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Grossman, David: The Smile of the Lamb Harry, M. H. (tr. ): Hebraic Literature Magnes, J. L: In the Perplexity of the Times
Megged, Aharon: Asahel Lanzmann, Claude ; SImone de Beauvoir: Shoah: An Oral History of the Holocaust Kollek, Amos: Don't Ask Me if I love
Wallach, Luitpold: Liberty and Letters: The thoughts of Leopold Zunz Keller, Werner: Liberty and Letters: The thoughts of Leopold Zunz Freud, Sigmund: A Phylogenetic Fantasy: Overview of the Transference Neuroses
Bauman, Zygmunt: Modernity and the Holocaust Soussloff, Catherine M. (ed. ): Jewish Identity in Modern Art History Rosner, Stanley and Abt, Lawrence E. (eds. ) ; Noam Chomsky, Sidney Lumet, Isaac Bashev is Singer, Merce Cunningham: The Creative Experience
Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Frasconi, Antonio: Yentl the Yeshiva Boy Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Moskowitz, Ira: The Hasidim Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Shulevitz, Uri: The Fools of Chelm
Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Frasconi, Antonio: Elijah the Slave Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Certificate Shulman, Abraham; Isaac Bashevis Singer: The Old Country: The Lost World Of East European Jews
Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Soyer, Raphael: Une amitie creatrice = [A creative friendship] Tucker, Martin (ed. ) ; Isaac Bashevis Singer, Arthur Miller, Cynthia Ozick, Emile Ajar: Confrontation: Tenth Anniversary Issue (No. 15, Fall 1977 / Winter 1978) Tucker, Martin (ed. ) ; Isaac Bashevis Singer, Joseph Brodsky, Carl Van Vechten, Tomaz Salamun: Confrontation: War Literature (No. 8, Spring 1974)
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Love and Exile: A Memoir Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Meshugah Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Maurice Sendak (illus. ): Zlateh the goat and other stories
Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Irene Lieblich (illus. ): The Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukkah Bilski, Emily D. ; Isaac Bashevis Singer: Golem: Danger, Deliverance and Art Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Oates, Joyce Carol ; Ginsberg, Allen ; Auden, W. H: The American Literary Anthology, 1: the first annual collection of the best from the literary magazines
Adelson, Alan, and Lapides, Robert (eds. ): Lodz Ghetto: Inside a Community Under Siege Berryman, John: The Freedom of the Poet Baeck, Leo: The Pharisees
Lewis, Bernard: Semites and Anti-Semites Oesterreicher, John M: Walls are crumbling : seven Jewish philosophers discover Christ Silver, Abba Hillel: Where Judaism differed: an inquiry into the distinctiveness of Judaism
Fackenheim, Emil L: The Jewish Return into History: Reflections in the Age of Auschwitz and a New Jerusalem Bland, Kalman P: The Artless Jew: Medieval and Modern Affirmations and Denials of the Visual Halivni, David Weiss: Midrash, Mishnah, and Gemara: The Jewish Predilection for Justified Law
Citati, Pietro: Kafka Ringelblum, Emmanuel ; Jacob Sloan (ed. ): Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: The Journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum Wistrich, Robert S: Anti-Semitism: The Longest Hatred
Gilman, Sander: The Jew's Body Nussbaum, Hilary: Przewodnik judaistyczny obejmujacy kurs literatury i religii = [Guide comprising a course in the Judaic literature and religion] Shabtai, Yaakov: Past continuous
Yudkin, Leon I: Isaac Lamdan: A Study in Twentieth-Century Hebrew Poetry (Studies in Modern Hebrew Literature) Shabtai, Yaakov: Past perfect Oz, Amos: A perfect peace
Oved, Mosheh: Visions and Jewels Kochan, Lionel: Beyond the Graven Image: A Jewish View Morevski, Abraham: Shylock and Shakespeare
Hoss, Rudolf ; Broad, Pery ; Kremer, Johann Paul: KL Auschwitz seen by the SS Oz, Amos: Elsewhere, perhaps Boyarin, Daniel: Carnal Israel: Reading sex in Talmudic culture
Morgenstern, Julian: The Rites of Birth, Marriage, Death, and Kindred Occasions Among the Semites Dayan, Yael: New face in the mirror Buber, Martin: Die frage an den einzelnen = [The question of the individual]
Weisgal, Meyer W. (ed. ): Theodor Herzl: A Memorial Auerbach, Elias: Wuste und gelobtes land = [Desert and promised land] Persky, Elias and Sol Scharfstein: Shalom Yisrael
Dayan, Yael: Death had two sons Shaham, Nathan: The Rosendorf Quartet Shaham, Nathan: Bone to the Bone
Brenner, Yosef Haim: Breakdown and Bereavement Berman, Louis A: The Akedah: The Binding of Isaac Donat, Alexander: The Holocaust Kingdom: A Memoir
Tucker, Robert C. (ed. ): The Lenin Anthology Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim ; Harold Bloom: Zakhor: Jewish history and Jewish memory Herzl, Theodor: Altneuland = [Old-new land]
Dunelm, Herbert (Bishop of Durham) [intr.]: The Yellow Spot : The Outlawing of Half a Million Human Beings Heine, Heinrich ; Havelock Ellis (ed. ): The Jewish People: History, Religion, Literature (The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine) Steinsaltz, Adin: The Thirteen-Petalled Rose: A discourse on the essence of Jewish existence and belief
Levi, Peter: Tennyson MacLeish, Archibald: New & Collected Poems, 1917-1976 Hudson, Derek: Martin Tupper: His Rise and Fall
Watson, William: The Collected Poems of William Watson Meynell, Viola: Francis Thompson and Wilfrid Meynell: A Memoir Vulliamy, C. E: Ursa Major: A Study of Dr. Johnson and His Friends
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