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Ten Northeast Poets : An Anthology Soutar, William;Aitken, William Russell: Poems in Scots and English Smith, Sidney G: Smith : Collected Poems
Richards, J. M: The Castles on the Ground : The Anatomy of Suburbia Hauser, Arnold: The Social History of Art Hopkins, Craig: Stevie Ray Vaughan,Day By Day,Night After Night
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Wegleitung Zur Allianz-Ausstellung 1947 Luder, D: Das Schicksal der Dinge La Monneraye, Jean de; Weigert, Roger-Armand; Rowe, Vivian: Paris
Lalor, Brian: Dublin Bay : From Killiney to Howth Homage to Barcelona : The City and Its Art, 1888-1936: Hayward Gallery, London 14 November 1985-23 February 1986 Halliwell, James O: Yorkshire Anthology
Lost Cities Harris, John: The King's Arcadia Neruda, Pablo: Twenty Love Poems
Aurenhammer, Hans: J.B. Fischer Von Erlach Ducher, Robert: Caracteristique Des Styles Kunstgewerbemuseum Zurich: Keramik
Lloyd, A. L: Folk Song in England Regis De La Haye: Moissac-Guide Touristique Weerth, Georg: A Young Revolutionary in Nineteenth Century England
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Hikmet, Nazim: Selected Poems Giuresco, Constantin C: History of Bucharest Feuerstein, Gunther: Vienna Past and Present : Architecture
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Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret: 1929-1934 Le Corbusier & P. Jeanneret 1934-1938 Le Corbusier
Architektur Und Stadtebau in Der DDR Pundt, Hermann C: Schinkel's Berlin : A Study in Environmental Planning Architektur Und Bildende Kunst: Ausstellung Zum 20. Jahrestag Der DDR
Del Fabrio, Otto: Holzbau,Konstuktion Und Statik Krenz, Gerhard: Stiebitz,Walter: Weidner,Claus: Stadte Und Stadtzentren in der DDR Wolfe, Lawrence: The Reilly Plan
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Fleetwood-Hesketh, Peter: Murray's Lancashire architectural guide Houghton-Evans, W: Planning Cities : Legacy and Portent Links, Joseph Gluckstein: Townscape Painting and Drawing
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Moyes, W. A: The Banner Book : A Study of the Banners of the Lodges of Durham Miners' Association Mesesnel, Janez: France Slana: Watercolors, Paintings and Drawings 1944-1980 Homes for Today and Tomorrow
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Welsh, Stuart Cary: Imperial Mughal Painting Trueman, Fred: Freddie Trueman : Autobiography Zonar, Danah: Through the Time Barrier
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