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ANDERSON, H.S: Sciernce of Food and Cookery SAWLANI, Narain: Dubai Creek: Past & Present, WINBERG, Marlene & DANGOR, Achmat: Back to the Land
LEACH, Bernard: A Potter's Portfolio SALOMON, Kathryn: Jewish Ceremonial Embroidery ANDERSON, Dorothy: The Balkan Volunteers
RASMUSSEN, Lars (Compiled by): Abdullah Ibrahim. A Discography ROUX, Edward (Louis HERRMAN Assciation copy): Time Longer Than Rope. A History of the Black Man's Struggle for Freedom in South Africa HORNSBY, A.H: The South African Diamond Fields A Matter of Fact Account
BALFOUR, Daryl & BALFOUR, Sharna: Simply Safari SAEKS, Diane Dorrans: Seaside Interiors HAYES, Patricia Ann: The Trout Cook. 100 Ways with Trout
GOVE, Michael: Celsius 7/7 : How the West's Policy of Appeasement Has Provoked Yet More Fundamentalist Terror - And What Has to Be Done Now MACFADDEN, Bernarr: The Encyclopedia of Health and Physical Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to the Proper Care and Complete Development of the Human Body I JORDA, Carles Battle; BRAVO, Isidre; JORDI, Coca: Adrià Gual. Mitja Vida De Modernisme
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DUFFERIN, Earl of (Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood) INSCRIBED ASSOCIATION COPY: A Yacht Voyage. Letters From High Latitudes: Being Some Account of a Voyage in 1856, In The Schooner Yacht "Foam," To Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen BONVALOT, Gabriel: Through the Heart of Asia over the Pamïr to India With 250 Illustrations by Albert Pépin ORMEROD, E. A: Handbook of insects Injurious to Orchard and Bush Fruits with means of Prevention and Remedy
SCOTT, Walter: The Poetical Works. Complete in one Volume. With all his Introductions and Notes, also various Readings, and the editor's notes STANLEY, Srthur Penrhyn: Sinai in Palestine Connection with their History BARING-GOULD, S: The Deserts of Southern France. An Introduction to the Limestone and Chalk Plateaux of Ancient Aquitaine
NASSER, Martin E. & VIVIER, Frank J: Mindset for the New Generation Organisation SOMAYYA, A.E. & CABRAL, Zafrica (Introduction By Don MATTERA): Gold in Graphite. Jozi Sketchbook COULTER, Fred R. (BIBLE): The New Testament In Its Original Order: A Faithful Version with Commentary. From the Stephens Text of 1550
STRAKER, Gill; MOOSA, Fatima; BECKER, Rise; NKWALE, Madiyoyo: Faces in the Revolution: The Psychological Effects of Violence on Township Youth in South Africa GILMAN, Charlotte Perkins: Women & Economics - A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Revolution HELY'S: Northlights: A Review 1950-51
REUNING, H. & WORTLEY, We: Psychological Studies of the Bushmen IRVING, C.J. (Preface by); OPPENHEIMER, Ernest (Introduction by): Symposium on Diamond Drilling Johannesburg April 1952 LONG-HSUEN, HSU & CHANG MING-KAI: History of The Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
PU-YU, Hu: A Brief History of the Chinese National Revolutionary Forces TAYLOR, David: Souvenir of the Siege of Mafeking PAPENFUS, Theresa (Edited by) (SADET): The Road to Democracy in South Africa. VOLUME 1 (1960 - 1970)
PROGRAMME: International Rugby League Great Britain V. France, Willowmoore Park Benoni July 20 1957 HORRELL, Muriel (Compiled by): The " Pass Laws " A Fact Paper No.7 1960 FREEMASONRY: Concordia Lodge 2685, E.C. ERMELO. Ceremony of Dedication of New Temple and Installation Friday 17th May 1912
BURCHARD, Johann (Introduction, Notes, Appendices, Tables et Index By L. THUASNE): Diarium Sive Rerum Urbanarum Commentarii (1483-1506). Texte Latin Publie ... D'apres Les Manuscrits De Paris, De Rome, De Florence.... PUNCH: Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield K. G. In Upwards of 100 Cartoons from the Collection of Mr. Punch STURGIS, Matthew: Walter Sickert
LEHMANN, J: Lehmann's Passover Hagadah; With The Commentary of Rabbi Dr. Marcus Lehman of Mainz COOKE, H. B. S: Preservation of the Sterkfontein Ape-man Cave Site South Africa EBERHARDT, Isabelle (Translated By Paul BOWLES): He Oblivion Seekers and Other Writings
MRABET, Mohammed (Translated By Paul BOWLES): The Big Mirror ROSA, Rodrigo Rey (Translated By Paul BOWLES): The Beggar's Knife LONDON GAZETTE (NAPOLEONIC WARS): A Remarkable Complete Collection of The London Gazette Extraordinary for the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic War from October 16 1797 to June 22 1815, Together with Six Later Issues 1817-1830 (Royal) & 17 Royal and Lord Commissioner Speeches 17991830
HARDIE, Garth M. & HARTFORD, Gordon F: Commentary on the Immorality Act (Act. No. 23 of 1957) ARNAUD, Georges: The Wages of Fear MACDONALD, Graham & PAPINEAU, David (Edited by): Teleosemantics
LINSCOTT, Graham: Into the River of Life: A Biography of Ian Player PROKOFIEFF, Sergei O: The Occult Significance of Forgiveness KEMM, Kelvin: At the Forefront of Weather 1860-2010
ASHURST, John & DIMES, Francis G: Stone In Building Its Use and Potential Today CLARK, Lady (Introduction Geraldene HOLT): The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie CHILD, Julia: Julia Child & Company
ROPERS, O: Morgenländische Teppiche. Ein Auskunftsbuch für Sammler und Liebhaber EDMUNDS, Tom Own: Bhutan : Land of the Thunder Dragon MICHAUD, Roland & MICHAUD, Sabrina: Caravans to Tartary
KLING, Kevin: Tibet KALTER, J.;PAVALOI, M.; ZERRNICKEL, M: Syrien Mosaik Eines Kulturraumes HICKS, Amy Mali: The Craft of Hand-Made Rugs
MONNIG, H: The Pedi AMAMOO, Joseph Godson: Ghana: 50 Years of Independence KAUNDA, Kennith: A Humanist in Africa: Letters to Colin Morris
BRONGERS, Georg: Nicotiana Tabacum The History of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoking in the Netherlands BEUCHAT, P.-D: The Verb in Zulu NUGENT, Paul: Africa Since Independence: A Comparative History
HAINING, Peter (Edited by): The Black Magic Omnibus MAGUBANE, Peter: African Renaissance HEIKERTINGER, Franz: Das Rätsel der Mimikry und seine Lösung. Eine kritische Darstellung des Werdend, des Wesens und der Widerlegung der Tiertrachthypothesen.,
IZZARD, Sebastian (Edited by): One Hundred Masterpieces From The Collection Of Dr. Walter A. Compton: Japanese Swords, Sword-fittings And Accoutrements (Essays by William Tilley and Walter Compton II ; .: Catalogue by Robert Haynes and D. Martin Lorber FINLAY, Alan (Edited by): Blek-Sem Song-Words and Poems MOOLMAN, Kobus (Edited by): Fidelities V: a Selection of Peotry from Kwazulu-Natal
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