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D. Howard Smith: Chinese Religions: from 1000 BC to the Present Day Restany, Pierre: Yves Klein: Fire at the Heart of the Void Roberts, Nancy: Yoga Thing
Grill, Heinz: Harmony in Breathing: Deepening the Path of Yoga Practice Messiaen, Olivier: Île de Feu 1 pour Piano Fauré, Gabriel; Philip, I. (Transcribed for Two Pianos): Ballade Opus 19 for Piano and Orchestra Transcribed for Two Pianos, Four Hands
Fauré, Gabriel: 3me Barcarolle. Op. 42 Scarlatti, Domenico; Goebels, Franzpeter: Scarlattiana : zeitgenössische Klaviermusik zu und über Domenico Scarlatti Gersdorff, Dagmar von: Goethes Mutter. Sonderausgabe
Vanderbeke, Birgit: Alberta empfängt einen Liebhaber Schnurre, Wolfdietrich: Als Vaters Bart noch rot war.: Ein Roman in Geschichten Huxley, Aldous: Die Pforten der Wahrnehmung. Himmel und Hölle.: Erfahrungen mit Drogen
Birgit Vanderbeke: Ich sehe was, was du nicht Siehst Andersch, Alfred: Gesammelte Erzählungen Steinhöfel, Andreas: Der mechanische Prinz
Ford, Patrick K: The Mabinogi, and Other Medieval Welsh Tales Lawson, Henry; Stone, Walter W: Favourite Stories Sangave, Dr. Vilas A: Aspects of Jaina Religion
Stieler, Karl, Wachenhusen, H., & Hacklender, F. W. (translated by G. C. T. Bartley): The Rhine From It's Source to the Sea; 2 Volumes Nee, Victor G.; Nee, Brett De Bary: Longtime Californ': A Documentary Study of an American Chinatown Martin, Michael: Deserts of Africa
Dyer, John R: Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds Smith, F. Hopkinson: The Tides of Barnegate Thomas, E.J: The Perfection of Wisdom: The Career of the Predestined Buddhas
Berg, Mary Kirkpatrick: Story Sermons for Junior Congregations Gide, Andre: The School for Wives: Robert: Genevieve Or the Unfinished Confidence Aberbach, Julian J: Art Donations from the Collection of Julian J. Aberbach and Jean J. Aberbach,
Schorr, Alvin L: Explorations in social Policy Andr Guibaut: Tibetan Venture: In the Country of the Ngolo-Setas : second Guibaut-Liotard expedition E Typographeo Calrendoniano (Publisher): Scriptorvm Classicorvm Bibliotheca Oxoniensis
Buffalo, N: Critiques of God Shive, John N: The Properties, Physics, and Design of Semi-Conductor Devices Hunten, Donald M: Introduction to Electronics
Robinson, Edwin Arlington: Talifer Biermann, Berthold (Editor): Goethe's World as seen in Letters and Memoirs Reiter, Florian C: Religionen in China: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur
Fischer, Louis: The Soviets in world affairs,: A history of the relations between the Soviet Union and the rest of the World Sam Francis: Sam Francis, 1959-1964 Ficino, Marsilio: The Letters of Marsilio Ficino
Levin, Harry (Editor): Veins of Humor Engel, Monroe (Editor): Uses of Literature (English Studies, No. 4) Hagelstange, Rudolf: Fabeln des AEsop
Angelo, Jack: Your Healing Power: A Comprehensive Guide to Channelling Your Healing Energies Browne, Lewis: The wisdom of Israel: An anthology Dyck, Ian (Editor): Citizen of the World: Essays on Thomas Paine
Wurtman, Richard J: Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function: Proceedings of the First International Meetings on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington, D Laufer, Eva and Thomas: Young folk of the Americas Stein, Maurice R: The Eclipse of Community; an Interpretation of American Studies
Bode, Dastur Frambroze A: Man, Soul, & Immortality in Zoroastrianism Wagner, Richard: Parsifal;: Music drama in three Acts Wagner, Richard: Die Walkure: a Music Drama in Three Acts (Libretto)
Charles Polacheck: Salome;: Music drama in one act, after Oscar Wilde's tragedy Gaetano Donizetti: La Fille Du Regiment: Libretto Hirschi, Ron: Mountain
Burningham, John: Humbert, Mister Firkin & the Lord Mayor of London Symonds, John: Dapplegray: The Story of a Rocking-horse Noske, Edgar: Der Fall Hildegard von Bingen. : Ein Krimi aus dem Mittelalter
Irving, John: Eine Mittelgewichts-Ehe : Roman Prof. Hermann Menge: Langenscheidts Taschenworterbuch der lateinischen und deutschen sprache. Erster Teil : Lateinisch-Deutsch Molser, Walter: Tod Eines Kritikers
Werfel, Franz: Eine Blassblaue Frauenschrift Yoshimoto, Banana: Dornröschenschlaf : Drei Erzählungen von der Nacht Daniel Kampa, Armin C. Kälin: Diogenes Autoren Album
Chomsky, Noam: Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians Ortho Books: The Ortho Book of Gardening Basics Hess, John L: The Grand Acquisitors
Allred, Gordon T: Starfire Blumenthal, Howard J.; Goodenough, Oliver R: This Business of Television Brown, Stephen I.; Walter, Marion I: The Art of Problem Posing
Kraus, Robert; Aruego, Jose; Dewey, Ariane: Come Out and Play, Little Mouse Thomson, William A. R. M.D: Medicines from the Earth: A Guide to Healing Plants Anderson, William: Dante the Maker
Ward, Helen: The Moonrat and the White Turtle Botta, Anne C. Lynch: Handbook of Universal Literature from the Best and Latest Authorities Anton Martineau: Anton Martineau
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