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Vitruvius (after): Plan of Grecian Palaestra after Vitruvius Vitruvius (after): Plan of a Grecian House British Lithographer: Melrose Abbey. East View
Unidentified: Der alte und der neue Tungfernstieg in Hamburg Unidentified: Donington, Leicestershire Unidentified: Mediterranean trellis
Gobo, Georges: Arc de Triomphe, Paris Unidentified handdruck artist: Alpine scene with house Unidentified: Façade with bells
Unidentified: Chateau and Study Simone (after): Bric-a-brac Simone (after): Place de la Concorde, Paris
Simone, after: The Marketplace Allom, Thomas: Church of St. James, Liège Balthazar, George: L'allegrezza del Padre
Baran, Maurice: Le Moulin de la Galette, Montmartre Chez Bassett: Vue de l'intérieur Église de Ste. Gudule à Bruxelles Bassett: Vue de l'Église St. Sulpice
Blieck, Maurice-Emile: Á Gand Bouvin, François: Village Street Bowles: The Inside View of the Royal Exchange at London
Boys, T: La Chapelle de I'Institut, Paris Ullrich, K: Raumstimmung von K. Ullrich Fischer-Trachau, Otto: Diele eines Landhauses
Bürger, Bruno: Malerei am Eingang. Von H. Kohler Jacobs, Carl: Fassaden-Dekoration Fischer, Otto: Kleiner Salon
Gallois, E: Bruges. Rue de l'ane aveugle Coney, John: Cathedral Amiens Massy, Robert de: Villa Cocqueville. Mr. Robert de Massy, Architecte
Durez, J. P: Montmartre. La Maison de Mimi Pinson Winckelmann and Söhne: Zwickel aus einrer Grabkapelle des Petri Kirchhofes Harris, I: Squerries at Westramin Kent
Jahnsdinger: Karlskirche Klinka, Paul: Pistoja. Wappenmalereien im Palazzo Pretorio XIV Jahrh L'Aloin: Westminster Abbey
Leroy: Notre Dame, Paris Linck, A: Bruxelles. Hotel de Ville Palloy, E. after R. Lorain: Narrow Street to Yellow House
Mackenzie, T: Marischal College Meischke, M.C.A: Zes Molen Platten = Dutch Windmills Meurer, M: Rom. Kuppeldecoration in der Villa Madama
Nash, John: Crosby Hall. Interior Nicholson, P: Fountains Abbey Nicholas, William: Radcliffe Camera
Petit, Victor: Château de la Vallée de la Loire Petit, Victor: Château de Valençay. Façade du grand pavillon d'entrée Planat, P: Habitations particulières. Maisons de campagne; Villas & chateâux; Façades; Coupes et plans; Vues et perspectives; intérieurs. Deuxième série
Pytlok, T. or Pytlak: House Rey, J: Château de Najac Rey, J: Vue de Bruges
Rigaud, J: Vue de la Place Royalle Ruga, P: Veduta del Campidoglio. (Rome) Rosenburg, C., after James Rouse: S.W. View of Hastings Castle. No. 2
Sonarily, Charles: Les Bouquinistes along the Seine Unidentified: Montfort Ullrich, K: Wohnzimmer
Fussel, J. and W. H. Bartlett: Views of Brussels Wasmuth, Ernst: Assisi. S. Francesco Meurer, M: Mantua. Friese im Marmorsaal des Palazzo Ducale (XVI Jahrh.)
Wilke, William Hancock: Cable Car / California St. San Francisco Schebbelie and Cook: Specimens of Architecture, in Crosby Hall, Bishops Gate Street Baskin, Leonard: Aeneas Carrying his Father from the Ruins of Troy
Baskin, Leonard: Albatross Baskin, Leonard: At the Bureau Baskin, Leonard: Athlete/Olympus
Baskin, Leonard: Augustus St. Gaudens Baskin, Leonard: Bartleby the Scrivener Baskin, Leonard: Beetle
Baskin, Leonard: Birdman Baskin, Leonard: Boar Baskin, Leonard: Body and Head
Baskin, Leonard: Cain Baskin, Leonard: Jaques Callot (Head of an Artist) Baskin, Leonard: Captain Ahab (Torso)
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