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NIENABER, P.J: Suid-Afrikaanse Pleknaamwoordeboek Deel I MARAIS, J.F.; (Exhibition Arranged By Egon GUENTHER & The Adler Fielding Galleries): J.H. Pierneef BANCROFT, George: History of the United States of America, From the Discovery of the Continent. The Author's Last Revision
MARCHAL, Jules: Lord Leverhulme's Ghosts: Colonial Exploitation in the Congo INGRAMS, Richard & PIPER, John: Piper's Places: John Piper In England & Wales MACPHERSON, Fiona: Hometalk with Mango Groove
ELLIOT, J. Scott: Dowsing One Man's Way DE VILLIERS, Helene: Die Sprokiesboom MEINTJES, Julia; MILES, Elza; WELSH, Grace: Vita Art Now 03.05.1989 - 18.06.1989
THALMANN, Rita & FEINERMANN, Emmanuel: Crystal Night 9-10 November 1938 HOLMES, Donald: A Mind Reading Act (Serial No. 4) UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Report on the Conduct of the Ovakuanyama Chief Mandume and on the Military Operations Conducted Against Hime in Ovamboland
PAULME, Denise: L'Art Sculptural Negre. I & II (Art et Style 62/63) STOLL, Mareidi & STOLL, Gert: Ibeji. Zwillingsfiguren der Yoruba. Twin Figures of the Yoruba DE VRIES, Gerry & HALL, Jonathan: The Muzzle Loading Cannon of South Africa
BROWN-LOWE, Robin: The Lost City of Solomon & Sheba: An African Mystery BELL-ROBERTS, Brendon (Edited by): Snapped #03 HOUSE, Adrian: The Great Safari - The Lives of Joy and George Adamson
BISCHOFF, Louis: The Sedgefield Saga KURE, Nils: Living with Leopards DE VILLIERS, Div & COSTELLO, John: Mkambati and the Wild Coast
BLATTER, Janet & MILTON, Sybil: Art of the Holocaust. Over 350 Works of Art created in Ghettos, Concentration Camps and in Hiding by Victims of the Nazis SIMSA, Paul; SPROSS, Hans Jurgen; WENDT, Horst Immanuel: The Star of the dreams. Der Stern der Sehnsucht. Posters and advertisements from Mercedes-Benz. Contemporary documents of consumer art from 1900 to 1960, JOHNSON, Phyllis & MARTIN, David (Edited by): Destructive Engagement Southern Africa at War
EVERATT, David & SISULU, Elinor: Black Youth in Crisis: Facing the Future KROGER, Leo: Long Life and Short Stories KAZATZAKIS, Niko [Nikou Kazantzake]: Odysseia
KAY, Geoffrey: Development and Underdevelopment: A Marxist Analysis SMITH, Martin Cruz: The Indians Won LA GUMA, Alex (Edited by): Apartheid: A Collection of Writings on South African Racism by South Africans
VISSER, N.W. & SMITH, M. Van Wyk (Edited by): Athol Fugard at Fifty (English in Africa Volume 9 No.2) JUNOD, H.A: Grammaire Ronga: Suivie D Un Manuel de Conversation Et D Un Vocabulaire Ronga-Portugais-Francais-Anglais Pour Exposer Et Illustrer Les Lois Du Ronga, Langage Parle Par Les Indigenes Du District de Lourenco-Marques LOOCK, Jack: Die Belydenis Van 'n Alkoholis
HUTCHINSON, J.B.; SILOW, R.A.; STEPHENS, S.G: The Evolution of Gossypium, and the differentiation of the Cultivated Cottons ENDFIELD, Cy: Zulu Dawn: Final Shooting Script SMITH, H.J: Smith's Fly-Inns for Southern Africa
REEVE, Amy J: Practical Home Millinery SYRING, Marie Luise (Edited by): Andreas Gursky Photographs from 1984 to the Present MAISKY, Ivan: Who Helped Hitler
QUIGLEY, Austin E: The Pinter Problem TRISMEGISTUS, Hermes Mercurius: Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus His Divine Pymander Also, the Asiatic Mystery, the Smaragdine Table and the Song of Brahm RHODESIA RAILWAYS HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Locomotives of Rhodesia Railways
RUMI, Jalalu'ddin (Translated By Colin GARBETT): Sun of Tabriz: A Lyrical Introduction to Higher Metaphysics. Selected Poems of Jalalu'ddin Rumi KRAUSE, Albert: Über die "Transmissio ex capite in integrum restitutionis" MACPHAIL, E.M. & ESTERHUYSEN, Peter (Selected by): Some Roses, a Hamburger, the AK47 and a Puddle: Hippogriff New Writers
LEVI, Riso: Billiards for the Million SMYTHE, Frank S: Edward Whymper AIRY, George Biddell: Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories. The Figure of the Earth. Procession and Nutation, The Calculus of Variations and The Undulatory Theory of Optics.
GIFAS: L'industrie aéronautique et spatiale française. 1907-1982. 3 volumes - Tome 1 : 1907 - 1947 Anthologie des deux ouvrages de 1934 et 1949. Tome 2 : 1947 - 1982 Les structures. Tome 3 : Programmes et matériels MUIR, Augustus & DAVIES, Mair: A Victorian Shipowner a Portrait of Sir Charles Gayzer, Baronet of Gartmore KJEKSHUS, Helge: Ecology Control and Economic Development in East African History: Case of Tanganyika, 1850-1950
McMAGH, Patricia: The Three Lieschings; Their Times and Contribution to Cape Medicine 1800-1843 BEDFORD, Emma (Edited by): Tremor Contemporary South African Art / Art Sud Africain Contemporain GUTHRIE, Kenneth Sylvan: The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient Writings Which Relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean Philosophy
SEFERIS, George (Edited By Roy Macnab): George Seferis South African Diaries, Poems and Letters MTWA,Percy;NGEMA,Mbongeni; SIMON,Barney: Woza Albert PALMER, Robin & PARSONS, Neil (Edited by): The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa
LEVINE, Laurie: The Drumcafe's Traditional Music of South Africa POSTCARDS: Stockholms Stadhus VIEW ALBUM: Rhein
CRAIG, Elizabeth: Cookery and Household Management FARSI, Hani Mohamed: Jeddah City of Art; The Sculptures and Monuments KAEGI, Walter Emil: Byzantine Military Unrest, 471-843: An Interpretation
AKERMAN, Paul: Encyclopaedia of British Submarines 1901-1955 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee on Langberg Campaign PROUT-JONES, Desmond: Cracking the Sky: A History of Rocket Science in South Africa
HURLIMANN, Martin: Hong Kong JONES, Ernest: Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis BOLINGBROKE, Lord: The Works of Lord Bolingbroke, with a Life Prepared Expressly for This Edition Containing Additional Information Relative to His Personal and Public Character
MARKHAM, C.A: The "New" Pewter Marks and Old Pewter Ware Domestic and Ecclesiastical, Including Sections on the History of the Pewterer's Craft, Statutes, Ordinances, etc., relating to Pewterers from A.D. 1348. The manufacture and Composition of Pewter Ware as well as BAIJNATH, Himansu & SINGH, Yashica (Edited by): Rebirth of Science in Africa: A Shared Vision for Life and Environmental Sciences Contributions to the African Renais-Science Conference Held at the Durban Botanic Gardens Visitor's Complex, 25-29 March 2002 MIKKELSEN, Ejnar: Mirage in the Arctic
OLIPHANT, A.W. (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.8 No.1 OLIPHANT, A.W. (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.7 No.1 OLIPHANT, A.W. (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.7 No.2
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