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KENDRICK, A. F: Catalogue of Samplers Victoria and Albert Museum. Department of Textiles MARTINEZ-NOVILLO, Alvaro: Museo Espanol De Arte Contemporaneo Catalogo Tomo I / Tomo II HORTON, Mervyn: Queensland Art Gallery Retrospect and Prospect
MELLISH, Raoul: Queensland Art Gallery Selected Works WATKINS, Nicholas: Christopher Couch Recent Work GRIBLING, F.T: Corneille
BOENESS, Alan; KNIGHT, Vivien; GOUK, Alan: Have You Seen Sculpture from the Body? GLUSBERG, Jorge: Venezuela Young Generation KOREVAAR-HESSELING, E.H: Het Nederlandse Volkskarakter Weerspiegeld in De Nederlandse Schilderkunst
IDIENS, Dale: A Catalogue of Northern Athapaskan Indian Artefacts in the Collection of the Royal Scottish Museum Edinburgh FILDES, L.V: Luke Fildes R.A. A Victorian Painter FOSKETT, Daphne: British Portrait Miniatures. A History
GOVINDA, Lama Anagarika: Die Innere Struktur Des I Ging. Das Buch Der Wandlungen BECKH, Hermann: Vom Geheimnis Der Stoffeswelt (Alchymie) REICHSTEIN, Herbert: Praktisches Lehrbuch Der Kabbala. Magie Und Mystik Der Namen Und Zahlen
KURTZAHN, E. Tristan: Die Runen Als Heilzeichen Und Schiksalslose HERTZKA, Gottfried & STREHLOW, Wighard: Handbuch Der Hildegard Medizin BARDON, Franz: Die Praxis Der Magischen Evokation
STEINER, Rudolf: Das Geheimnisder Trinitat. Der Mensch Und Sein Verhaltnis Zur Geistwelt Im Wandel Der Zeiten LAUF, Deetlef I: Geheimlehren Tibetischer Totenbucher. Jenseitwelten Und Wandlung Nach Dem Tode MANLEY, Bill: Die Siebzig Grossen Geheimnisse Des Alten Agyptens
JOHNSTON, John Octavius: Life and Letters of Henry Parry Liddon PRELLER, Gustav S: Ons Parool. Dae Uit Die Dagboek Van 'n Krygsgevangene CURSON, H.H: The History of the Kimberley Regiment
OTT, John: My Ivory Cellar. The Story of Time-Lapse Photography ADAM, Neil Kensington: The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces PRASHER, C.L: Crushing and Grinding Process Handbook
LEACH, Johnny: Tabel Tennis for the Seventies BELLAK, Laszlo: Table Tennis. How a New Sport Was Born SCHUON, Frithjof: Light on the Ancient Worlds
MAVOR, Elizabeth (Edited and Compiled By) (GRAHAM, Maria): The Captain's Wife. The South American Journals of Maria Graham 1821 - 23 FRASER, Ian: Blood, Sweat and Cheers MITCHELL, Gladys: Mingled with Venom
SITWELL, Osbert: Poems About People or England Reclaimed BUCHANAN, J.Y: Comptes Rendus of Observation and Reasoning PRINCE ALBERT (and Numerous others): Report of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Aberdeen in September 1859
RUCKER, Arthur W. (and Numerous Other authors): Report of the Seventy First Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Glasgow in September 1901 FOSTER, Michael. (and Numerous Other authors): Report of the Sixty Ninth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Dover in September 1899 GEIKIE, Archibald (and Numerous Other authors): Report of the Sixty Second Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Edinburgh in August 1892
MERRIFIELD, Mr. (BABBAGE, Charles) (and Numerous Other authors): Report of the Committee to Consider the Advisability and to Estimate Expense of Constructing Mr. Babbage's Analytical Machine.IN: Report of the Forty Eighth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Dublin in August 1878 STANLEY, G.H: Platinum and Platinum Metals STIFF, Peter: Covert War. Koevoet Operations Namibia 1979-1989
ROOME, W.J.W: Can Africa be Won CARRINGTON, Richard: East from Tunis. A Record of Travels on the Northern Coast of Africa ELLIOTT, A. & DICKSON, J. Home: Laboratory Instruments. Their Design and Application
BURR, Malcolm: In Bolshevik Serbia. The Land of Ice and Exile WIEMAN, Randy: Freestyle Skiing MALLAS, John H. & KREIMER, Evered: The Messier Album
HOLMES, Edward (Notes By Ebenezer PROUT): The Life of Mozart Including His Correspondence EYBERS, Elizabeth: Die Stil Avontuur ZOLA, Emile: The Masterpiece (L'Oeuvre)
LEE, Richard B. & DE VORE, Irven (Edited by): Man the Hunter MACDONALD, Lyn: 1914-1918 Voices and Images of the Great War WAINWRIGHT, Geoffrey: The Henge Monuments. Ceremony and Society in Prehistoric Britain
HALLIDAY, Ricky Dene: Military Transport Fleets 1981/82 RAMIE, Georges: Picasso's Ceramics BATES, H. E. / SMITH, Stevie (and others): The Park / Seven Poems (in Life and Letters To-day Volume 29 Number 46 June 1941)
SANDERSON, Tessa: My Life in Athletics PIERSSENS, Michel: The Power of Babel. A Study of Logophilia GRANT, John Cameron: The Truth About the Flaming Ghoulies
SIMROCK, Karl (Translated by): Das Nibelungenlied SAUER, Carl (Edited By John LEIGHLY): Land and Life. A Selection from the Writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer DINESEN, Isak: Carnival Entertainment and Posthumous Tales
SAGGS, H.W.F: Babylonians (Peoples of the Past) DAVIS, Jackson; CAMPBELL, Thomas M. & WRONG, Margaret: Africa Advancing. A Study of Rural Education and Agriculture in West Africa and the Belgian Congo SMITH, R.H: Labour Resources of Natal. A Summary of a Thesis
MACMILLAN, W.M: Warning from the West Indies GRIAULE, Marcel: Abyssinian Journey BARKER, George: The Dead Seagull
ACLAND, Eleanor: Good-bye for the Present. The Story of Two Childhoods Milly:1878-88 & Ellen:1913-24 FINNEY, Jack: The Body Snatchers HINTRAGER, Oskar: Mit General De Wet Und Prasident Steyn. Tagebuchblatter Aus Dem Burenkrieg
LAQUEUR, Walter (Edited by)`: Fascism. A Reader's Guide. Analyses, Interpretations. Bibliography COMMITTEE CONVENED BY THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS: Walls, Floors and Roofs (Post War Building Studies No.15) COMMITTEE CONVENED BY THE BRITISH PLASTICS FEDERATION: Plastics (Post War Building Studies No.3)
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