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SCOTT, Graham: "Guts" and Other Character Monologues HAMSI (Pseudonym Kathleen Marie JEFFREYS): Summer Rain. The Songs of Hamsi COLE, Maud Wynne: Songs of a Year
BRIDGMAN, Olive R: On Beuty's Trail (Through the Cango Caves) DOWER, M.M: More Rhymes and Verses BYRON, Mary: The Owls: A Book of Verses
TUCKER, Herbert: A Sunset Sanctuary and Some Other Recent Verse ALDINGTON-HUNT, E: Poems of Southern Africa and Other Verse HOWARTH, Anna: Stray Thoughts in Verse
NASH, Pieter: Catembe and Brief Lyrical Selections CLOETE, Elizabeth: Songs from a South African Stoep GARD'NER, Dorothy: Verses for South African Children. Grown Up or Otherwise
SPICER, N. H. D: Sunshine and Shadow SALMOND, J.B: The History of the 51st Highland Division 1939-1945 ANNE,Theodore (Inscribed Association Copy): La Chambre Rouge. drame en 5 actes et 8 tableaux / précédé du PRINCE ROYAL Prologue En Un Acte
ANICET-BOURGEOIS, Auguste & DENNERY, A: Le Medecin Des Enfants. Drame En Cinq Actes ARNAULT, Alphonse & JUDICIS, Louis`: Les Cosaques. Drame En Cinq Actes et Neuf Tableaux WARD, Rowland: A Naturalist's Life Study in Taxidermy
HOUSEMAN, Lawrence: Ploughshare and Pruning Hook. Ten Lectures on Social Subjects JEROME, Jerome K: Tea Table Talk BRETTELL, N.H: Bronze Frieze. Poems Mostly Rhodesian
CAMPBELL, Patricia: For Me and Others ALEXANDER, Robt: Dingaan's Day. A Poem CHAMPION, G.A: The Birth of a Colony
SPICER, N.H.D. & SPICER, John: Sabi Legend and Other Poems TUCKER, Herbert: Songs of Love and Nature M'IVER, Iver: Caught on the Wing: Poems Ballads Love Lyrics Sonnets
THOMAS, E.W: Playing Poet in the South FALLAW, Lance: Silverleaf and Oak SMALLEY, Robert: Salute to Africa
BERESFORD, Richard J. H. F. (Introduction Deneys REITZ): African Feathers DURRANT, A.E: The Garratt Locomotive McGOWAN, Alan: HMS Victory. Her Construction, Career and Restoration
LEES, James: The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War, 1625-1860 LAVERY, Brian: The Ship of the Line: [Two Volumes] Volume I: The Development of the Battlefleet 1650-1850. Volume II Design, Construction and Fittings DUBBE, B: Tin En Tinnegieters in Nederland
SCHNEIDER, Hugo: Zinn. Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich MIDDLETON, John & WILLIAMS, Huw: Industrial Locomotives of South Africa 1991 FRIEDMAN, Norman: Submarine Design and Development
KAMFER, A: South African Sailing Directions Volume III : The Coast of the Republic of South Africa from Cape Agulhas to Ponta Da Ouro, Prince Edward Islands Antarctica and Bouvetoya VLADISLAVIC, Ivan: Propaganda By Monuments (in: FIRETALK 2. Selected Short Stories From The Entries To The 1992 Sanlam Literary Award.) NAISH, George P. B. (Edited by): Nelson's Letters to His Wife and Other Documents 1785-1831
WAY, Peter (Edited by): Eyewitness NAM Nos. 1-25 (Lacking No.19) SMITH, Edgar Newbold: American Naval Broadsides A Collection of Early Naval Prints (1745-1815) ADDISON, A. Chriwstopher: The Story of the "Birkenhead". A record of British heroism. In two parts
GOSCINNY, R. & UDERZO, A. (Translated By Ludwig VISSER): Asterix En Die Olimpiese Spele COMPTON, Herbert: A Master Mariner, Being the Life and Adventures of Captain Robert William Eastwick MACMULLEN, John: The History of Canada from Its First Discovery to the Present Time
BARROW, John: Sketches of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club HITLER, Adolf: Mein Kampf. Jubilaumsausgabe JI, Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh: Tales of the Mystic East
SINGH, Maharaj Charan: St. John the Great Mystic EZEKIEL, I.A: Kabir the Great Mystic ANON (? VON CREUTZ, J. Edited by): Königliches Preußisches und Churfürstl. Brandenburgisches allgemeines und neugeschärftes Medicinal-Edict und Verordnung..... (AND) Revidirte Ordnung nach welcher die Apotheker in den Königlichen Preußischen Landen ihr Kunst-Gewerbe betreiben sollen
CELSUS: De medicina libri octo. Cum notis integris Joannis Caesarii, Roberti Constantini, Josephi Scaligeri, Isaaci Casauboni, Joannis Baptistae Morgagni. Ac locis parallelis. Cura & studio Th. J. ab Almeloveen. Accedunt J. Rhodii vita C. Celsi, variae lectiones SCHOLES, R.J. & MENNELL, K.G. (Edited by): Elephant Management: A Scientific Assessment for South Africa BESSON, Georges: Minaux
BROOKS, A.J: Tale Gunner: The Lighter Side of South African Military Life CHHABRA, Hari Sharan: South African Foreign Policy: Principles, options, Dilemmas DURRELL, Lawrence: The Alexandria Quartet - Justine, Balthazar, Mountolive, Clea
GENOSKO, Gary: Felix Guattari: An Aberrant Introduction BOND, P., CHITONGE, H., & HOPFMANN, A: "The accumulation of capital in Southern Africa : Rosa Luxemburg's contemporary relevance : proceedings of the Rosa Luxemburg Seminar 2006 and the University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil Society's Colloquium on Economy, Society and Nature NEL, P.G: J. H. Pierneef - His Life and his Work. (DE LUXE EDITION)
WORDEN, Nigel: The Making of Modern South Africa: Conquest, Apartheid, Democracy NEWELL, Colin: Methods and Models in Demography SERRATS, Marta: Modern Ethno Interiors
CALDER, Liz & MOURA, Flavio (Nadine GORDIMER Association): Flip. Ten / Dez ADEBAJO, Adekeye & MUSTAPHA, Abdul Raafu (Edited by): Gulliver's Troubles. Nigeria's Foreign Policy after the Cold War AKOKPAI, John; NDINGA-MUVUMBA, Angela; MURITHI, Tim (Edited by): The African Union and Its Institutions
MUILA, Ike Mboneni: Gova: Poems, Drawings, Voice Recordings BORAINE, Alec (Introduction By Desmond TUTU): A Life in Transition MEMELA, Sandile: His Master's Voice
ADEBAJO, Adekeye & WHITEMAN, Kaye (Edited by): The EU and Africa: From Eurafrique to Afro-Europa MISRA-DEXTER, Misra & FEBRUARY, Judith: Testing Democracy. Which Way is South Africa Going? (Idasa's Democracy Index) EDGAR, M. G: A Treasury of Verse for Little Children
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