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Whicher, Stephen; Lars Ahnebrink (ed.): Twelve American Poets Brand, Charles (ed.): Ten Oxford Poets: An Anthology Grindea, Miron (ed.): Adam 300: A Special Edition of the 300th Issue of Adam Published in the Memory of Jean Cocteau
Trusky, Tom (ed.): Women Poets Of the West: an Anthology, 1850-1950 Solotaroff, Theodore (ed.): New American Review Number 1 Williams, Oscar (ed.): New Poems 1943: An Anthology of British and American Verse
Abse, Dannie (ed.): Corgi Modern Poets In Focus: 5 MacDiarmid, Hugh (ed.): Robert Burns: Love Songs Randolph, Henry Fitz (ed.): Fifty Years Of English Song: Selections from the Poets of the Reign of Victoria
Hindley, Winifred; John Betjeman (ed.): A Wealth of Poetry: Selected for the Young in Heart Glassgold, Peter (ed.): Living Space: Poems Of the Dutch "Fiftiers" Bowler, Christine; Lyman Andrews; F. W. Willetts: New Writers VIII
Dobree, Bonamy; Louis MacNeice; Philip Larkin (eds.): New Poems 1958 Housh, Snow Longley; Roy Towner Thompson; Leslie N. Jennings (eds.): Anthology Of Southern California Verse. Sponsored by the Verse Writers Club of Southern California Mines, Stephanie; Alice Rogoff (eds.): Noe Valley: An Anthology of Poetry
Simon, John Oliver ; California Poets in the Schools (Project); San Juan Ridge Country School: This Life: Poems And Drawings from the San Juan Ridge Country School Danno, Yoko; Robert Fagan; Lindley Williams Hubbell, et al: Anthology 90/91 Dacey, Philip; David Jauss (ed.): Strong Measures: Contemporary American Poetry In Traditional Forms
Bullen, A. H. (ed.): Shorter Elizabethan Poems. An English Garner Clark, LaVerne Harrell; Mary MacArthur (ed.): The Face of Poetry: 101 Poets in Two Significant Decades --the 60's & the 70's Mandel, Charlotte; Maxine Silverman, Rachel Hadas (eds.): Saturday's Women
McGovern, Robert; Joan Baranow (eds.): 80 on the 80's: a Decade's History in Verse Taylor, Simon Watson; Edward Lucie-Smith (eds.): French Poetry Today: A Bilingual Anthology Ryser, Darcy; Bruce Benderson (eds.); Creative Artists Public Service Program: CAPStan: Poems By CAPS Poetry Fellows 1970-75
Mernit, Susan; Rochelle Ratner (eds.): The Spiritual Sword: Hand Book 3 Axelrod, D. B.; Dan Murray, William P. O'Brien; Kraft Rompf; James Tyack: Starting From Paumanok: Five Long Island Poets Nims, John Frederick: The Harper Anthology of Poetry
Rosenberger, Francis Coleman (ed.): Washington And the Poet Lewis, Richard (ed.); Antonio Machado; Juan Ramon Jimenez; Federico Garcia Lorca: Still Waters Of the Air: Poems by Three Modern Spanish Poets New Mexico State University Writing Center: Puerto Del Sol: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. Vol. 23, No. 2
Latham, Aaron: A Farewell to Machismo: Revelations from Hemingway's Unpublished Novels and Notebooks. In an issue of The New York Times Magazine, October 16, 1977 Hemingway, Ernest: Bimini, an excerpt from Islands In The Stream. First publication from Hemingway's last major novel in print form, in an issue of Esquire, October 1970 Ginna, Robert Emmett: Two Visits With Ernest Hemingway, in an issue of Esquire, February, 1962
Hemingway, Ernest: The Christmas Gift. pt. I. About surviving two plane crashes in Africa. In an issue of Look, April 20, 1954 Hemingway, Ernest: Safari. In an issue of Look, January 26, 1954 Hemingway, Mary: Hemingway, A Personal Story. In an issue of Look, September 12, 1961
Hemingway, Ernest: Three Unpublished Stories: "The Mercenaries", "Crossroads--An Anthology", & "The Ashe Heel's Tendon". In an issue of The New York Times Magazine, August 18, 1985 Hemingway, Ernest: Two Fables: "The Good Lion" & "The Faithful Bull". In an issue of Holiday, March, 1951 Hemingway, Ernest: The Time Now, The Place Spain. In Vol. 1, No. 1 of Ken, April 7, 1938
Vigorelli, Giancarlo; Lamberti Sorrentino: Hemingway Vivo. In an issue of Tempo, Anno XXIII, Nr. 28, 1961 Baker, Carlos: Hemingway: Living--Loving--Dying. In an issue of The Atlantic, January 1969 Kazin, Alfred: Hemingway And Fitzgerald: the Cost of Being an American. In an issue of American Heritage, April/May 1984
Hemingway, Ernest: Green Hills Of Africa, Part III. In an issue of Scribner's Magazine, July 1935 Azpilicueta, Luis; José María Domench: Los Sanfermines Stafford, Edward: An Afternoon With Hemingway. In an issue of Writer's Digest, December 1964
Hemingway, Ernest: Green Hills Of Africa, Part I. In an issue of Scribner's Magazine, May 1935 Hemingway, Ernest: Green Hills Of Africa, Part II. In an issue of Scribner's Magazine, June 1935 Hemingway, Ernest: Green Hills Of Africa, Part IV. In an issue of Scribner's Magazine, August 1935
Hemingway, Ernest: Green Hills Of Africa, Part VII. In an issue of Scribner's Magazine, Novemberr 1935 Quintanilla, Luis; Elliot Paul; Jay Allen; Ernest Hemingway: All The Brave: Drawings of the Spanish War Hemingway, Ernest: On The Blue Water & The Snows of Kilimanjaro, in the 40th Anniversary issue of Esquire, October 1973
Teeter, Barbara Guthrie: Hemingway For Teachers. 92 Motivating Activities for Research and Creative Writing. An ECS Resource Book for High School English Groth, John: Studio: Europe. Illustrated By the Author, With an Introduction by Ernest Hemingway Palin, Michael; Basil Pao: Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure. Photographed and Designed by Basil Pao
Kvam, Wayne E: Hemingway In Germany: the Fiction, the Legend and the Critics Macdonald, Dwight: Against The American Grain: Essays on the Effects of Mass Culture Andersson, Otto: Upprepningsstrofen I Levande Balladtradition. Meddelanden Fran Svenskt Visarkiv 23. Sartryck ur Budkavlen arg. XLV-XLVI 1968
Katz, Joseph (ed.): Proof: The Yearbook of American Bibliographical and Textual Studies. Volume 2, 1972 Morley, Henry (ed.): Burlesque Plays And Poems. Second Edition Roberts, Michael (ed.): The Faber Book of Comic Verse
O'Faolain, Sean; Harvey Swados, Thomas Keogh, et al: New World Writing: Fifth Mentor Selection Thompson, Edward (ed.): A Religious Anthology: the Augustan Books of Modern Poetry Schimanski, Stefan; Henry Treece (ed.); Mervyn Peake: A New Romantic Anthology
Jarman, Mark; David Mason (eds.): Rebel Angels: 25 Poets Of the New Formalism Sklar, Morty, Robert Peters, (eds.); Fred Chappell: Editor's Choice III: Fiction, Poetry & Art from the US Small Press, 1984-1990. Selections From Nominations Made by the Editors of Independent, Noncommercial Literary Presses and Magazines, of Work Published by Them from 1984-1990 Daigon, Ruth (ed.): Poets On: Remembrance
Kermode, Frank: An Appetite For Poetry Breslin, James E. B: From Modern To Contemporary: American Poetry, 1945-1965 Hyman, Stanley Edgar: Poetry And Criticism: Four Revolutions in Literary Taste
Mitchell, Stephen (ed.): The Enlightened Heart: an Anthology of Sacred Poetry Kostelanetz, Richard (ed.): Possibilities Of Poetry: an Anthology of American Contemporaries Nakano, Takeshi; Naoshi Koriyama (eds.): We Wrote These Poems: A Collection of Pems by Mentally Retarded Children at Nomura Gakuen, Japan
Gendler, J. Ruth (ed.): Changing Light: The Eternal Cycle of Night and Day Brunini, John Gilland (ed.): Drink From the Rock. Selected Poems from Spirit, A Magazine of Poetry Whitney, Adeline Dutton Train: Mother Goose For Grown Folks. A Christmas Reading. Illustrated by Billings
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