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HAMILTON, Russell G: Voices From an Empire: A History of Afro-Portuguese Literature
HAGGARD, H. Rider (Edited By Stephen Coan): Diary of an African Journey
ADHIKARI, Mohamed: Not White Enough Not Black Enough. Racial Identity in a Coloured Community
WOOD, John (Compiled by): Pitsani (Imperial Map of South Africa)
HARDINGE, Rex: South African Cinderella. A Trek Through Ex-German West Africa
MUSSON, Doreen: Johnny Gomas Voice of the Working Class. A Political Biography
TIMMINS, H. & CLOETE, S: Tretchikoff
DAWES, Mike: The Flytier's Companion
SWANEPOEL, Jaap & OOSTHUIZEN, Wessel: RSA 1973 Games / Spele
DAVIS, S. (Edited by): S W A (South West Africa) Annual 1974
ASHWORTH, Graham: Encyclopaedia of Planning
DOWSON, Henry: The Centenary. A History of the First Baptist Church Bradford, from Its Commencement in 1753
CRESSWELL, H. B: The Honeywood Settlement. A Continuation of "The Honeywood File"
SHAW, Kern (Foreword By Horace LINDRUM): Snooker - Against the Nap
MEINTJES, Malcolm: The Suggestive Flyfisher. South African Trout Tactics and Flies
LEGAT, C. E: The Propagation of Forest Trees in South Africa
CROWE, N.D: Growth, Yield and Economics of Pinus Patula in the Natal Midlands
LANDBOUTAALKOMIITEE: Akkerboulys / Field Husbandry List (Eng.-Afr.; Afr. - Eng.)
TANDY, Ron & BERRY, Roger: Handsworth R.U.F.C. Centenary Year Brochure. 100 Years of Rugby
BOSMAN, D. L: Timber Resources and Timber Utilisation in South Africa
GANTZHORN, Volkmar: The Christian Oriental Carpet: A Presentation of Its Development, Iconologically and Iconographically, from Its Beginnings to the 18th Century
BRENT, Winston A: African Military Aviation
HUNT, John / PETTIT, Stephen J: From Adam to Webern: The recordings of von Karajan. St. Petitt: Philharmonia Orchestra: Complete Discography 1945-1987. (Two Separate Discographies)
DENNY, Charmagne: Chronicles from the Bushveld . Adventures of Pioneering Families in Southern Africa
DUBINO, Andrew: Gunsmithing with Simple Hand Tools
CARR, Harry (Edited by): The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960
MOLLOY, E. (Edited by): Aeroplane Radio Equipment (Dealing with Marconi, Standard and North American radio equipment .)
WYNNE-ROBERTS, R.O: "Wynne-Roberts' Pocket Hydraulic Calculator for Circular Pipes. Based on Kutter's Formula
WADDELL, J. A. L: De Pontibus. A Pocket-book for Bridge Engineers
RUBIN, Riva: The Poet Killers
JACKSON, Helen Hunt: Ramona
SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich: William Tell
ALAIN-FOURNIER: The Wanderer (Le Grand Meaulnes)
ADAMS, Henry: Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres
FONTENROSE, Joseph: Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins
MASEREEL, Frans: Danse Macabre
STENDHAL (Pseud. Marie-Henri BEYLE): The Charterhouse of Parma
CONGREVE, William: The Way of the World
FRANCE, Anatole: The Revolt of the Angels
HARDY, Thomas: Tess of the Durbervilles
NEWSPAPER: Blackshirt. The Patriot Worker's Paper. No.174 Aug 22 1936
NEWSPAPER: Port Elizabeth Telegraph VOL.5 No.237, October 5th 1854
NEWSPAPER: The Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser. Vol. XIX No.953. April 17th 1824
NEWMAN, Sharan: Kaapstads Courant En Afrikaansche Berigter. VOL. XVII No.865
HEINDEL, Max: Ancient and Modern Initiation
MEREDITH, George (Foreword by): The Queen's Carol. An Anthology of Poems, Stories, Essays, Drawings and Music by British Authors, Artists and Composers
BROWN, Tom (Edited By Arthur L. HAYWARD): Amusements Serious and Comical and Other Works
THACKER, Eric & EARNSHAW, Anthony: Musrum
BINDER, Pearl: Misha and Masha. Stories and Drawings
PERIODICAL: The Apple of Discord and Beauty. SECOND QUARTER 1920
GRAY, Thomas: Elegy written in a Country Churchyard
BAWDEN, Edward: A Book of Cuts
(BIBLE) SOHAR, Zvi (Edited by): The Song of Solomon / Le Cantique des Cantiques / El Cantar las Cantares
COLLIER, Brian (Edited by): `eastern Province Rock and Surf Anglers Guide and Year Book 1988
HECHT, Ben: Perfidy
WRIGLEY, John (Introduction by): Development of Local Government in the Colonies. Report of a Conference Queen's College Cambridge 22nd August - 2nd September 1955
MOLNAR, Thomas: The American Dilemma. A Consideration of United States Leadership in World Affairs
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: First Report of the Constitutional Committee of the President's Council
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: Joint Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs and the Constitutional Committee of the President's Council on Local and Regional Management Systems in the Republic of South Africa
COFFIN, Sarah D.; LUPTON, Ellen; GOLDSTEIN, Darra: Feeding Desire: Design and the Tools of the Table, 1500-2005
GOOCH, John: Mussolini and His Generals: The Armed Forces and Fascist Foreign Policy, 1922-1940
KNOX, Macgregor: To the Threshold of Power, 1922/33, Volume I: Origins and Dynamics of the Fascist and Nationalist Socialist Dictatorships
BURROWS, John & BURROWS, Sandra: Figs of Southern & South-Central Africa
REINECK, H.-E. & SINGH, I.B: Depositional Sedimentary Environments: With Reference to Terrigenous Clastics
LEWIS, Wyndham: Wyndham Lewis the Artist. From 'Blast' to Burlington House
FRIEDLANDER, C. K. & TEBBUTT, Patrick: A Short-Cut To Rugby: A Book for the Spectator and the Player
ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques: The Confessions
WELLS, H.G: Tono Bungay
HOBERMAN, Gerald: The Art of Coins and Their Photography. An Illustrated Photographic Treatise with an Introduction to Numismatics
PORCEL, Baltasar: La Pintura De Arranz Bravo
LAMORISSE, A: The Red Balloon
SQUIRE, Lorene: Wildfowling With A Camera
BROOKES, Edgar: The Political Future o South Africa
ROSENBERG, Samuel N. & TISCHLER, Hans (Edited by): Chanter M'Estuet, Songs of the Trouveres
CARPENTER, Nan Cooke: Music In the Medieval and Renaissance Universities
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