a group of sinister foreigners (the ''Green Hand'' of the title) on the English coast William Wise , B/W Illustrated by Hoot Von Zitzewitz, Inner DJ Flap $3 Priceclipped, Blank Fox Endpapers FORMER OWNER NAME: Story of Mulberry Bend, A Dark Dreary Street with Children , a True Story Based on Incident Life of Jacob Riis In YEAR 1888 & Jacob who worked for a Newspaper in NYC & His Wife Elizabeth Estee Lauder SIGNED , Inner Flap Priceclipped, THE SIGNATURE IS NOT PERSONALIZED, BUT DOES HAVE THE INSCRIPTION "MERRY CHRISTMAS" WRITTEN BY THE HAND OF ESTEE LAUDER,: ESTEE A Success Story, LAUDER SIGNED by Cosmetic PERFUME Heiress AT CHRISTMAS TIME , in Red Color Dustjacket, AMAZING & VERY RARE 1ST Edition
SPENCER CRUMP SIGNED COLLECTORS LIMITED EDITION, Frontis of Huntington: HENRY HUNTINGTON AND THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC: A PICTORIAL ALBUM , SIGNED COLLECTORS LIMITED EDITION, The sequel to RIDE THE BIG RED CARS EVERETT W. FISH, .MD. B/W illustrations, 2 tipped-in photographs, BROWN ENDPAPERS, Sepia Frontispiece Photo, BROWN ENDPAPERS SMALL INNER HINGE TEAR: The Egyptian Pyramids: An Analysis of a Great Mystery , EGYPT With many Diagrams including 2 foldout plates. Black and White Engravings; 8vo, Yellow Inner Hinges Taped together to Hold,: THE PORCH & MIDDLE CHAMBER, 1-2-3, THE BOOK OF THE LODGE ( MASONIC Masons) with INDEX , NO DATE BUT ,1872, AM 5632 General Matters & Degree of Apprentice, Masonry Definition & Objects,
W. H. VENABLE, INTRODUCTION, B/W Illustrated: SCHOOL STAGE A COLLECTION of Juvenile Acting Plays children, How to Study a Part, Rules for Actors, Includes, Little Silver Hair & 3 Bears, Dolly?s Doctor, Tricks in Doctor?s Shop, White Princess, Major W. G. KILNER, U.S.Army, west Point and 1st Lt. A. J. MacELROY, U.S. Army, Cornell ,Blank endpapers Former Owner Name, Poem ("The World Series" by Jim Nasum): THE CANTONMENT MANUAL or the Facts for Every Soldier , . Appendices, including addresses of National Army Camps, Army Insignia, Hat Cords, Poem ("The World Series" by Jim Nasum), Form for Last Will and Testament, JAMES HOLT, HIGH School EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMP ETC, Glossy B/W DIAGRAM FINGER PRINT TYPES, Illustrated: Finger Prints Simplified: a Handbook of the Science of Finger Print Identification, Method of taking footprint new born baby, Filing , searching Comparing
JARED SPARKS L.L.D., Foxed Plain Endpapers Former Owner INK Inscription DATED 1858,FONTISPIECE OF Head of George Washington Foxed: THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1st Edition, 1856, THIRTEENTH THOUSAND, Lewis E. Theiss, Inner DJ Flap $1, NOT Illustrated: The Pursuit of the Flying Smugglers IN COLOR Dustjacket Red Airplane in Air , When Jimmy Donnelly, the flying reporter of the New York Morning Press, flew out to sea Story of Brothers Grimm, Dolls designed & Made by Amalia Serkin, retold by L. Gombrich, B/W illustrations in the text by M. Hoffer and full page Colour: Story of the Seven Ravens IN COLOR DUSTJACKET, The Represented by dolls and photographed in natural colours. Dolls designed and made by Amalia Serkin
Lois Lenski, with Plain BLUE endpapers, COLOR ILLUSTRATED, Plain white sticker back endpaper,: DAVY'S DAY by Lois Lenski IN Color DUSTJACKET with 4 Diiferent Scenes of the Boy Watering Plants Running, Playing with a Bear ETC in Yellow, Blue & B/W KIRK MUNROE, W. A. Rourke (?) (illustrator). 5050 (50 cents) price on top left of front jacket flap.Blue & White Illustrated Endpapers. B/W Glossy Frontispiece: SNOW-SHOES & SLEDGES. GREAT DJ , Yukon adventure, Gorgeous jacket in new mylar. 2 men in mountains on snowsled pulled by wild sled Dogs, Story Yukon Valley in which Phil Ryder Kirk Munroe, B/W Frontispiece Pursuit of Train Robber, Illustrated B/W Glossies, Priceclipped: Cab & Caboose the story of a railroad boy IN DUSTJACKET ,(Illustrated) story of railroad life of a boy ( rail & water series ) Scarce title in the Boy Scouts "Every Boy's Library" series,
Edith Lavell , Glossy Frontisp Canoe rounded a bend in river & came within full View of Burning Resort. Inner DJ Flap 50 cents, Illustrated Green & White Endpapers: Mystery of the Fires in Color Dustjacket , childrens, Mary Lou Series , second book in this series featuring Mary Louise Gay, a young sleuth from Riverside, who rivals Nancy Drew Margaret Love Sanderson, PRICECLIPPED, NO Illustrations, FOX ENDPAPERS FORMER OWNER NAME, Back Inner DJ Flap Lists Thru Trailing Rouge Elephant,: CAUGHT IN DARK in Color Dustjacket, WHICH WAS ORIGINALLY CALLED The Camp Fire Girls at Driftwood Heights, Rei-Lee, Margaret Love Sanderson, 25 cent cover price DJ FLAP, NO Illustrations, This title is listed on rear endflap Rei-Lee Adventure and Mystery Stories for Girls ,: A CRUISE ON BOOJUM IN Color DUSTJACKET of 2 Sailor Girls STEERING A SAILBOAT , 1 in Red & White Striped Top & White Hat Smiling , Other Blonde Girl in White Sailor Outfit
by ELLIOTT WHITNEY ,.Fred J. Arting Color illustrated DJ, INNER DJ FLAP $.25 , NO Illustrations,CARD Pasted on Blank Fox Endpaper,: TRAILING The Rogue Elephant. The Boys' Big Game Series. Fred J. Arting Color illustrated Dust Jacket with Elephant carrying Boy IN RED SHIRT & SAFARI OUTFIT & Boots with his Trunk THRU JUNGLE BEATRIX POTTER, INNER DJ FLAP 3/6 NET, Endpaper Former OWNER NAME has 2 color Illustrations, Color Frontispiece 3 cats looking in store Window: The Tale of Ginger & Pickles IN DUSTJACKET, VOL#18 IN Peter Rabbit Series, EARLY Edition with NO ISBN, INNER DJ FLAP 3/6 NET, ROY SNELL, Blank FoxEndpapers: CURLIE CARSON LISTENS IN , COLOR Dustjacket of Plane Crashing into Water, first book in this series, featuring a young but very skilled wireless radio operator,
by Elizabeth Wallace, (1865-1960) illustrated by Fred J. Arting. who illustrated some Tarzan DJS, with Frontispiece: A Garden of Paris. by Elizabeth Wallace, IN FRANCE a special place in Early 1900?s for the author, where, Newly Married , This quiet scene is our introduction to a certain garden in Paris,, ALAN CUMMING , SIGNED by Cumming & Shaffer, , Illustrated by artist Grant Shaffer, NO INSCRIPTION, Blue Illustrated Endpapers: The Adventures of Honey & Leon DOGS ( ALAN CUMMING, ACTOR SIGNED ) imagine what their dogs do when they?re not Around by Potter, Beatrix [1866-1943] Not price clipped 85 CENTS. Color Pictorial endpapers & Frontispiece: The Roly-Poly Pudding OR The Tale of Samuel Whiskers , 85 CENTS ON DJ FLAP, Peter Rabbit Series, Front cover has onlay showing Samuel Whiskers, the rat, sitting next to a rolling pin;
Elliott Whitney, Color DJ illustrated by Fred J. Arting. STICKER ON CORNER TITLE PG, NOT ILLUSTRATED: The King Condor OF the Andes Vol. 7 , in Color Dustjacket by Fred J. Arting. of man in Mountains being grabbed by Giant Bird, BOYS BIG GAME SERIES #2368 DJ Spine Judith Greber, (aka Gillian Roberts.) SIGNED , INNER DJ FLAP $18.95: MENDOCINO A NOVEL , SIGNED by Author,A sweeping historical epic of this northern California town - from its days as a Russian outpost through the Gold Rush years and Civil war. , The third novel, CHARLES DICKENS, Color Pictured by Arthur I. Keller, (illustrator)1866-1924 ,: A Christmas Carol IN CHIPPED ON FRONT COLOR DUSTJACKET. ILLUSTRATED BY ARTHUR KELLER
Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Pencil gift inscription from 1926 Half Title pg. 238 pages plus ads, several illustrations: Tom Slade On The River IN COLOR Dust Jacket by Emmett Kelly, with F. Beverly Kelley, SIGNED IN GREEN INK BY EMMETT , NO INSCRIPTION, Decorations by ALICIA FIENE ,: Clown: My Life in Tatters and Smiles , SIGNED BY EMMETT & Beverly KELLY, with few pgs with color Photo Painting from Readers Digest article by John Culhane , Emmett one of the world's greatest clowns, SPENCER CRUMP SIGNED COLLECTORS LIMITED EDITION,: The Story of the California Western Skunk Railroad , SIGNED COLLECTORS LIMITED EDITION, Redwoods Iron Horses and the Pacific. by SPENCER CRUMP
BEATRIX POTTER, INNER DJ FLAP price on DJ is 3/6 (covered by 5/6 label). Illustrated by Author, color endpapers different animals has Name: Tailor of Gloucester, The . EARLY UK EDITION, INNER DJ FLAP price is 3/6 (covered by 5/6 label). COLOR DUSTJACKET, The Peter Rabbit Books; Vol. 3; Captain Wilbur Lawton, B/W Glossy Frontispiece. ILLUSTRATED CHARLES L. WRENN, Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Sticker: DREADNOUGHT BOYS IN HOME WATERS , BOYS SERIES#6 NAVY IN COLOR DJ NAVY MAN IN WHITE HOLDING RED & WHITE CHECKERED FLAG, ILLUSTRATED CHARLES L. WRENN, Andrew Carey Lincoln,Contemporary owner's inscription on ffep., Inner Flap DJ Blank & PriceClipped, in RARE Color DustJacket by J. McCracken ,: Motorcycle Chums in Yellowstone Park or Lending a Helping Hand in RARE Color DustJacket by J. McCracken ( Boys Prize Library on Spine DJ ) SERIES #4, Boys encounter an Avalanche, are chased by Elk and help fight a forest fire in Yellowstone Park
CHARLES DICKENS, INNER DJ Flap StickerPrice & TINY HOLE, Red & White ILLUSTRATIONS BY DONALD MCKAY, blank endpapers Foxed: A Christmas Carol in Red, Green & White Dustjacket, all in the original words of the author, but some passages have been abbreviated. Red & White ILLUSTRATIONS simple etchings BY DONALD MCKAY BEATRIX POTTER, COLOR ENDPAPERS show animals looking at ad for her books, Unclipped dustjacket ( 5/-price on the DJ: APPLEY DAPPLY?S NURSERY RHYMES, Series #23 on color dustjacket, EARLY UK EDITION 5/-price on the DJ. , wonderfully attractive Edition Beatrix POTTER, Priced (5/- NET) dust jacket ,both color & B/W ilustrations with nearly EVERY turn of the page in this much loved series of books, Charmingly decorated endpapers - animals. COLOR FRONTISPIECE: TALE OF PIGLING BLAND, Peter Rabbit Books # 15. in color Dustjacket, UK EARLY Priced (5/- NET) dust jacket ,
BEATRIX POTTER, inside bottom DJ flap is 3/6 net: Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (FROG ) #7 of BEATRIX Potter's 23 Tales) early UK, , DJ flap is 3/6 net. wonderfully attractive Edition beatrix potter ,Illustrated throughout in color by Potter. British price of 3/6 net on DJ flap, Color Frontispiece 2 Squirrels: THE TALE OF SQUIRREL NUTKIN. in Dustjacket British price of 3/6 Net on DJ flap , Series #2, Squirrel Nutkin sails across the lake with his cousins to gather Nuts Paul and Mabel Thorne, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped: THE SHERIDAN ROAD MYSTERY in Color Dustjacket, It was a still, balmy night in late October. Policeman Detective Sargeant Morgan stopped far a moment, as was his custom, at the corner of Lawrence Avenue and Sheridan Road
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