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Ferdo Sisic: Jugoslovenska Misao Istorija ideje jugoslovenskog narodnog ujedinjenja i oslobodjenja od 1790-1918 Rabinovich, Isaiah: Major Trends in Modern Hebrew Fiction Roskies, David G. (ed. ): The Literature of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe
Furman, Ben-Zion: Milon veluach nityot lesefer limud hasafa haivrit = Worterbuch u. grammtikalische Tafeln zum Lehrbuch der Hebraischen Sparche = Dictionary and grammatical tables to the text-book of Hebrew lessons Glatstein, Jacob; Knox, Israel; Marghoshes, Samuel. (eds. ): Anthology of Holocaust Literature Nevin, Thomas R: Simone Weil: Portrait of a Self-Exiled Jew
Mehlman, Jeffrey: Walter Benjamin for Children: An Essay on His Radio Years Frolich, Paul: Rosa Luxemburg: Ideas in Action Luxemburg, Rosa; Looker, Robert. (ed. ): Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings
Margolis, Max: The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making Rawidowicz, Simon: State of Israel, Diaspora, and Jewish Continuity: Essays on the "Ever-Dying People" Mendes-Flohr, Paul; Reinharz, Jehuda: The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History
Mosse, George L: German Jews Beyond Judaism Levinas, Emmanuel.; Cohen, Richard A. (tr. ): New Talmudic Readings Levine, Israel: Faithful Rebels: A Study in Jewish Speculative Thought
Pascal, Roy: Kafka's Narrators: A Study of His Stories and Sketches Yizhar, S: Sipur Khirbet Khizah: The Story of the Ruin of Khizah Agnon, Shmuel Yosef: Ve-Hayah he'Akov le Mishor = Und das krumme wird gerade = And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight
Grossman, David: Sleeping on a Wire: Conversations with Palestinians in Israel Grossman, David: The Yellow Wind Bialik, Hayyim Nahman: Aftergrowth : and Other Stories
Fleg, Edmond: Jesus: Told By the Wandering Jew Forster, Arnold. Epstein, Benjamin R: Cross-Currents: The Book That Tells How Anti-Semitism Is Used Today as a Political Weapon Biale, David: Eros and the Jews: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America
Rosenzweig, Franz; Glatzer, Nahum N. (ed. ); Mendes-Flohr, Paul (fwd. ): Eros and the Jews: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America Bourazan, Francis: A sacred dictionary: An explanation of Scritpure names and terms, with brief goeogrpahical and historical references Dubnow, S.M: Jewish History
Escoffier, Lillian Ann: The House That Was Never Finished Hameiri, Avigdor; Freedman, Jacob (tr. ): The Great Madness Simon, Leon: Ahad Ha-Am: A Biography
Brod, Max: Heine: The Artist in Revolt Simon, Leon; Bergmann, Hugo (ed. ): Ahad Ha-Am : Essays-Letters-Memoirs(Philosophia Judaica) Blake, William / William Weston Gallery: William Blake, 1757-1827: The Complete Series of Original Engravings for The Book of Job
Edwardes, Allen: Erotica Judaica: A sexual history of the Jews Gordon, A.D: Selected Essays (The Jewish People: History, Religion, Literature) Fackenheim, Emil L: To Mend the World: Foundations of Future Jewish Thought
Bernstein, Richard J: Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Question Baron, Salo W: From a Historian's Notebook: European Jewry Before and After Hitler Grollman, Earl A: Judaism in Sigmund Freud's World
Vigee, Claude; Rudolf, Anthony (ed/tr. ): Flow Tide: Selected Poetry and Prose by Claude Vigee Singer, Israel Joshua: Josie Kalb Singer, Israel Joshua: Brodrene Ashkenazi = The Brothers Ashkenazi
Singer, Israel Joshua: The Brothers Ashkenazi Singer, Israel Joshua: Yoshe Kalb Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Love and Exile: The Early Years - A Memoir
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Jacobys Hus = The Manor [Jacob's House] Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Marc Saporta, Joel Blocker, Richard Elman, Eveline Thevenard-Cahn, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Rachel Ertel, Pierre Chartier, Anne-Françoise Benhamou, Jeanne-Marie Santraud, Colette Gerbaud, Mady Atlan, Emmanuelle Farhi, Judith Stora-Sandor, André Bay, Laurence Anter: L'Arc: Isaac Bashevis Singer (No. 93) Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Sendak, Maurice (illus. ): Cuentos judios de la aldea de Chelm = Jewish stories from the village of Chelm [Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories]
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: In My Father's Court: A Memoir by Isaac Bashevis Singer Singer, Isaac Bashevis: De Slaaf = The Slave Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Le Blasphemateur et autres nouvelles = The Blasphemer and other stories
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Rob = The Slave Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Simpele Gimpl en andrere verhalen = Gimpel the Fool and other stories Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Vishniac, Roman: Eine Kindheit in Warschau = A Childhood in Warsaw [A Day of Pleasure]
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Der Busser = The Penitent Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Inimigos, uma historia de amor = Enemies, a love story Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Yentl et autres nouvelles = Yentl and other stories
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: El mago de Lublin = The Magician of Lublin Singer, Isaac Bashevis: El Spinoza de la calle Market = The Spinoza of Market Street Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A lublini magus = The Magician of Lublin
Karl, Frederick Robert: Franz Kafka: Representative Man Sonntag, Jacob (ed. ); Yehudah Halevi, I.L. Peretz, Sholem Aleichem, Max Brod, Kingsley Amis: Caravan: A Jewish Quarterly Omnibus Sonntag, Jacob (ed. ); Yehudah Halevi, I.L. Peretz, Sholem Aleichem, Max Brod, Kingsley Amis: A History of the Jews
Glatzer, Nahum N: Essays in Jewish Thought Bauer, Yehuda: Rethinking the Holocaust Baeck, S: Die geschichte des jüdischen Volkes
Handelman, Susan A: Fragments of Redemption: Jewish Thought and Literary Theory in Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinas Gilman, Sander L: Jewish Self-Hatred: Anti-Semitism and the Hidden Language of the Jews Leibowitz, Yeshayahu; Glucker, John (tr. ): The Faith of Maimonides
Silver, Daniel Jeremy (ed. ); Jacob Neusner, Solomon Freehoff, Irwin M. Blank, Eugene Lipman: Judaism and Ethics Cohon, Beryl D: Jacob's Well: Some Jewish Sources and Parallels to the Sermon on the Mount Vermes, Geza (ed. ); Joseph Baumgarten, Stefan C. Reif, E.Y. Kutscher, H.J. Hirschberg: Journal of Jewish Studies XXXIV, No. 2 (Autumn 1983)
Fleg, Edmond: The Land in Which God Dwells Kraus, Karl: Half-Truths & One-&-A-Half Truths: Selected Aphorisms Baron, Salo W. and Blau, Joseph L. (eds. ): Judaism: Postbiblical and Talmudic Period
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