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Skelton, John: John Skelton: A Sculptor's Work, 1950-1975 Stuart, Edwin H. and Grace Stuart Gardner: Typography, Layout & Advertising Production: Handbook for Newcomers to the Advertising Profession Lefkowitz, S. A: Bread Crumbs
Kodaly, Zoltan: Missa Brevis for Mixed Chorus and Organ Tonge, Mildred: Black Magic and Miracles in Macbeth Mariah, Paul and Kirby Congdon: Mouth of the Dragon. No. 7
Bisco, Sharon D., et al: The Spider's Web Reichner, Herbert (ed.): Philobiblion. Zeitschrift für Bücherliebhaber = A Magazine for Book Collectors. VI. Jahrgang 1933, Heft Nr. 1 Murray, William S: Government Owned and Controlled Compared with Privately Owned and Regulated Electric Utilities in Canada & the United States
O.A. Cheribon: Verslag van de Onderafdeeling Cheribon van het Proefestation voor de Java-Suikerindustrie over het Jaar 1925-1928 and 1932 O.A. Cheribon: Mededeelingen van de Onderafdeeling Cheribon van het Proefestation voor de Java-Suikerindustrie over het Jaar 1932 & 1934 Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Luzern): Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte von Albrecht Dürer. Graphik deutscher Meister des XVI. Jahrhunderts
Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1941 Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, Winter 1941-1942 Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1941
Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 3 Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 4 Heil, Walter (ed.): The Pacific Art Review. Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4, Winter 1942-1943
University of California, San Diego: University of California, San Diego: Academic Master Plan Hellman, Lillian and Marjorie Casebier: My Mother, My Father and Me Kirshenbaum, Sandra (ed.): Fine Print: The Review for the Arts of the Book. Vol. 12, No. 2, April 1986
Kindersley, David: Whoever Has Taught Me One Letter Has Made Me His Slave Nova Albion: Nova Albion Craemer, Jeff: Keepsake
College Young Men's Christian Association (New York, N.Y.): Constitution of the College Young Men's Christian Association Allied Commission for Austria: Gazette of the Allied Commission for Austria = Gazette de la Commission Alliée pour l'Autriche = Bjulleten' Sojuzniceskoj Komissii po Avstrii. No. 1, December 1945-January 1946 California Centennials Commission: California Centennials
Merrill Reed (San Francisco, Calif.): Offset for Industry J.W. Clement Co. (Buffalo, N.Y.), et al: Comment. No. 197 Ader Nordmann: Photographies anciennes, modernes et contemporaines
Frank, Josef Maria: Prospectus for Berliner Carpiccio Eckel, John C: Prospectus for A New Dickens Bibliography Wertheimer, Oskar von: Prospectus for Kleopatra: Die genialste Frau der Weltgeschichte
Muir, Helen: Papa (John Muir), Mr. McHugh and the 448 at Stockton, Calif., May 23, 1905 Unidentified: San Francisco Bay Area Job Shop, November 1917 Broughton, James and Joel Andrews: The Bard & the Harper
Mourell, Francisco Antonio: Prospectus for Voyage of the Sonora in the Second Bucareli Expedition Densham, Jack: Telegraph Hill. (Holiday Greetings from Fran & Ted Lilienthal) Amsterdam Continental Types & Graphic Equipment, Inc. (New York, N.Y.): Types from Amsterdam Continental Types & Graphic Equipment, Inc
West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company: Westvaco Inspirations for Printers. International Typographic Edition, No. 21 Umehara, Ryuzaburo, et al: Bonnard/Matisse Kajima Institute Publishing Co: Space Design. Vol. 82, No. 6. I. M. Pei & Partners
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Drevdahl, John E. and Raymond B. Cattell: Personality and Creativity in Artists and Writers Wilson, Joyce Lancaster: Prospectus for The Work & Play of Adrian Wilson: A Bibliography with Commentary University of Oxford: Encaenia, June 24 MCMXXXI, The Vice Chancellor Presiding
Jordan, John E: Prospectus for Robert Louis Stevenson's Silverado Journal Vorderman, Don (ed.): Automobile Quarterly. Vol. IX, No. 1 (or 3?), Spring 1971 Waserman, Manfred J: Bibliography on Oral History
Khan, Mohammad Ayub: Ayub's Manifesto: I Believe Dumont, Georges-H: Contribution à l'iconographie de la Compagnie d'Ostende Bellm, Dan, Molly Fisk and Forrest Hamer: Terrain
Watson, Emile E: Meditations of Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili, Alias Joseph Stalin Mandel, Eli and Jean-Guy Pilon (eds.): Poetry 62 Leeper, John Palmer: From Word to Image
Rilke, Rainer Maria: "At once the winged energy of delight..." McKinnon, Barry (ed.): The Pulp Mill: An Anthology of Poems, 1969-1979 Hinke, C. J: Oz in Canada: A Bibliography
Stafford, William and Josephine Jacobsen: Two Lectures: Leftovers by William Stafford and From Anne to Marianne by Josephine Jacobsen Rota, Anthony: Points at Issue: A Bookseller Looks at Bibliography. A Lecture Delivered at the Library of Congress on April 24, 1984 San Francisco State College: San Francisco State College 69th Annual Commencement, Thursday, June 4, 1970
Clarke, Dorothy Clotelle: Crucial Line 20 of the Poema de Mio Cid: Its Meaning and Its Structural Use Atlas, Leopold: Nightwatch (a.k.a. Night-Watch) Ruskin, Harry: The Midnight Lady
Cowan, Lester: Schweik: Notes for Treatment Fowler, Gene (after): Story Outline for "Shoe of the Wild Mare." Hoorn, Frederick W. and Lester Cowan: Solomon's WIves
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