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BRYANT, D: The Ebuhleni Bilingual Reader Containing Simple Lessons in English Andf in Interlineal Translation Into Zulu WAITZ, Theodor Edited, with Numerous Additions By the Author, By J. Frederick COLLINGWOOD): Introduction to Anthropology CARR-SAUNDERS, A.M. & JONES, D. Caradog: A Survey of the Social Structure of England and Wales as Illustrated By Statistics
DAVENPORT, Marci: East Side West Side STREETER, Edward, Illustrated by G. William Breck: "Thats Me All Over, Mable" FUSSELL, G.E: James Ward R.A. Animal Painter 1769 - 1859 and His England
ECCLES, John C. & GIBSON, William C: Sherrington. His Life and Thought HEYERDAHL, Thor: American Indians in the Pacific, the Theory Behind the Kon-tiki Expedition SCHREINER, S. Cronwright: The Angora Goat.....and A Paper on the Ostrich
REDHOUSE, J.W: The Diary of H.M. The Shah of Persia During His Tour Through Europe in A.D.1873 ELLIS, William: Chiltern and Vale Farming Explained, According to the Latest Improvements. Necessary for All Landlords and Tenants of Either Ploughed-grass, or Wood-Grounds .... LAMOTTE, Charles: An Essay Upon Poetry and Painting, with Relation to the Sacred and Profane History, with an Appendix Concerning Obscenity in Writing and Painting
HUNT, William (Gauger): The Gaugers Magazine Wherein the Foundation of His Art is Briefly Explain'd and Illustrated with Such Figures, as May Render the Whole Intelligible to a Mean Capacity PARNELL, Thomas: Poems on Several Occasions, Written By Dr. Thomas Parnell...and Publish'd By Mr. Pope, to Which is Added the Life of Zoilus and His Remarks on Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice LEDIARD, Thomas: The German Spy or Familiar Letters from a Gentleman on His Travels thro' Germany to His Friend in England
CHANEY, H.J: Our Weights and Measures. A Practical Treatise on the Standard Weights and Measures in Use in the British Empire, with Some Account of the Metric System WILLICH, A.F.M. (ADELUNG, John Christopher): Three Philological Essays, Chiefly Translated from the German of John Christopher Adelung, Aulic Counsellor and First Librarian to the Elector of Saxony MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Illustrated by E.A.Cox: Lays of Ancient Rome
ROTHERY, G. Cadogan & EDMONDS, H.O: The Modern Laundry. Its Construction, Equipment and Management SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, Illustrated by Mazure: The School for Scandal, and St. Patrick's Day (VAN DE SPIEGEL, L.P.): Brieven En Nogotiatien Van Mr. L.P.van De Spiegel, Als Raadpensionarris Van Holland, Geduurende Den Jongsten Oorlog Van Dezen Staat Met De Fransche Republiek, Waarbij Gevoegd Zijn Veele Authentique Stukken Streekende Tot Beter Verstand Dezelve Brieven
LANDESMAN, Jay Irving: Neurotica 7 BLEEKER, W. (Intro by) (WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION): International Cloud Atlas (ABRIDGED ATLAS) McGAFFEY, Ernest: Ballades and Idylls
JOHNS, W.E., Illustrated by Kay: Biggles Hunts Big Game, Told in Pictures Drawn By Kay ISARD, A.P: The Model Shipbuilders' Manual of Fittings and Guns ROBSON, Mayo: Diseases of the Gall-Bladder and Bile Ducts
VAN DER POST, M.E: Theo Wendt 1874 - 1974. A Biography. Thre Musical World of His Day Including the First Decade of the Cape Town Orchestra 1914-1924 - The S.A.B.C. Orchestra ESTES, Carrollcox: The Moon Gate VAN DER POST, Laurens: Race Prejudice as Self Rejection. An Inquiry Into the Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Group Conflicts
KNIGHT, Natalie & PRIEBATSCH, Suzanne: Ndebele Images FARMER, John S. & HENLEY, W.E. (Compiled and Edited by): Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for More Than Three Hundred Years, With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, Etc MORRIS, Ivan: The World of the Shining Prince. Court Life in Ancient Japan
GHELDERODE, Michel De: Seven Plays HEMINGWAY, Ernest Transl. Chris BARNARD): Vaarwel Wapens (A Farewell to Arms ) NEVILLE, Margot: Head on the Sill
JURITZ, C.F: The Urgency of a Definite Forward Movement in the Study of Active Principles of South African Plants MARLOTH, R: The Chemistry of South African Plants and Plant Products. The Presidential Address to the Cape Chemical Society Delivered at the Eighth Annual Meeting Cape Town 30th May 1915 SPORTS PROGRAMME: Third Hockey Test. England V. South Africa. East London Saturday 7th August 1954
DuBOIS, William: The Deadly Diary PERKINS, Lucy Fitch: The Chinese Twins BLACKBURN, John: Mister Brown's Bodies
(PROGRAMME): 7th R.A.C. International South African Grand Prix East London 27th December 1960. Official Programme FLINK, James J: America Adopts the Automobile 1895 - 1910 TURVILLE-PETRE, G (Edited by): Viga-Glums Saga
CHAPMAN, Kenneth G: Icelandic-Norwegian Linguistic Relationships DE LANGE, J: The Relation and Development of English and Icelandic Outlaw-Traditions WRIGHT, Richard: The Colour Question. A Eport on the Bandung Conference
GARLAND, Rodney: Hell and High Water JORDAAN, G: Hoe Zij Stierven. Mededelingen Aangaande Het Einde Dergenen, Aan Wie Gedurende De Oorlog 1899- 1902, in De Kaap Kolonie Het Doodvonnis Voltrokken is JANSONIUS, H: Groot Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek Voor Studie En Practijk
KNOBLOCH, Johann: Sprachwissenschaftliches Worterbuch (Indogermanische Bibliothek II Reihe ) SPEDDING, James: Reviews and Discussions, Literary, Historical and Political, Not Relating to Bacon SELA Owen: The Portuguese Fragment
MALAN, D.F: De Onafhanklikheid Van Zuid-Afrika. Rede Uitgesproken in Het Stadshuis Te Malmesbury Op 31 Augustus 1918 HART, H.L.A: The Concept of Law JARAMILLO-ARANGO, Jaime: The Conquest of Malaria
DAVIS, Richard W: Political Change and Continuity 1760 - 1885. A Buckinghamshire Study LEWIS, W.H: Assault on Olympus. The Rise of the House of Gramont Between 1604 and 1678 BLYTHE, Henry: Spain Over Britain. A Study of the Strategical Effect of Italian Intervention on the Defence of the British Empire
ANDERSON, Ellery: Banner Over Pusan REID, J.F (Introduction by); WIGGILL, R.B. And Others: Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Strata Control in Mines. Johannesburg April 1963 - June 1963 SAKI (H.H.MUNRO) (Edited and Introduced By J.W.LAMBERT): The Bodley Head Saki
HARE, Ronald: Pomp and Pestilence. Infectious Disease Its Origins and Its Conquest ADLER, F.B: The History of the Transvaal Horse Artillery STYLES, Showell: Mr. Nelson's Ladies
WILSON, Charles: Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt HAYES, Douglas: My Father in His Dizzerbell (AND) The Shy Young Man (AND) the War of '39 (HISTORY OF A SELFISH MAN) WILLIAMSON, Henry: Salar The Salmon
LETTY, Cythna; DYER, R.A.; VERDOORN, Inez C. & CODD, L.E: Wild Flowers of the Transvaal FARRER, Reginald: The English Rock-Garden MERLEAU-PONTY, Jacques & MORANDO, Bruno: The Rebirth of Cosmology
HARDOY, Jorge: Pre-Columbian Cities HOPF, Albrect: Orierntal Carpets and Rugs ELWIN, Malcolm: The Life of Llewellyn Powys
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