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BLACKING, John: Man and Fellowman. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before the Queen's University of Belfast on 9 February 1972 BLACKING, John: Process and Product in Human Society. Inaugural Lecture, Delivered 13 September 1967 MARWICK, M.G: The Modern Family in Social-Anthropological Perspective
TREASE, Geoffrey: Comrades for the Charter RICHTER, Klaus: Der Schneider Karls Des Grossen KALCKREUTH, Wolf Graf Von: Hollandische Landschaften. Acht Sonette
HERZ, Dieter & REESE, Karl: Die NSU Renngeschichte 1904 - 1956 HOLLOWAY, Sally: Courage High! A History of Firefighting in London ROWEN, Shihan Chris: Kata Tensho. Ancient Form to Modern Day Application
TANGANYIKA RAILWAYS AND PORT SERVICES (R.E. ROBINS Generl Manager): Railway Time Tables and Through Services JULY 1936 SALAZAR, Oliveira: Goa and the Indian Union. Legal Aspects. Speech Delivered Through the National Broadcast ....on August 10th 1954 WILLIAMS, Nigel: W.C.P.C
KNOX, R.A: A Spiritual Aeneid EVANS-ORITCHARD, E.E: Theories of Primitive Religion JETTER & SCHEERER Co: Aesculapius Instruments for the Dental Arts
PROKOFIEFF, Sergei O: The Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe and the Future Mysteries of the Holy Grail SCULL, Christina & HAMMOND, Wayne G: The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Reader's Guide (AND) Chronology RYALL, Richie (Paintings by); GRIFFITHS, Edward (Text by): A Brush with Sport
RODMAN, Selden: Artists in Tune with Their World. Masters of Popular Art in the Americas & Their Relation to the Folk Tradition KRUGER, Arne: Die Kalte Kuche Fur Feinschmecker GILBERT & SULLIVAN: The Gilbert and Sullivan Operas Illustrated. A Pictorial Record of the 1932-1933 Season
LUBBING, Hermann & JAKEL, Eolfgang: Geschichte Der Stadt Wildeshausen FLETT, J.P. & FLETT, T.M: Traditional Dancing in Scotland GINS, Madeline: Derriere Le Miroir, No.252: Arakawa, Propietes De "Blank"
CORA, Bruno (Edited by): Anoir Eblanc Irouge Uvert Obleu. Periodico Trimestrale Anno V Numero 10-11 JACOBS, Ken & LEVINE, Eli: Coins of South Africa PALLEY, Claire: The Constitutional History and Law of Southern Rhodesia 1888 - 1965, with Special Reference to Imperial Control
HORNEY, Karen: Neurosis and Human Growth. The Struggle Toward Self-Realization WRANGHAM, E.A. (Edited by): Selected Climbs in the Range of Mont Blanc DOUGLAS, John Scott: Summits of Adventure
ENGEL, Claire Eliane: They Came to the Hills BAND, George: Road to Rakaposhi IRVING, R.L.G: Ten Great Mountains
NOYCE, Wilfrid: Scholar Mountaineers, Pioneers of Parnassus STYLES, Showell: How Mountains are Climbed MURRAY, W.H: Undiscovered Scotland. Climbs on Rock, Snow and Ice
SMYTHE, Frank S: Climbs in the Canadian Rockies TYNDALL, John: The Glaciers of the Alps & Mountaineering in 1861 YOUNG, Geoffrey Winthrop (Edited by): Mountain Craft
LICHTIGFELD, Adolph (Forewrod By Karl JASPERS): Jaspers' Metaphysics Based on Karl Jaspers' "Philosophie" (Metaphysik) LUNN, Arnold: A Century of Mountaineering 1857 - 1957 PROGRAMME BASEBALL: Programme Baseball Match Between United States and Canada. Lords Cricket Ground on Saturday July 28th 1917
GRANT, George & FLINN, Taffy: Watershed Town. The History of the Johannesburg City Engineer's Department AGHERDIEN, Yusuf; GEORGE, Ambrose C.; HENDRICKS, Shaheed (Edited and Annotated By Roy H. DU PRE): South End as We Knew it MOTOR CYCLING CLUB1: Programme of the Twelfth Annual London to Edinburgh Club Run, for Motor Cycles, Side Cars and Cars (any Engine capacity) to be Held on June 6th and 7th 1919
MOTOR CYCLING CLUB1: Programme of the Thirteenth Annual London to Edinburgh Club Run, for Motor Cycles, Side Cars, Cycle Cars (Three Wheels) and Cars (any Engine capacity) to be Held on May 21st and 22nd 1920 NISHIOKA, Hayward: Foot Throws. Karate, Judo and Self-Defense FUNAKOSHI, Gichin: Karate-do Kyohan. The Master Text
YAMADA, Senta & MACINTOSH, Alex: The Principles & Practice of Aikido COPLEY, H. & MAYER, R.F: The East African Sportsman's Handbook GROVES, Percy, Illustrated by Harry Payne: Illustrated Histories of the Scottish Regiments. I: The Black Watch Highlanders 42nd Foot; 2: 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys); 3: Wueen's Own Cameron Highlanders (79th Foot)
MORSE JONES, E: Roll of the British Settlers in South Africa ZIMMERN, Alfred (and Numerous Other Authors): Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs Nos. 1 - 72 DONALDSON, Ken (Edited by): South African Who's Who 1911. An Illustrated Biographical Sketch Book of South Africans
UPSON, Tim & ANDREWS, Susyn: The Genus Lavandula RILEY, John J. & BANKS, David P: Orchids of Australia LONGUS, Illustrated by Marc Chagall: Daphnis and Chloe
TERIADE, E. (Edited by): Verve The French Review of Art No.8 Vol.2 September - November 1940 WEBBER, H. O'Kelly: The Grip of Gold. A Life Story of a Dominion MANDELA, Nelson (Introduction Oliver TAMBO): Year of Mass Action for the Transfer of Power to the People. Statement of the National Executive Committee on the Occasion of the 79th Anniversary of the African National Congress January 8 1991
SISULU, Walter: Let the People Decide! Negotiations and the Struggle for a Democratic South Africa VOSLOO, C: The Centenary of Electric Street Lights in Kimberley CHALMERS, Bruce: The Structure and Mechanical Properties of Metals
BUTCHINS, Adair: The Numinous Legacy. Modern Cosmology and Religion LINDSTROM, J.W: Two Story Homes SMITH, Wilbur: Warlock
IMBERT, Didier & BARANGER, Marie-Benedict: Gustave Loiseau 1865 - 1935 SYMONS, Arthur: From Toulouse Lautrec to Rodin, with Some Personal Impressions HENDERSON, William (Edited by): Trial Of William Gardiner (The Peasenhall Case)
BLUNDELL, R.H. & SEATON, R.E. (Edited by): Trial of Jean Pierre Vaquier JESSE, F. Tennyson (Edited by): Trial of Thomas John Ley and Lawrence Henry Smith (The Chalk Pit Murder) BROWN, Alan: A Wind Up the Willow
GRANT-ADAMSON, Lesley: Guilty Knowledge HOLLAND, Madeleine: The Collected Poems of Madeleine Holland NICHOLSON, C.P: Those Boys o' Bondgate, and Other Contributions to the Story of Darlington and Neighbourhood
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