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Sotheby's (New York): Artists for the Whitney of the Future: A Benefit Auction. 14 & 15 May, 2013 Sotheby's (London): Works by Egon Schiele from the Leopold Museum. 2 February 2013 Christie's (New York): The Van Cliburn Collection. English Furniture, Russian Works of Art, Silver and Jewelry. 17 May 2012
Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Special Portfolio: Flower Arranging Made Easy. Vol. 106, No. 8. August 1964 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Glamorous Bathrooms. Vol. 94, No. 8. August 1952 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. The Stantons Build a Kitchen. Vol. 97, No. 5. May 1955
Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Storage Issue. Vol. 103, No. 7. July 1961 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Special Portfolio: The Great House and Works of a Designer-Magician. Vol. 107, No. 6. June 1965 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Christmas Ideas to Last a Lifetime. Vol. 103, No. 12. December 1961
Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Pace Setter House for 1955. Vol. 97, No. 2. February 1955 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. The Pace Setter House for 1953. Vol. 94, No. 11. November 1952 Gordon, Elizabeth (ed.): House Beautiful. Vol. 98, No. 5. May 1956
Hall, Richard H. (ed.): The UFO Evidence (Unidentified Flying Objects) Phillips de Pury & Co., (London): Latin America. New York, 23 May 2013 Thorn, Michael: Tennyson
Thompson, Francis: New Poems Mégroz, M. E: Francis Thompson: The Poet of Earth in Heaven. A Study in Poetic Mysticism and the Evolution of Love-Poetry Spiller, Jürg (ed.), Ralph Manheim (trans.): Paul Klee Notebooks, Vol. 1: The Thinking Eye [electronic file]
Thomson, James and Gordon Hall Gerould: Poems of James Thomson "B. V." Nagashima, Daisuke: Johnson's Dictionary: Its Historical Significance Grant, Douglas: James Thomson: Poet of The Seasons
Whiting, F. A., Jr., ed: Magazine of Art, Vol. 32, no. 6, June 1939 Tennyson, Alfred Lord and John Churton Collins: The Early Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson Thompson, Francis: Selected Poems of Francis Thompson
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: The Good Estate of Poetry I. S. Turgenev: Veshnie vody = Torrents of Spring È. Benvenist: Indoevropejskoe imennoe slovoobrazovanie = Indo-European Languages - Word Formation
P. P. Chervinskij: Semanticheskij jazyk fol'klornoj tradicii = Traditional Semantic Language V. Erofeev: V labirinte prokljatyh voprosov = In the Labyrinth of Accursed Questions A. F. Losev; A. A. Taho-Godi: Aristotel': zhizn' i smysl = Aristotle on the Meaning of Life
I. I. Galdavadze: Sortirovka i degustacija chaja = Tea Sorting and Tasting M. A. Dudin: Rubezhi: poèmy = Milestones: poems Koulomzin, Sophe, et al: One Church. Vol. XV, No. 3-4. March - April, 1961
P. P. Gromov, et al: O russkom realizme XIX veka i voprosah narodnosti literatury = On Russian Realism of the 19th Century G. Verbickij: 20 let SEPG: dokumenty socialisticheskoj edinoj partii Germanii = 20 years to SED: documents of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany V. Smirnov: Synov'ja: povest' = Sons: The Story
A. P. Sokol'skij: Shahmatnyj debjut (teorija i praktika) = Chess Openings (Theory and Practice) B. Ahmadulina: Izbrannoe. Poems = A Collection of Poems Ju. L. Averbah; M. A. Bejlin: Puteshestvie v shahmatnoe korolevstvo = A Journey to the Chess Kingdom
R. G. Nezhmetdinov: Izbrannye partii = Selected Games H. R. Kapablanka: Uchebnik shahmatnoj igry = Chess Textbook E. Romanov, et al: Zhurnal literatury, iskusstva, nauki i obeshchestvennoj mysli, vol. 15, Sentjabr' 1952 goda = A Journal of Literature, Art and Science, vol. 15, September 1952
E. Romanov, et al: Zhurnal literatury, iskusstva, nauki i obeshchestvennoj mysli, vol. 16, Oktjabr'-Dekabr' 1952 goda = A Journal of Literature, Art and Science, vol. 16, October-December 1952 R. Descartes; S. I. Vavilov, et al: Rassuzhdenie o metode s prilozhenijami dioptrika, meteory, geometrija = Discourse on Method P. Abelard; D. A. Drboglav et al: Istorija moih bedstvij = The Story of My Misfortunes
N. I. Conrad et al: Russko-Japonskij slovar' = Japanese-Russian Dictionary V. M. Rozin: Vvedenie v kul'turologiju: uchebnik dlja vysshej shkoly = Introduction to Cultural Studies: High school textbook V. V. Vorovskij: Èstetika. Literatura. Iskusstvo = Aesthetics. Literature. Art
L. S. Vygotskij: Psihologija iskusstva = Psychology of Art N. S. Saterlend: Chelovecheskie sposobnosti mashin. Iz special'nogo nomera anglijskogo nauchno-populjarnogo zhurnala 'Science Journal', Oct. 1968 = Machines Like Men. Science Journal, Oct. 1968 (Special issue) M. Botvinnik: Èpizody shahmatnyh batalij = Chess Battle Episodes
Ju. V. Rozhdestvenskij: Tipologija slova = Typology of Speech A. Isaakjan: Izbrannoe = Collection of Works V. V. Vinogradov; V. G. Kostomarov: Pamjati akademika Viktora Vladimirovicha Vinogradova: sbornik statej = The Recollections of an Academic V. V. Vinogradov: a Collection of Works
D. Bohm: Prichinnost' i sluchajnost' v sovremennoj fizike = Causality and Chance in Modern Physics V. I. Makarov, N. P. Matveeva: Slovar' leksicheskih trudnostej hudozhestvennoj literatury = A Dictionary of Lexical Problems in Literature F. I. Vasil'ev: Dvesti pjat'desjat bljud kitajskoj kuhni = A Collection of Recipes from Chinese Cuisine
N. D. Arutjunova: Logicheskij analiz jazyka: yazyk i vremja = Logical Analysis of Language: Language and time V. I. Chernyshev et al: Izbrannye trudy v dvuh tomah = Selected Works in Two Volumes F. M. Dostoevski; V. A. Bogdanov: Ob Iskusstve = On Art
J. Badalich: Russkie pisateli v Jugoslavii = Russian Writers in Yugoslavia Ju. B. Eliseenkov et al: Russko-anglijskij medicinskij slovar' = Russian-English Medical Dictionary Ju. S. Stepanov: Problemy sovremennoj lingvistiki (sbornik rabot lingvistov filologicheskogo fakul'teta MGU = Problems in Modern Linguistics
M. P. Alekseev: Èpoha romantizma. Iz istorii mezhdunarodnyh svjazej russkoj literatury = The Romantic Period M. Zoshchenko: Rasskazy. Povesti. Teatr. Fel'tony = Collection of Satiric Tales Belkin, A: Chitaya Dostoevskogo i Chehova = Reading Dostoevsky and Chekhov
N. V. Kashina: Èstetika F. M. Dostoevskogo = Dostoevsky's Aesthetics Vyborgskaja Chastnoja Pravoslavnaja Obshchina: Prostrannyj Pravoslavnyj Molitvennik; Sobranie molitv i vazhnejhshih Bogosluzhebnyh pesnopenij Pravoslavnoj Cerkvi = A Collection of Prayers by the Orthodox Church of Vyborg N. A. Kondrashov: Slavjanskie jazyki = Slavic Languages
E. Heminnway: Za rekoj, v teni derev'ev = Across the River and Into the Trees A. V. Kokorev: Hrestomatija po Russkoj literature XVIII veka = Readings on Russian Literature of the 18th Century A. L. Grishunin et al: Dostoevskij - hudozhnik i myslitel': sbornik statej = Dostoevsky - Artist and Thinker: a Collection of Works
V. Smirnov: Otkrytie mira: povest' = Discovering the World Ju. Seleznev: V mire Dostoevskogo = The World of Dostoevsky V. I. Chernyshev: Skazki i legendy pushkinskih mest = The Fairy Tales and Legends of the Pushkin's Places
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