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HUGHES, C.J. & FARRANT, J.R: The Geology of the 1/4 Field Sheet No.26: Cape Coast and Saltpond Districts GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GHANA: References in the Reports of the Director of Geological Surveys to Occurrences of Economic Minerals in Ghana, with Notes on Their Industrial Applications, and a Map Showing Mineral Deposits POORE, Lady: An Admiral's Wife in the Making: 1860-1903 (AND) Recollections of an Admiral's Wife 1903-1916
PEDERSEN, Poul Ove: Small African Towns: Between Rural Networks and Urban Hierarchies WHITFIELD, G. J: Fifty Thrilling Years at Sea. In Command of R.M.S. Arundel Castle ZAAYMAN, Carine: Menagerie Theresa Anne Mackintosh
DU PREEZ, Max: Graceland. Sanell Aggenbach HUNDT, Stefan: Tyrone Appollis Today and Yesterday SHIELDS, Charles: Brian Bradshaw
Maurice, eMILE (eDITED BY): LOST LIGHT. fUGITIVE IMAGES FROM DEEP SPACE SEGHERS, Pierre: Clave. Pintura. Col lage. Tapisseria. Escultura. Litografia. Barcelona, Junio 1970 PERIODICAL: Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, with the Premiums offered in the Year 1810 VOL. XXVIII
WERTH, A.J: Hugo Naude. Retrospective Exhibition. Oorsigtentoonstelling CAMPBELL, John: Travels in South Africa Undertaken at the Request of the London Missionary Society; Being a Narrative of a Second Journey in the Interior of That Country ABRAHAMS, Lionel (Edited by): The Purple Renoster Nos.1-12 (LACKING NO.2)
BUNBURY, Charles: Journal of a Residence at the Cape of Good Hope; with excursions into the interior, and notes on the natural history, and the native tribes., TEN RHYNE, William: An Account of the Cape of Good Hope and the Hottentots, the Natives of That Country OWST, G. R: Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. A Neglected Chapter in the History of English Letters and of the English People
JOST, Jurgen: Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis OLVER, Peter J: Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations., MASSEY, W.S: Algebraic Topology: An Introduction
MASSEY, William S: A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology NABER, Gregory L: Topology, Geometry, and Gauge Fields: Foundations COHN, Donald L: Measure Theory
DARLING, R. W. R: Differential Forms and Connections BELL, W. D.M: The Wanderings of an Elephant Hunter BRYDEN, H.A: The Kalahari and Its Prospects (IN: The Examiner Vol. 1 No.3 16th June 1902)
RUGBY TOUR BROCHURE: All Blacks in S.A. 1970: Am Official Publication ADAMS: General Instructions for "Adams" Two Cylinder Car THE JUBILEE COMMITTEE: Our Queen. Algoa's Tribute. A Souvenir of Port Elizabeth's Celebration of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, June 20th, 22nd and 23rd 1897
LETCHER, Owen: South Central Africa. An Outline of the History, Geography, Commerce and Transportation Systems of the Congo-Zimbabwe Watershed. With Spercial Reference in the Mineral Industry NAKASA, Nathaniel (Edited by) (Contributors Include Can THEMBA; Richard RIVE; Ezekiel MPHAHLELE; Nathaniel NAKASA; Casey MOTSISI): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME ONE NUMBER 1 NAKASA, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME ONE NUMBER 3
SIMON, Barney & MOTSISI, Casey (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME ONE NUMBER 4 SIMON, Barney (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME TWO NUMBER 3 SIMON, Barney (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME TWO NUMBER 4
SIMON, Barney (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME THREE NUMBER 1 SIMON, Barney (Edited by): The Classic. Johannesburg African Quarterly VOLUME THREE NUMBER 4 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution VOLS. 1-44, 1878/1879 to 1926/1927
DUNLOP, Andrew: The Life of Vice-Admiral Sir Robert John LeMesurier McClure C.B. Arctic Explorer and Discoverer of the North West Passage (1807-1873) DUNLOP, Andrew: The Memoirs of a Bombay Mariner Being the Story of Captain John McClure of the Bombay Marine - Hydrographer (1767-1792) GLANVILLE, Ernest: Through the Red Revolt on the Rand
LEGASSICK, G.V. (Edited by)): "Both Watches". 1957 KENT, Katie Peck: Prehistoric Textiles of the Southwest GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT TANGANYIKA TERRITORY: Short Papers Nos. 1-30
WALKER, Clive & BOTHMA, J. Du P: The Soul of the Waterberg DOBSON, Paul & BOTHA, Amanda: Larger Than Life - A Biography of Jan Bull Pickard IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES: Gold Extraction for the Small Operator
THEMELIS, Ted: Flux-Enhanced Rubies & Sapphires WISE, Richard W: Secrets of the Gem Trade: The Connoisseur's Guide to Precious Gemstones WILSON, M. G. C. & ANHAEUSSER, C.R. (Edited by): The Mineral Resources of South Africa
TARBOTON, Warwick: A Guide to Nests and Eggs of Southern African Birds ROLLIN, Jack (Edited by): World Soccer: The International Magazine January 1968= December 1968 WALTON, James: Vroee Plase En Nedersettings in Die Oranje Vrystaat
WALTON, James: Windpumps in South Africa CHETTY, R: Verulam 1850-1987 JOUBERT, Flip & LOUW, Joubert: Langs Die Viswaters
SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS: Picturesque South Africa HOOKER, Stanley: Not Much of an Engineer: An Autobiography VENTER, Bill (with Harold SEREBRO and Jacques SELLSCHOP): In Pursuit Of A Dream; Bill Venter & The Altron Story
ROBERTSON, Wilfrid: Rgodesian Rancher LETCHER, Owen: Namaqualand. Cradle of Mineral Development in Southern Africa BOWEN, E.G: The Settlements of the Celtic Saints in Wales
WALLACE, Alfred Russell: The Geographical Distribution of Animals With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface VOLUME II ONLY STARKIE, Walter: Don Gypsy Adventure with a Fiddle in Barbary, Andalusia and La Mancha CANNING, Victor: Raven's Wind
FRAZIER, Gregory W: Alaska by Motorcycle: How to Motorcycle to Alaska FORTY, George and Anne: Bovington Tanks MAWSON, Paquita: Mawson of the Antarctic The Life of Sir Douglas Mawson
KATZ, Elaine N: A Trade Union Aristocracy. A History of White Workers in the Transvaal and the General Strike of 1913 DRENNAN, Ian G: Pessimism and the Use of Form in Josef Weinheber's Early Poetry DAVIS, Tenney L: The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives Complete in One Volume
SOLOMON, Bertha: Time Remembered: The Story of a Fight TOESCA, Pietro & FORLATI, Ferdinando: Mosaics of St. Mark's MACINTYRE, Michael: The Shogun Inheritance. Japan and the Legacy of the Samurai
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