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Ethridge, James M. & Barbara Kopala (eds.): Contemporary Authors: Volume 13-14 Lehman, B. H., B. H. Bronson, & J. R. Caldwell (eds.): Essays And Studies by Members of the Department of English, University of California Lehman, B. H., B. H. Bronson, Walter Morris Hart, Leonard Bacon, & George Reuben Potter: Five Gayley Lectures 1947-1954
Ober, William B: Boswell's Clap And Other Essays: Medical Analyses of Literary Men's Afflictions Kaminski, Thomas: The Early Career of Samuel Johnson Boswell, James: The Life Of Samuel Johnson: Newly Edited With Notes By Roger Ingpen. Volume II (1770-April 8, 1778)
Boswell, James: The Life Of Johnson: With an Introduction by Chauncey Brewster Tinker, Volume I, 1709-1776 Walker, Ralph S. (ed.): The Correspondence of James Boswell and John Johnston of Grange Seccombe, Thomas: The Age of Johnson (1748-1798)
Edinger, William: Samuel Johnson And Poetic Style LeSage, Alain-Rene: Aventures du Chevalier de Beauchene: Canadien Francais Eleve Chez les Iroquois et Qui Devint Capitaine de Flibustiers Bynner, Witter: Prose Pieces
Bynner, Witter: Selected Poems Passler, David L: Time, Form, And Style in Boswell's Life of Johnson Jensen, H. James, & Malvin R. Zirker, Jr. (eds.): The Satirist's Art
Butler, Samuel: Three Poems Thornton, Robert Donald: James Currie: The Entire Stranger and Robert Burns Ferguson, DeLancey: Pride And Passion: Robert Burns, 1759-1796
Burns, Robert: The Merry Muses of Caledonia Burns, Robert: The Works of Robert Burns: With an Account of HIs Life, and a Criticism on his Writings Kinsley, James (ed.): Burns: Poems And Songs
Garrod, H. W: Collins Collins, William: Odes Booth, Bradford, & Claude E. Jones (eds.): A Concordance of the Poetical Works of William Collins
Feldman, Ruth, & Brian Swann (eds.): Italian Poetry Today Schwartz, Howard, & Anthony Rudolf (eds.): Voices Within The Ark: the Modern Jewish Poets Timmons, Stuart: The Trouble With Harry Hay: Founder of the Modern Gay Movement
Glikes, Erwin A., & Paul Scwaber (eds.): Of Poetry and Power: Poems Occasioned by the Presidency and by the Death of John F. Kennedy Sneddon, David: Kilmarnock Burns Monument. Catalogue Of the M'Kie Burnsiana Library, Holograph MSS., Paintings, Etchings, Engravings, Photographs, and Relics Behn, Aphra: The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Weatherly, Edward H. (ed.): The Correspondence of John Wilkes and Charles Churchill Dircks, Will H. (ed.): The Autobiography of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury Talon, Henry: John Byrom: Selections From his Journals & Papers
Hoffman, Ross J. S., & Paul Levak: Burke's Politics: Selected Writings And Speeches of Edmund Burke on Reform, Revolution, and War Craig, W. H: Life Of Lord Chesterfield: an Account of the Ancestry, Personal Character & Public Services of the Fourth Earl of Chesterfield Gulick, Sidney L. (ed.): Some Unpublished Letters Of Lord Chesterfield
Shellabarger, Samuel: Lord Chesterfield And his World Morley, Frank: Literary Britain: A Reader's Guide to its Writers and Landmarks Drabble, Margeret (ed.): The Oxford Companion to English Literature
Mahl, Mary R., & Helene Koon (eds.): The Female Spectator: English Women Writers Before 1800 Swedenberg, H. T. (ed.): England In the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century: Essays on Culture and Society Barker, Gerard A: Grandison's Heirs: The Paragon's Progress in the Late Eighteenth-Century English Novel
Hart, Edward L.(ed.): Minor Lives: A Collection of Biographies by John Nichols Simon, Myron: The Georgian Poetic Tucker, E. F. J: Intruder Into Eden: Representations of the Common Lawyer in English Literature
Bowman, Isobel (ed.): A Theatre of Natures: Some 17th Century Character Writings Hoy, Cyrus: The Hyacinth Room: An investigation into the Nature of Comedy, Tragedy and Tragicomedy Kelly, John Alexander: German Visitors To English Theaters in the Eighteenth Century
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope: Newton Demands The Muse: Newton's Opticks and the Eighteenth Century Poets Johnson, R. Brimley: Poetry And the Poets Pinto, Vivian de Sola: Crisis In English Poetry 1880-1940
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Chesterfield, Conde de: Cartas escritas por el Muy Honorable Felipe Dormer Stanhope, Conde de Chesterfield, a su hijo. Traducidas del inglés al castellano por el General Don Tomás de Yriarte. Tomos I-II Thackeray, W. M: Sultan Stork And Other Stories and Sketches Federal Poets Of Washington, D.C: Poetry From the Potomac: an Anthology of Verse
Monaco, Richard: New American Poetry: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry Rexroth, Kenneth, Richard Wright, Sterling Brown, Claude McKay, Vardis Fisher, Jim Thompson, and Robert Hayden, et al: American Stuff: An Anthology of Prose & Verse by Members of the Federal Writers' Project. With Sixteen Prints by The Federal Art Project Untermeyer, Louis (ed.): Modern American Poetry: A Critical Anthology
Foley, Martha, & David Burnett (eds.): The Best American Short Stories 1966 And the Yearbook of the American Short Story Sullivan, Nancy (ed.): The Treasury of American Poetry a Collection of the Finest by America's Poets Heyen, William (ed.): American Poets In 1976
Peschmann, Hermann (ed.): The Voice of Poetry: an Anthology from 1930 to the Present Day Malley, Jean, & Hale Tokay (eds.): Contemporaries: Twenty-Eight New American Poets Kramer, Aaron (ed.): On Freedom's Side: an Anthology of American Poems of Protest
Allen, Donald (ed.): The New American Poetry 1945-1960 Pack, Robert, & Jay Parini (eds.): The Breadloaf Anthology Of Contemporary American Essays Halpern, Daniel (eds.): The American Poetry Anthology
Frost, Robert, et al: The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place. Volume One. Uncorrected Proofs. Foreword by Donald Hall Doubles, Malcolm C. (ed.): St. Andrews Review: A Twice-Yearly Magazine of the Arts and Humanities. Spring and Summer 1974, Vol. 2, No. 4 Reniker, Sherry (ed.): World's Edge: An Anthology
Hinshaw, John V. (ed.): East Of America: a Selection of Cape Cod Poems Burnett, George (ed.): A Book of Scottish Verse Moore, Robert T. (ed.): Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1955: A Compilation of Original Poetry Published in Magazines of the English-Speaking World in 1954
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