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Royal Brera Gallery (Milano): Catalogue of the Royal Brera Gallery Moss, Howard: The Palace at 4 A.M Davis, Owen and Donald: Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome
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Theatre Royal Haymarket (London) and Martin Tickner: The Circle by W. Somerset Maugham. First Performance, Wednesday 13th October 1976. Programme No. 25, October 1977 Mignot, Mme: Brochure and photos for Pensionnat de Mmes Mignot, 48, rue du Châtelain, Bruxelles Auden, W. H. & John Garrett: The Poet's Tongue
Macbeth, George: The Penguin Book of Sick Verse Williams, Oscar: A Little Treasury of American Poetry: The Chief Poets from Colonial Times to the Present Day Dole, Nathan Haskell: The Greek Poets: An Anthology
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McLean, Fannie W., Carl Sandburg, (et al): Modern Verse Stout, Gardner D. Jr: Speaker and Satiric Vision in Swift's Tale of a Tub Algarin, Miguel & Bob Holman (editors): Aloud: Voices From the Nuyorican Poets Cafe
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Roberts, Denys Kilham (ed.): Orion (4): A Miscellany Field, Andrew (ed.): Pages from Tarusa: New Voices in Russian Writing Braithwaite, William Stanley (ed.): Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1925 and Yearbook of American Poetry
Gregory, Horace & Marya Zaturenska (ed.): The Crystal Cabinet: An Invitation to Poetry Braithwaite, William Stanley (ed.): Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920 and Yearbook of American Poetry George, Emery (ed.): Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology
Hawkes, John, Walker Percy, William Styron, John Ashberry, Robert Creeley, James Dickey, William Alfred, Robert Brustein, Benjamin DeMott, F. W. Dupee, Susan Sontag, & John Thompson (editors): The American Literary Anthology 1: The First Annual Collection of the Best from the Literary Magazine Austin, Waddell (editor, et al): Best Poems of 1974: Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1975 Selwyn, Lucy & Laurier Lister (eds.): The Apollo Anthology
Mills, Clark, Paul Goodman, Karl Shapiro, David Schubert, Jeanne McGahey: Five Young American Poets: Second Series 1941 Kennedy, Charles W: Early English Christian Poetry: Translated into Alliterative Verse Marsh, Edward (ed.): Georgian Poetry, 1913-1915
Frost, Robert, Carl Sandburg, Conrad Aiken, et al: A Miscellany of American Poetry 1920 Lewis, C. Day & John Lehmann: The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry: 1915-1955 Robson, Jeremy (ed.): The Young British Poets
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Del Vecchio, Thomas (ed.): Contemporary American Men Poets: An Anthology by 459 Living Poets Wattles, Willard (ed.): Sunflowers: A Book of Kansas Poems Paget, R. L. (ed.): Cap and Gown. Third Series
Colum, Padraic (ed.): Anthology of Irish Verse Wagner, Charles A. (ed.): Prize Poems: 1913-1929 May, James Boyer (ed.): Eight American Poets
Waters, Fiona (ed.): Out of the Blue: Poems Ananda & Virananda (ed.): The FWBO Poetry Anthology Kuzma, Greg (ed.): Nebraska Poets: A Special Issue of Pebble #13
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Thorpe, James (ed.): Rochester's Poems on Several Occasions Durham, Willard H: Pope as Poet Osborn, James M: Addison's Tavern Companion and Pope's "Umbra"
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Brady, Frank: Boswell's Political Career Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller: William Penn: Horticulturist Milton, John: The Masque of Comus. A Masque by John Milton with the Airs by Henry Lawes
Fiore, Amadeus P. (ed.): Th' Upright Heart and Pure: Essays on John Milton Commemorating the Tercentenary of the Publication of Paradise Lost Foster, Birket: Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso Williamson, [George Charles]: The Portraits, Prints and Writings of John Milton
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