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Austin, Richard: Pere Lachaise
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, R. B. Kitaj: Prospectus for a deluxe limited edition of A Coney Island of the Mind
Weil, James L., Editor: Elizabeth
Hoyem, Andrew: Christmas Greetings from the Colt Press and The Arion Press
Hoyem, Andrew: The Arion Press. Announcement Fall 1980
Scott, Morgan: The New Boys at Oakdale
Weldon, Martin: Babe Ruth
Ferguson, Donald: Chums of Scranton High Out for the Pennant; or, In the Three Town League
New York Yankees: Yankees/Cardinals. 1964 World Series, Yankee Stadium
Life Magazine: Life. Highbrow Number. Vol. 64, No. 1655
Milan: Colloquial Tibetan in Common dialect
Baltimore Orioles: 1971 World Series. Baltimore Orioles vs. Pittsburgh Pirates
Siberell, Lloyd Emerson, Editor: Imprimatur: A Folio of Personalities, Impressions and Observations. Vol. 1, nos. 1-10; and Imprimatur, A Quarterly for Bibliophiles, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3
St. Louis Cardinals: 1987 National League Championship Series
Sterne, Laurence: The Act Of Charity, An Excerpt Of Two Chapters From A Sentimental Journey Through France & Italy By Mr. Yorick.|
D'Andeli, Henri (trans. and edited by Louis John Paetow): The Battle of the Seven Arts. A French Poem by Henri D'Andeli, trouvere of the Thirteenth Century (Memoirs of the University of California, Vol. 4, No. 1)
Forschungsstelle für Völkerrecht und Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht der Universität Hamburg: Russland-Bibliographie. Erster Teil. Die Grundordnung des Staates. Folge 2. Gliedrepubliken und Autonome nationale Gebietskörperschaften der UdSSR und RSFSR
Joyce, James: Portret chudozhnika v junosti = A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
Raworth, Tom: Ace
Yale Russian Chorus: Yale Russian Chorus. 1977 USSR Tour
Radloff, V. V: South-Siberian Oral Literature: Turkic Texts, Volume 1
Heidegger, Martin: Bytie i vremja = Sein und Zeit
Brill, Evert Jan: Slovo o Polku Igoreve v Perevodah Konca Vosemnadcatogo Veka = Studies in Russian Epic Tradition. First Issue
Korotkij, V. N: Antologija sovetskoj prozy, 1920-1940: Kniga dlja utenija s kommentariem na anglijskom jazyke = An anthology of Russian prose, 1920-1940: Russian reader with explanatory notes in English
Friedel, Helmut and Annegret Hoberg (eds.): Kandinsky
Arzhak, Nikolaj: Iskuplenie: Rasskaz = Redemption: A Story
Skaldin, Aleksej: Stranstvija i prikljuchenija Nikodima Starshego: Roman = [The Adventures and Travels of Nikodim the Elder: A Novel]
Remizov, Aleksei: Zga: volshebnye rasskazy = [Fairy Tales]
Madison, James, et al: Amerikanskie federalisty: Gamilton, Medison, Dzhei: izbrannye statyi = The Federalist Papers (Selections): Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
Koporskaja, Elena Sergeevna: Semanticheskaya istoriya slavyanizmov v russkom literaturnom yazyke novogo vremeni = History of Slavic Semantics and Modern Russian Literature and Language
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 116. September 1974
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 111. June 1973
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 87. June 1967
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 83. June 1966
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 82. March 1966
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 81. December 1965
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 70. December 1962
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 86. March 1967
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 72. June 1963
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 78. March 1965
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 85. December 1966
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 84. September 1966
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 118. March 1975
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 65. September 1961
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 64. June 1961
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 74. December 1963
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 174. March 1989
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 71. March 1963
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 117. December 1974
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 77. September 1964
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 73. September 1963
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 80. September 1965
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 21
Karpovich, M. M. (ed.): Novyi zhurnal = The New Review. No. 11
Mark-Ljudvik Talov: Dvojnoe Bytie = Dual Existence
Sergej Fon Shtejn: Pushkin mistik; istoriko literaturnyj ocherk = Mysterious Pushkin; Historical Sketch
A. Ktorova: Lico zhar-pticy = The Face of the Firebird
N. G. Chernyshevskij: Nauchilis' li? = Have You Learned?
V. Shene: Knjazhja mest'. Èmigrantskaja byl' = Duke's Revenge. A True Story of an Immigrant
A. Remizov: Podstrizhennymi glazami. Kniga uzlov i zakrut pamjati. = Through a Cropped Eye
S. P. Mel'gunov: Legenda o separatnom mire (kanun revoljucii) = A Legend on a Separate World (On the Eve of Revolution)
A. Shishkova: Chuzhedal': stihi = Chuzhedal': A Collection of Poems
A. Solzhenicyn: Sobranie sochinenij, tom shestoj = A Collection of Works, vol. 6
Ju. Elagin: Ukroshchenie iskusstv = The Taming of the Art
I.S. Shmelev: Njanja iz Moskvy; roman = The Nanny from Moscow: A Novel
V. Vejdle: Vechernij den' = The Evening Day
S. Makovskij: Portrety sovremennikov = Contemporary Portraits
M. Bulgakov: Rokovye jajca = Fatal Eggs
S. N. Bulgakov: Pravoslavie: ocherki uchenija pravoslavnoj cerkvi = Eastern Orthodoxy
A. Remizov: Vzvihrennaja rus' = Russia in the Whirlwind
G. Mejer: Sbornik literaturnyh statej = A Collection of Literary Works
F. M. Dostoevskij: Dnevnik pisatelja za 1876 god = Writer's Journal (Written in 1876)
R. N. Aleksandrov: Pis'ma k neizvestnomu drugu = Letters to Unknown Friend
M. Dzhilas: Novyj klass: analiz kommunisticheskoj sistemy = The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System
N. Arzhak: Ruki. Chelovek iz minapa: rasskazy = Hands. The Man from Minap: Stories
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