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CARR, John Dickson: The Hungry Goblin (FOOTBALL PERIODICAL): South African Footballer. Official Organ of the National Football League. A Long Run (174 of 184 issues) from Issue No.115 November 1 1963 to 11 October 1968 DICKINSON, peter: A.K
GOODERS, John & BOYER, Trevor: Ducks of Britain and the Northern Hemisphere McMANNERS, Hugh: The Complete Survival Manual CHAPMAN, Michael: South African Poetry. A Modern Perspective
FELDMAN, Leibl (Edited, with Introductory Essay, By Joseph SHERMAN): Oudtshoorn Jerusalem of Africa HAHNE, H: Festgabe Fur Den 70 Jahrigen Gustaf Kossinna Von Freunden Und Schulern (MANNUS Zeitschrift Fur Vorgeschichte VI Erganzungsband) WITTE, Fritz: Der Goldene Schrein. Ein Buch Uber Koln
DIMENT, Diment: The Great Spy Race GREEN, Candida Lycett (selected Edited and Introduced by): Betjeman's Britain GIBBON, Edward (Edited Betty RADICE): Memoirs of My Life
THURBER, James (Selected By Michael J. ROSEN): The Genius of James Thurber KIPLING, Rudyard: Twenty-one Tales DE BOER, H. & KOOMEN, Pieter: Han Van Meegeren Teekeningen I
GIROUARD, Mark: Return to Camelot. Chivalry and the English Gentleman GORDIMER, Nadine: July's People IVORY, James (Compiled by): Autobiography of a Princess, Also Being the Adventures of an American Film Director in the Land of Thge Maharajas
GODDEN, Rumer: The Butterfly Lions. The Pekingese in History, Legend and Art ACHESON, G.J. (CICERO): The Caesarian Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Translated from the Latin And Prefaced By an Account of the Men and Events Concerned MOORE, P. B. Fitzgerald: Pillars in the Dust
CUSSLER, Clive: Vixen 03 FRASER, George Macdonald: Mr American LINDSAY, Norman, Illustrated by Norman Lindsay: A Curate in Bohemia
LANNING, Jean: The Great Dane OJIKE, Mbonu: My Africa GOOLD-ADAMS, R.J.M: South Africa To-day and Tomorrow
McCRACKEN, J.L: The Cape Parliament 1854-1910 CREASEY, John: Optimists in Africa SCHOEMAN, Johan: Genl. Hendrik Schoeman - Was Hy 'n Verraaier?
GOODMAN, Paul (Edited by): The Jewish National Home 1917-1942 HUSTVEDT, Sigurd Bernhard: Ballad Criticism in Scandinavia and Great Britain During the Eighteenth Century HUDDLESTON, Sisley: Bohemian Literary and Social Life in Paris. Salons Cafes Studios
SCHECHTER, Solomon: Studies in Judaism First Series / Second Series / Third Series SAMPSON, William: Rev. Alexander McAulay (President of the Conference, 1876) As I Knew Him LERNER, I Michael: Heredity Evolution and Society
JOKAI, Mor: The Dark Diamonds KREYSZIG, Erwin: Advanced Engineering Mathematics FREEBORN, Richard: The Russian Crucifix
POTEKHIN, I.I: Formivanie Natsionalnoi Obschchnost Uzhno-Afrikanskikh Bantu SCHOLTZ, J. Du P: Afrikaans-Hollands in Die Agtiende Eeu. Verdere Voorstudies Tot 'n Geskiedenis Van Afrikaans DE VILLIERS, Dirk En Johanna: Paul Sauer
TOTIUS (With Notes By V.E. d'Assonville): . 'n Oorlogsdagboek PLUMMER, Alfred & EARLY, Richard E: The Blanket Makers 1669-1969. A History of Charles Early & Marriott (Witney) Ltd COMPTON - BURNETT, Ivy: Darkness and a Day
McMURTRY, Larry: The Desert Rose HOLMAN, Gordon: Commando Attack STITT, George: H.M.S. Wideawake. Destroyer and Preserver
DIJKMAN, E.J: Di Suid Afrikaanse Kook-, Koek- En Resepte Boek HAMILTON, David: The Monkey Gland Affair WHITCOMB, Ian: Rock Odyssey. A Chronicle of the Sixties
ROGAN, Johnny: The Kinks. The Sounds and the Fury ZANETTA, Tony & EDWARDS, Henry: Stardust. The Life and Times of David Bowie SOLOVYOV, Vladimir & KLEPIKOVA, Elena: Yuri Andropov. A Secret Passage Into the Kremlin
CONRAD, Peter: Imagining America HOSPITAL, Jane, Meturner: Borderline BRUNTON, Paul: Essays on the Quest
JOHNSTONE, Iain: Dustin Hoffman MALCOLM, Derek: Robert Mitchum BARKER, Felix: Laurence Olivier
HUNTER, Alan: Tony Curtis. The Man and His Movies ELLACOTT, S.E: Forge and Foundry (Methuen's Outlines) LEVERKUEHN, Paul: German Military Intelligence
KIDD, Charles & WILLIAMSON, David: Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage 1990 LOWDEN, Desmond: Cry Havoc HUXTABLE, Grace, Illustrated by Grace Huxtable: African Boy
GRUNDY, G.B. (Edited by): Murray's Handy Classical Maps: GALLIA GRUNDY, G.B. (Edited by): Murray's Handy Classical Maps: ITALIA & SICILIA GRUNDY, G.B. (Edited by): Murray's Handy Classical Maps: THE EASTERN EMPIRES
HAVERFIELD, F: The Romanization of Roman Britain CICERO (Edited W.W.HOW): Cicero Select Letter, with Historical Introductions, Notes and Appendices ACHESON, G.J: Agricola. An English Version of a Roman Tale
ENGLAND, Jane: The Bull Whip HILL, G.F. (Collected and Arranged By) (Edited R. MEIGGS & A. ANDREWES): Sources for Greek History Between the Persian and Pelopnnesian Wars OERTEL, Friedrich: Herodots Agyptischer Logos Und Die Glaubwurdigkeit Herodots
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