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S. Maksimov: Goluboe molchanie = The Blue Silence M. Vishnjak,: Dan' Proshlomu = Due the Past M. Cvetaeva: Proza = Prose,
N. Leskov: Soborjane = A Collection of Stories Duke Sergej Shcherbatov: Hudozhnik v ushedshej rosii = The Artist in Old Russia Agar, Herbert: Vo chto verit Zapad = A Declaration of Faith
B. Zaicev: Chehov. Literaturnaja biografija = Chekhov. A Literary Biography B. P. Vysheslavcev: Vechnoe v russkoj filosofii = The Permanent in Russian Philosophy Archpriest V. Zen'kovskij: Pravoslavie i sovremennost', No. 1. Nasha èpoha = L'Orthodoxie Et L'Actualite, vol. 1. Our Period
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Vilkuna, Kustaa, et al: Kalevalaseuran Vuosikirja. Vol. 19 Costello, D. P. and I. P. Foote, eds: Russian Folk Literature. Skazki, Liricheskie pesni, Byliny, Istoricheskie pesni, Dekhovnye stikhi Gorodetzky, Nadejda and Jessie Coulson, eds: Russian Short Stories. XXth Century
Kislik, H., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLIV, No. 5, May 1968 = New World Sergeev, D., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVII, No. 1, January 1971 = New World Tank, Maksim, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVIII, No. 9, September 1972 = New World
Chochlov, N., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVII, No. 4, April 1971 = New World Michalkov, Sergei, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVII, No. 12, December 1971 = New World Komrakov, G., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLIV, No. 4, April 1968 = New World
Rosljakov, Vasilij, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, January 1972 = New World Gerasimov, Iraklij, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVII, No. 5, May 1971 = New World Panova, B., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLII, No. 7, July 1966 = New World
Tank, Maksim, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVI, No. 2, February 1970 = New World Starkov, A., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVII, No. 8, August 1971 = New World Cofronov, G., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVI, No. 1, January 1970 = New World
Ivanov, Leonid, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, March 1960 = New World Binokurov, E., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLVIII, No. 10, October 1972 = New World Achmatova, Anna, et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XL, No. 6, June 1964 = New World
Kon, I., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XLIV, No. 1, January 1968 = New World Osipov, I., et al: Novyj Mir. Vol. XXXIX, No. 10, October 1963 = New World Lönnrot, Elias and Ivan S. Shajkovich: Kalevala: Finski Narodni Epos
Lönnrot, Elias and Ivan S. Shajkovich: Kalevala: Finski Narodni Epos. Knjiga 2 Lönnrot, Elias and Ivan S. Shajkovich: Kalevala: Finski Narodni Epos. Knjiga 1 Lönnrot, Elias: Kalevala: I. Runot
Lönnrot, Elias: Kalevala: II. Selityksiä Hästesko, F. A: Kalevala: Suomen Kansan Hengen Tuotteena. Kansantajuisia Esityksiä Catteau, Jacques: La création littéraire chez Dostoïevski
Krupich, Victor: Sud ba pokolenii: roman-khronika Blankoff, Jean: L'art de la russie ancienne Avtonomoff, N. P: A Pedagogical Journal in Russian. A Guide to Teachers of the Russian Language in America. Nos. 54-60
Manstakov, Grushenka, et al: USSR: Illustrious Monthly. No. 1. The Truth about Russian Universities Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. No. 24, October 1988 Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. Vol. VII, No. 18
Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. Vol. IV, No. 11, July-October 1983 Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. No. 22 Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. January 1988
Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. No. 25. August 1988 Radisich, Diko: Hilandar. No. 27. April 1989 Gershenzon, M. O: Mechta i mysl' I. S. Turgeneva
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Whelan, John Bernard, ed: Kenosis. International Ecumenical Issue No. 2 Steinhardt, Jakob (1887-1968): Jewish Family at the table. Jüdische Familie am Tisch Beardsley, Aubrey: Cover design for the Yellow Book
Méndez, Leopoldo (1902-1969): Calaveras Aftosas con Medias Naylon Kowalke, Ron: Man in Profile in a Pink Background Oury, Louis: Cover for Les Pogrammes Illustrés. Livraison 2
Duchamp, Marcel: Obligations pour la roulette de Monte-Carlo Derain, André: Nu O'Day, Edward F: A Contribution to the History of the Bachelder Family
O'Day, Edward F: We are Seven O'Day, Edward F: Two Poets of Bohemia [Charles Warren Stoddard and Joaquin Miller] O'Day, Edward F: San Francisco in 1860
O'Day, Edward F: Theater in San Francisco in late 19th and Early 20th Centuries O'Day, Edward F: Essay on the Overland Monthly, Bret Harte, Charles Warren Stoddard and Ina Coolbrith College Art Association: The Art Bulletin. Vol. XII, nos. 1-4. Complete run for the year
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College Art Association: The Art Bulletin. Vol. XVIII no. 2 College Art Association: The Art Bulletin. Vol. XIX nos. 1-4. Complete run for the year College Art Association: The Art Bulletin. Vol. XX nos. 1-4. Complete run for the year
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