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Wallace, Edgar: Bones In London Wallace, Edgar: Lieutenant Bones Sayers, Dorothy L. (ed.): The Third Omnibus of Crime
Johnson Smith & Co: Our Latest Catalogue of Surprising Novelties, Puzzles, Tricks, Joke Goods, Useful Articles, Etc. Catalogue # 145 Halliwell, J. O: The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile. Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde With Other Ilands and Countryes Mayo, William Starbuck: Kaloolah. Adventures Of Jonathan Romer, of Nantucket
Bramont, Jules (ed.): The Voiage and Travayle of Syr John Maundeville Knight. With the Journal of Frier Odoricus Rhys, Ernest (ed.): The Haunters & The Haunted: Ghost Stories and Tales of the Supernatural Kuspit, Donald; Barkin-Leeds Ltd: Homeland Of the Imagination: the Southern Presence in Twentieth Century Art
Smollett, Tobias; George Cruikshank: The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane Macaulay, Rose: Orphan Island Griffith, George Chetwynd: Denver's Double: A Story of Inverted Identity
Davis, Richard Harding; Charles Dana Gibson (illustr.): Van Bibber And Others Priestley, J. B: George Meredith Stockton, Frank Richard; Tommy Beere (illustr.): Fable And Fiction: Frank Stockton
Ford, Ford Madox: Joseph Conrad: A Personal Remembrance Volney, C. F: The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires: and the Law of Nature King, Basil: The Spreading Dawn. Stories of the Great Transition
Barrie, James; Clifton Fadiman (fwd.): Tommy & Grizel Barrie, James Matthew: Margeret Ogilvy: By Her Son Wells, H. G: The Passionate Friends
Ibanez, Vicente Blasco: Queen Calafia Ibanez, Vicente Blasco: The Old Woman of the Movies and Other Stories Bird, Zenobia: Eyes In The Dark
Gloag, John: The New Pleasure Bell, J. Freeman: The Premier and the Painter Lewis, Alfred Henry; Frederic Remington (illustr.): The Black Lion Inn
Beresford, Leslie: Mr. Appleton Awakes I. Črenburg: Počzija revoljucionnoj Moskvy = Poetry of the Revolutionary Moscow A. I. Baranovic, L. G. Beskrovnyj et al: Ocerki istorii SSSR: Karty k ocherkam istorii SSSR. Rossija vo vtoroj chetverti XVIII v. Narody SSSR v pervoj polovine XVIII v. = 3 Maps of the History of the USSR
Slavita, Chana; Roth, Laszlo (Illustrator): Let's Go to a Ballet Rosenfield, Bernard; Shepler, Don (Illustrator): Let's Go to a Freight Yard Greene, Carla; Eckart, Frances (Illustrator): I want to be a Doctor
Greene, Carla; Johnson, Vie (Illustrator): I want to be a Teacher Sootin, Laura; Zetlan, Marvin (Illustrator): Let's Go to a Farm Greene, Carla; Wilde, Irma and George (Illustrator): I want to be a Truck-Driver
Buchheimer, Naomi; Van Sciver, Ruth (Illustrator): Let's Go to a Dentist Rifkin, Lillian: When I Grow Up I'll Be A Flyer by Lillian Rifkin With Technical Assistance from David C. Cooke Travers, Georgia; Ga'g, Flavia (Illustrator): The Story of Kattor
Kramer, Anne; Leech Carlyle (Illustrator): It's Fun to Make a Book Hunzinger, D: Kriefspredigten. VI. Tuft Du Deine Pflicht? Hunzinger, D: Kriefspredigten. V. Spreu und Weizen
Hunzinger, D: Kriefspredigten. III. Jekt Oder Nie! Boorstin, Daniel J: Gresham's Law: Knowledge Or Information? Remarks at the White House Conference on Library and Information Services Rabkin, Norman (ed.); Jonas A. Barish: The New Theater and the Old: Reversions and Rejuvenations. Reprinted from Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama
Loewenberg, Peter: Otto Bauer As an Ambivalent Party Leader. Reprinted from The Austrian Socialist Experiment: Social Democracy and Austromarxism, 1918-1934 Kramer, J. E: Damon And Pithias: An Apology for Art. Reprinted from ELH, A Journal of English Literary History, Vol. 35, No. 4, Dec. 1968 Bolle, Kees W: In Defense of Euhemerus. Reprinted from Myth and Law Among the Indo-Europeans, 1969
Loewenberg, Peter: Review Essay of Klingenstein, Grete, Heinrich Lutz and Gerald Stourzh (eds.), Biographie und Geschichtswissenschaft. Reprinted from The Austrian History Yearbook, Vol. XIX-XX, 1983-1984 Shepperson, George: Review Article, Church and Sect in Central Africa. Reprinted from Rhodes-Livingstone Journal No. XXXIII, October, 1963 McKeon, Peter R: Toward A Reestablishment of the Correspondence of Pope Hadrian II: The Letters Exchanged Between Rome and the Kingdom of Charles the Bald Regardig Hincmar of Laon. Reprinted from Revue Benedictine, Tome LXXXI, Nos 3-4, 1971
Mills, Gordon: Logical Gap And Paradox. Reprinted from The Southern Review, Vol. III, New Series, No. 2, Spring 1967 Davis, Richard Beale: The Jeffersonian Virginia Expatriate in the Building of the Nation. Reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 70, No. 1, January 1962 Eskin, Stanley G: Tristram Shandy and Oedipus Rex: Reflections on Comedy and Tragedy. Reprinted from College English, January 1963
Brown, Calvin S: Faulkner As Aphorist. Reprinted from Revue de Litterature Comparee, LIII, No. 3, July-Sept. 1979 Wright, Louis B: The Significance of Religious Writings in the English Renaissance. Reprinted from Journal of the History of Ideas, January 1940, Vol. 1, No. 1 Giovenale, G. B: La Basilica Di S. Maria in Cosmedin
Welland, Dennis: American Literature At Manchester. Reprinted from The Critical Survey, Summer 1967 Moore, W. G: New Work On Balzac. Reprinted from Forum For Modern Language Studies, Vol. III, No. 1, January 1967 Loewenberg, Peter: Review Essay of Jacques Barzun, Clio and the Doctors: Psycho History, Quanto-History and History. Reprinted from CLIO: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History, Vol. 5, No. 1, Fall 1975
Woodbridge, Benjamin M: Poets And Pessimism: Vigny, Housman, et alli. Reprinted from The Romantic Review, Feb 1944 Meredith, George: The Ordeal of Richard Feverel: a History of a Father and Son. Memorial Edition Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. VII
Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. VIII Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. V Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. I. With A Memoir of the Author
Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. IX Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. VI Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. II
Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. III Scott, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. IV Thompson, Ruth Plumly; Gertrude Kay (illustr.): The Comical Cruises of Captain Cooky
Lecky, E.; Jessie Currie (illustr.): Once Upon A Time Rockwood, Roy: Under The Ocean to the South Pole: Or, the Strange Cruise of the Submarine World Friel, Arthur O: The Pathless Trail
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