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BECON, Thomas: Prayers and Other Pieces
JEWEL, John: The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, the Second Portion: Containing the Reply to Harding's Answer.........
TYNDALE, William: Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Holy Scriptures, Together with the Practice of the Prelates
CHAYTOR, H.J: From Script to Print: An Introduction to Medieval Vernacular Literature
CHUKOVSKY, Kornei: Chekhov the Man
HOUGHTON, Walter E: The Art of Newman's 'Apologia'
KENNEDY, Margaret: The Mechanized Muse
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WILLIAMS, Charles: The Region of the Summer Stars
KENNEDY, Charles Rann (DEMOSTHENES): Translation of Select Speeches of Demosthenes, with Notes
SMITH, Ian: The Great Betrayal. The Memoirs
MAY, Max B: Isaac Mayer Wise. The Founder of American Judaism
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GRANOVSKY, Abraham: Land Policy in Palestine
BOHM, Alfred: Die Zionistische Bewegung Bis Zum Ende Des Weltkrieges
GORDON, Samuel: In Years of Transition
SCHMIDT, Ephraim: Geschiedenis Van De Joden in Antwerpen
STEIN, Irmgard: Judische Baudenkmaler in Hamburg
FREIMARK, Peter (Edited by): Juden in Preussen - Juden in Hamburg
LORENZ, Ina: Identitat Und Assimilation. Hamburgs Juden in Der Weimarer Republik
GILLIS-CARLEBACH, Miriam: Judischer Alltag Als Humaner Widerstand 1939-1941: Dokumenter Des Hamburger Oberabbiners Dr. Joseph Carlebach Aus Den Jahren 1939-1941
AMER, Henry (and Numerous Other Authors): Hommage a Albert Camus 1913-1960 (La Nouvelle Revue Francaise #87)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIV No.179 (Aug 24 1907)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIII No.170 (June 23, 1907)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIV No.174 (July 20, 1907)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIV No.175 (July 27, 1907)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIV No.177 (August 10, 1907)
MANDEVILLE, A Moreton (Edited by): London Opinion Vol.XIV No.181 (Sept. 7, 1907)
NEMUTHANZELA, Thiathu: Ploughing Amongst the Stones. The Story of 'Betterment' in the Zoutpansberg 1939-1944
LOMAS, John: The Man with the Scar
MERZ, John Theodore: Leibniz
GENADENDAL: Geschied-Verhaal Van Genadendal De Eerste Zendings-Statie in Zuid Afrika Van 1737 Tot 1806
ROUSSEIL, Justin: St. Joan of Arc. A Study of the Supernatural in Her Life and Mission
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Jews in the United States. Addresses Delivered at Carnegie Hall New York on Thanksgiving Day MCMV
RANDT, Ursula: Carolinenstrasse 35. Geschichte Der Madchenschule Der Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde in Hamburg 1884-1942
STEINTHAL, H: Uber Juden Und Judenthum
BARBER, Richa4rd: The Figure of Arthur
OGAWA, Mimei: Rose and Witch and Other Storis
ORPEN, Neil: Total Defence: The Role of the Commandos in the Armed Forces of South Africa
WOOLF, Virginia (Edited Susan DICK): The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf
BEATTIE, J.H.M. & LIENHARDT, R.G. (Edited by): Studies in Social Anthropology. Essays in Memory of E.E. Evans Pritchard By His Former Oxford Colleagues
BIRMINGHAM, Walter; NEUSTADT, I.; OMABOE, E.N. (Edited by): The Economy of Ghana (:A Study of Contemporary Ghana VOL> 1)
GREEN, Lawrence G: Panther Head. The Story of the South African Bird Islands
BARNES, R.H: Kedang: A Study of the Collective Thought of an Eastern Indonesian People
CURLE, J.H: THE TRANSVAAL SECTION ONLY (from) The Gold Mines Of The World: Containing Concise And Practical Advice For Investors Gathered From A Personal Inspection Of The Mines Of The Transvaal, India, West Australia, Etc
BIRLEY, Robert: Magna Carta
TANGRI, Roger: African Reaction and Resistance to the Early Colonial Situation in Malawi 1891-1915
PACHAI, B: The Malawi Diaspora and Elements of Clements Kadalie
DACHS, Anthony J: The Road to the North. The Origin and Force of a Slogan
WHEELER, Douglas L. & PELISSIER, Rene: Portuguese Expansion in Angola Since 1836: A Re-Examination
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TODD, Frank S: Waterfowl: Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World
LANGENHOVEN, C.J. (Introduction Sarah GOLDBLATT): Die Mantel Van Elia
SCHMIDT, Max: Kunst Und Kultur Von Peru
BAUMBACH, E.J.M: Tsonga Phonetics and Sound Changes (With Exercises)
HEFER, N. F & BASSON, G.C. (Compiled by): Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd : Fotobiografie/ Pictorial Biography 1901-1966
VAN WAASDIJK, T: Public Expenditure in South Africa
VAN DER ROSS, R.E: Myths and Attitudes: An Inside Look at the Coloured People
VAN DER MERWE, W.J: Sendinggenade in Mashonaland
VAHLQUIST, Bo. (Edited by): Nutrition. A Priority in African Development
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VAN DER MERWE, F.J.G. & SCHOLTZ, G.J.L: Suid Afrika Se Deelname Aan Die Britse Ryks- En Statebondspele 1930-1958
MORRIS, John (Edited by): From The Third Program. A Ten Years Anthology
VIGNARD, M. Edmond: Une Nouvelle Industrie Lithique Le "Sebilien"
LEWIS, Cecil & EDWARDS, G.E: Historical Records of the Church of the Province of South Africa
DOKE, C.M. & COLE, D.T: Trekking in South Central Africa 1913 - 1919
PONS, Waldo: Stanleyville. An African Urban Community Under Belgian Administration
GOWAN, Susan Jean: Portuguese Speaking Africa 1900 - 1979. A Select Bibliography. VOLUME 1: Angola
CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Periodical): Missionary Register, October 1822, Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel with the Proceedings, at Large, of the Church Missionary Society
CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Periodical): Missionary Register, November 1822, Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel with the Proceedings, at Large, of the Church Missionary Society
CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Periodical): Missionary Register, February 1823, Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel with the Proceedings, at Large, of the Church Missionary Society
CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Periodical): Missionary Register, April 1823, Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel with the Proceedings, at Large, of the Church Missionary Society
CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY (Periodical): Missionary Register, March 1825, Containing the Principal Transactions of the Various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel with the Proceedings, at Large, of the Church Missionary Society
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