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William Goodrich Beal: A Souvenir of J. G. Whittier: Eight Etchings on Japanese Paper
William Goodrich Beal: A Souvenir of R. W. Emerson: Eight Etchings on Japanese Paper
Takeo Shiota: Japanese Gardens and Houses
Peter Simple: Jingles from Japan and Other Ryhmes
Cornelis Theodoor Assend Van De Coningh: Mijn Verblijf in Japan
William Robert Prince: History of the Chinese Northern Yam [Discorea Batatas]
English Or Chinese Pheasants: Rearing Them In Missouri
George Charles Ashton Jonson: A Handbook to Chopin's Works
C. F. Delamarche: Catalogue des Globes, Sphères, Atlas, Cartes, et Autres Ouvrages Géographiques et Astronomiques, Composant le Fonds de C. F. Delamarche, successeur de Sanson et de Robert de Vaugondy
Berlin Exposition 1900: Catalogue de L'exposition Collective Allemande D'instruments D'optique et de Mécanique de Précision
W. H. Thornthwaite: Hints on Reflecting & Refracting Telescopes and Their Accessories
Carl Zeiss: Appareils pour la Microphotographie
La Corne, Saint-Luc De: Journal du Voyage de M. Saint-Luc de La Corne, Ecr.: Dans le Navire l'Auguste, en l'an 1761
Chiniquy, Charles Paschal: Who Assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
John Gaylord Davenport: Is Lincoln Dead?
Asahel Nettleton: Zion's Harp, or a New Collection of Music intended as a companion to Village Hymns for Social Worship
Justin Winsor: Note on the Spurious Letters of Montcalm, 1759
Edwin B. Bartram: A Review of the American Species of Daltonia
James Edward Smith: An Account of Two New Genera of Plants from New South Wales, Presented to the Linnean Society by Mr. Thomas Hoy, F.L.S., and John Fairbairn, F.L.S
Jensen, Chistian Erasmus Otterstrøm: Botany of the Faeröes [Bryophyta]
Machado Guimarães, António Luís: Catálogo Descritivo de Briologia Portuguêsa
James Edward Smith: Characters of a New Genus of Plants Named Salisburia
Wepfer, Johann Jakob: Cicvtae Aqvaticae Historia et Noxae: Commentario Illustrata
The C. E. Weaver Series: Illustrated Cities: Illustrated City of Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina
Georgivs Hoffmann: Opuscula Nestoriana: Syriace Tradidit
Arthur E. R. Boak (ed): Soknopaiou Nesos: The University of Michigan Excavations at Dime in 1931-32
James Henry Breasted: The Temples of Lower Nubia. I. The Monuments of Sudanese Nubia: Report of the Work of he Egyptian Expedition, Season of 1905-'06
H. de Genouillac: La trouvaille de Drehem: Etude avec un choix de textes de Constantinople et Bruxelles
C. J. Gadd: The Fall of Nineveh: The Newly Discovered Babylonian Chronicle, No. 21, 901, in the British Museum
J. Leibovitch: Les Inscriptions Protosinaitiques
H. E. Winlock: The Treasure of El Lahun
Raymond Alexander St. George: The Southern Pine Beetle: A Serious Enemy of Pines in the South
Charles Neidhard: An Answer to the Homoeopathic Delusions of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes
Wm. C. Richardson: Cholera Infantum and Its Sequelæ: Convulsions, Diarrhoea and Dysentery [Homeopathy]
Mhammad Sajjad Hussain: Oudh Punch: A Selection from the Illustrations which have Appeared in the Oudh Punch from 1877 to 1881
Joseph Grinnell; Joseph Dixon: Natural History of the Ground Squirrels of California
Carl von Linn et al: Flora Jamaicensis
The Winter Carnival Illustrated: Montreal 1884
Edward Z. Wicks: Illustrated Phreno-chart and Compass of Life
The Terrible Tragedy at Washington, Assassination of President Lincoln: Last Hours and Death-bed Scenes of the President
William Hey: A Treatise on the Puerperal Fever
Illustrated Catalogue of School and Church Furniture, and School Requisites of All Kinds
E. Gyfford et al: Designs for Small Picturesque Cottages and Hunting Boxes: Adapted for Onamental Retreats for Hunting and Shooting
Vredeman de Vries, Hans et al: Small Architectural Perspective Views
Vignola: Il Vignola Illustrato
Wildes P. Walker: Catalogue of Paintings, Engravings, and Photographs at the "Walker Homestead", Topsham, Maine
Frank G. Speck: The Nanticoke Community of Delaware
de Ville, Antoine: Les Fortifications du Chevalier Antoine de Ville, Contenans la Manière de Fortifier Toute Sorte de Places Tant Regulierement, Qu'irregulierement en Quelle Assiete Qu'elles Soient
Iconografi´a del apo´stol Jose´ Marti´
J. F. Herring: Famous Horses and Famous Dogs
Henry Bleby: Scenes in the Caribbean Sea: Being Sketches from a Misssionary's Note-book
J. R Horton: Control of the Argentine Ant in Orange Groves
J. Matz: Diseases and Insect Pests of the Pecan
John M. Scott: Velvet Bean Varieties
W. L. Floyd: Peach Growing in Florida
J. R. Watson: The Flower Thrips
J. R. Watson et al: Controlling the Citrus Aphis (Aphis Spiraecola Patch)
John M. Scott: Irish Potatoes in Florida
J. J. Wilder: Beekeeping in Florida
John M. Scott: Growing Peanuts in Florida
Gilbert A. Youngberg et al: The Waterways of Florida
de Solleysel, Jacques: The Compleat Horseman, or, Perfect Farrier; in Two Parts [2 vols.]
Wolcott Gibbs: Researches on the Ammonia-cobalt Bases
Vertus, Maximes, Instructions et Méditations Chrétiennes
Dr. Burggraeve: Instructions pour le Choléra Épidémique
M. Ernest Baudrimont: Instructions Pratiques sur le Traitement du Choléra par la Médication Alcaline
The Sperry High Intensity Searchlight: Instruction Book
Pierre Patte: Monumens Érigés en France à la Gloire de Louis XV
Dobricius, Johann: Chronomenytor, das ist Zeiterinnerer
Ibn-Muhammad: Introductorium in Astronomiam Albumasaris Abalachi Octo Continens Libros Partiales
Harry Piers: Relics of the Stone Age in Nova Scotia
R. C. Macdonald et al: Sketches of Highlanders
Pehr Kalm et al: Specimen Academicum de Esquimaux, Gente Americana
John H. Rauch: Coast Defenses Against Asiatic Cholera
John Gibson et al: The Botany of the Eastern Coast of Lake Huron
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