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BARTHES, Roland: S/Z WESSELS, J.W: Redevoering Uitgesproken Door Advokaat Wessels Te Paarl 6 Juni 1900 ROSE-INNES, J: Redevoering Door Den Edelen Heer J. Rose-Innes in De Municipale Zaal Claremont, Kaap Kolonie, 30 Maart, 1900
MOLL, A.M: South Africanism Versus Jingoism BRANDT, Johanna: Millennium DE ZUID AFRIKAAN: De Heer Saul Solomon Voorstander Van Het Vrijwillig Beginsel, Beatwoord Door De Zuid-Afrikaan
SCHOLTZ, G.D: Die Lewensaand Van President Kruger DONGES, T.E: Die Afrikaanse Gedagte En Die Draers Daarvan HANEKOM, H.A. (Chairman): Program Van Die Volksfees Te Meisiesfontein, Die Plaas Van Piet Retief 14-16 1923
HERTZOG, General: Die Mislukte Versoening Binne Die Nasionale Party BRUMMER, N.J: Di Afrikaanse Nasie MACKAY, Ramsay & CATHERINE, Norman: Last Letters from the Wilderness
COMBRINK, Nicholas (Edited by): Norman Catherine ROTH, Cecil: The Spanish Inquisition DUGMORE, Heather & VAN WYK, Ben Erik: Muthi and Myths from the African Bush
BRENNER, Reeve Robert: The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust Survivors BENTON, Ted: Bumblebees WILDBLOOD, Chris: The Realm of the Desert Elephant Kaokoland and Damaraland...
JAFFE, Irma B: The Sculpture of Leonard Baskin JONES,Kenneth Glyn: Messier's Nebulae and Star Clusters MATTIODA, Leo (Compiled by): The Mattioda Family - Commemorating 100 Years of Construction in Southern Africa 1897-1997
NORRI, Marja Riitta (AND OTHERS) (AALTO, Alvar): Viiva: Originaalipiirustuksia Alvar Aallon Arkistosta/linjen: Originalritningar Ur Alvar Aaltos Arkiv / the Line: Original Drawings from the Alvar Aalto Archive HEJDUK, John: Mask of Medusa: Works 1947-1983 VIEIRA, Jose Luandino: The Real Life of Domingos Xavier
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan En Die Opar Juwele BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan En Die Seun BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Die Verskriklike
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Van Die Ape BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Se Terugkeer BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan in Die Oerwoud
CULLINAN, Partick (Edited by): The Bloody Horse Nos. 1-6 MURDOCH, Iris: The Sea the Sea PIENAAR, Hans & WILLEMSE, Hein: Die Trojaanse Perd: Onderhoude Oor Die Noodtoestand in Die Kaap 1985
SIMON, Barney (Edited by) (Contributors Include Casey MOTSISI; Alfred KUMALO; Bessie HEAD; Peter MAGUBANE; Oswald MSHALI): The Classic VOLUME3 Number One DIKOBE, Modikwe: The Marabi Dance LIVINDSTONE, Douglas: The Anvil's Undertone
PAHL, H.W.; JAFTA, D.N.; JOLOBE, J.J.R: Xhosa Literature Its Past and Future HOPE, Christopher; KEECH, Ruth; LIVINGSTONE, Douglas; STRAUSS, Peter: Poems 73 (Supplement to BOLT April 73) WILLEMSE, Hein: Angsland
PEPETELE: Mayombe MARQUEZ, Gabriel Garcia: The Autumn of the Patriarch POLLEY, J. (Edited by) (DE VILLIERS, D.P.; BRINK, Andre P.; MILES, John; BARNARD, Chris; AUCAMP, Hennie; LEROUX, Etienne; SMALL, Adam; COPE, Jack; RIVE, Richard; LOUW, W.E.G.; KANNEMEYER, J.C.; SLABBERT, F. Van ZYL; RABIE, Jan; DEGENAAR, J.J.; etc): Verslag Van Die Simposium Oor Die Sestigers, Gehou Deur Die Departement Buitemuurse Studies Van Die Universieit Van Kaapstad, 12-16 Februarie 1973
DE VILLIERS, Andre (Edited by) (PLAATJE, Solomon T): Plaatje Centenary Issue (English in Africa VOLUME 3 No.2, September 1976) SEPAMLA, Sipho (Edited by): New Classic No.5 (Short Story Special) CROSS, C.R.; MTIMKULU, Philip; NAPIER, Clive; VAN DER MERWE, Liza: Conflict and Violence in Pietermaritzburg: The Development Factor
BRYANT, A.T: Olden Times in Zululand and Natal. Earlier Political History of the Eastern-Nguni Clans PRELLER, Gustav S: Vootrekkermense V PRELLER, Gustav S: Vootrekkermense VI
BEST, Peter B: Whales and Dolphins of the Southern African Subregion ELOFF, Magdalena & DU PLESSIS, Gezina: Die President en Ek. Herinneringe aan President Paul Kruger deur Magdalena Eloff soos vertel aan Gezina du Plessis KREIS, John F. (Edited by): Piercing the Fog: Intelligence and Army Air Forces Operations in World War II
COETZEE, J.M: White Writing: On the Culture of Letters in South Africa LEWIS, Alun (Introduction By Robert GRAVES): Ha! Ha! Among the Trumpets - Poems in Transit ALSPACH, Russell K: Yeats and Innisfree
TELFER, Giles W. L: Yeats's Idea of the Gael SAUL, George Brandon: In ...... Luminous Wind BRADFORD, Curtis: Yeats's "Last Poems" Again
MOSSOP, G: Running the Gauntlet BOESAK, Allan Aubrey: Black Theology, Black Power MEGAHEY, Alan: Humphrey Gibbs, Beleagured Governor. Southern Rhodesia, 1929-69
TYLER, J.S. (Attributed to): The Bosjesmen. A Lecture on the Mental, Moral and Physical Attributes of the Bushmen, or African Savages FOSTER, Hal: Prince Valiant Fights on the Inland Sea FOSTER, Hal: Prince Valiant;s Perilous Voyage
FOSTER, Hal: Prince Valiant; and the Golden Princess FOSTER, Hal: Prince Valiant; in the New World FOSTER, Hal: Prince Valiant; and the Three Challenges
NASIONALE PERS: Ons Skrywers En Hul Werke HILL, Lorna: Dancer in the Wings HILL, Lorna: Back Stage
BARNES, B.; BUCKLEY, P.M.; HUNT, J.M.;PETFORD, A.J. (Edited by): Saddleworth Surveyed: Selected maps of the township 1625-1851 JONES, Bernard E: The Complete Woodworker GOLDBLATT, Robert: Postmarks of the Cape of Good Hope / The Postal History and Markings of the Cape of Good Hope and Griqualand West 1792-1910
MATHEWS, Ian B., Et al: Transvaal Philately: The Stamps, Forgeries, Postal History and Miscellanea of the Transvaal Territories from Inception to Union NASH & HULL: Nash & Hull...Letter Makers and Sign Contractors LEVER, Henry: South African Society
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