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SHARP, H, Oakley & SHAW, G, reed & DUNLOP, John, A: Airport Engineeering BROWN, R hanbury & LOVELL, bernard: The Exploration of Space By Radio JANE, Fred. T: Silhouettes of British Fighting Ships
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PACCOTET, Paul: Viticulture WARD, W.H: The Architecture Of the Renaissance In France METHUEN, Lord: Normandy Diary, being a record of survivals ans losses of historical monuments In North Western France, together with those in the island of Welcheren and in that part of belgium traversed by 21st army group in 1944-45
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DREXLER, Arthur: The Architecture Of Japan HARVEY, john: The Gothic World 1100-1600; A Survey of Architecture and Art BOESINGER, W: Le Corbusier Oevre Complete 1946-1952
XVI-eme Congress International D'Agriculture Bucarest 7,8 et 10 1929: Actes GALLAND, georg: Geschichte Der Hollandischen Baukunst und Bildnerei DUMONT, J: La Terre Arable
GINIES, J & DECHAMBRE, P: La Connaissance Du Betail ans La Vache laitiere GIDE, Charles & RIST, Charles: Histoire Des Doctrines Economiques Depuis les Physiocrats Jusu'a nos jours BADE, Wilfred & HOFFMANN,Heinrich: Deutschland Erwacht : Werden, Kampf Und Sein Steg Der NSDAP
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LEATHER, John: World Warships in Review 1860/ 1906 ROBERTS, Brian: History Of the Kimberly Club PLEE, H.D: Karate By pictures : The science of self defence by the Empty Hand
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