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CRIPPS, Henry William: A Practical Treatise on the Law Relating to the Church and Clergy
HERON-ALLEN, Edward: Edward Fitzgerald's Ruba'yat of Omar Khayyam, with the Original Persian Sources, Collated from His Own Mss., And Literally Translated
DANE, Edmund: British Campaigns in Africa and the Pacific 1914 - 1918
MAINGARD, L.F.; MAINGARD, J.F.; KIRBY, P.R: Studies in Korana History, Customs and Language / Physical Characteristics of the Korana / the Music and Musical Instruments of the Korana ; Physical Characteristiocs of the Korana; The Music ....(Contained in BANTU STUDIES VOL.VI #2 June 1932)
HINCHCLIFF, Peter: The South African Liturgy. The Story of the Revision of the Rite and Its Consecration Prayer
WRIGHT, Thomas: The Works of James Gillray the Caricaturist, with the Story of His Life and Times
WILSON, Maurice: Just Monkeys
LAVIN, Mary: The House in Clewe Street
DOHERTY, Paul: The Field of Blood ( The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #9)
YASUKAWA, Daigoro & ASANO, Nagatake (introductory Messages by): Selections from the Exhibition of Japanese Old Art Treasures in Tokyo Olympic Games
GRATTAN, C. Hartley: Australian Literature
GIBBS, May, Illustrated by May Gibbs: Snugglepot and Cuddlepie
MEIJER, Reinder P: Literature of the Low Countries
REED, Jeremy: Red-Haired Android
PONGE, Francis (Edited Margaret GUITON): Selected Poems
ENZENSBERGER, Hans Magnus: Selected Poems
PHILLIPS, Phoebe (Edited by): The Encyclopedia of Glass
TOLKIEN, J.R.R. & GORDON, E.V: Sir Gawain & the Green Knight
ARON, Wellesley: Wheels in the Storm. The Genesis of the Israeli Defence Forces
KENNAN, George F: The Marquis De Custine and His Russia in 1839
DAVID, Elizabeth: Mediterranean and French Country Food
SHEJAVALI. Abisai: The Ovambo-Kavango Church / Ongerki Yomowambokavango / Ambo-Kavangon Kirkko
REID, Anthony: Laughter in the Sun. A Mediterranean Adventure
FUGARD, Athol: "Hello and Goodbye"
DUNN, Archibald: The Rise and Decay of the Rule of Islam
LANG, Mrs. (LANG, Andrew, Edited by), Illustrated by H.J. Ford: The Book of Princes and Princesses
GRANT, John Cameron: The Ethiopian. A Narrative of the Society of Human Leopards
CHAPMAN, Abel: The Borders. Arctic. Cheviot. Tropic
CHAPMAN, Abel: Bird-life of the Borders on Moorland and Sea, with Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years
DEFOE, Daniel, Illustrated by Walter Paget: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, as Related By Himself
IRVING, DaVID: The Mare's Nest
KAZANTZAKIS, Nikos: The Odyssey. A Modern Sequel
VOET, Andries: Ink and Paper in the Printing Process
SMITH, Vincent S: An Introduction to Paper and Papermaking
WIGGINS TEAPE: Butlers Court
(ANON): Publishers' Advertising, Being the Reactions of a Practising Publisher-Advertiser to the Exhortations of Non-Publisher Theorists
SARON, G (Edited by): Books and Writers. Jewish Book Festival 1948
WALBANK, Alan (Edited by): Queens of the Circulating Library. Selections from Victorian Lady Novelists 1850 - 1900
MUIR, Percy: Minding My Own Business. An Autobiography
ARMSTRONG, Arthur C: Bouverie Street to Bowling Green Lane. Fifty-five Years of Specialized Publishing
RAVEN, Simon: Places Where They Sing
COMPTON-BURMETT, Ivy: Bullivant and the Lambs
CHILVERS, Hedlry, A: The Seven Lost Trails Of Africa
NEWTON, W. Douglas: Westward with the Prince of Wales
MACEY, Peter: Distant Relations
BEATIE, Russel H: Saddles
DILKE, Charles Wentworth: Greater Britain. A Record of Travel in English Speaking Countries During 1866 and 1867
GRAY, John Henry: China. A History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People
HUBNER, Baron De: A Ramble Round the World 1871
BUCHAN, John: The South African Forces in France
CASSERLY, Gordon: Tripolitania
GANN, Ernest: The High and the Mighty
TROW, M.J: Lestrade and Sawdust Ring
BRANN, M & ELBOGEN, J: Festschrift Zu Israel Lewy's Siebzigstem Geburtstag
KOHLER, Hans: Die Wirkung Des Judentums Auf Das Abendlandische Geistesleben
SULZBACH, A: Bilder Aus Der Judischen Vergangenheit. Ein Quellenbuch ...
GRUNEBAUM, G: Die Sittenlehre Des Judenthums Andern Bekenntnissen Gegenuber
ZEITLIN, William: Bibliotheca Hebraica Post-Mendelssohniana. Bibliographisches Handbuch Der Neuhebraischen Litteratur Seit Beginn Der Mendelssohn'schen Epoche Bis Zum Jahre 1890
DALRYMPLE, John: Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland from the Dissolution of the Last Parliament of Charles II Until the Sea-battle Off La Hogue
KNIGHT, E. Cornelia: Marcus Flaminius. An Historical Novel in a Series of Letters Written in the Life-time of Germanicus
HOME, John: The History of the Rebellion in Scotland
WARBURTON, Eliot: Hochelaga; or England in the New World
HARTE, Bret: A Sappho of Green Springs
BEETON, S.O. And Others: The Coming K-. A Set of Idyll Lays
ELLIOTT, W.J: Daring Deeds Afloat. Royal Navy
EVELYN, John (Edited with Notes By R M EVANSON): The History of Religion. A Rational Account of the True Religion, Now First Published....from the Original Ms. In the Library at Wotton
POST CARD: Olympic Games Stockholm 1912. The South African Winslow Winner of the gentlemens' Singles
POST CARD: Olympic Games Stockholm 1912. Lawn Tennis. The Final in Gentlemens Doubles
FALLON, Martin (Jack HIGGINS Pseudonym): The Keys of Hell
(VARIOUS): The Japan Year Book 1939-40
WYNDHAM, L.A: The Airposts of South Africa
LASLETT, Peter (Edited by): The Physical Basis of Mind
WULFF, Erwin: Wie Werde Ich Detektiv?
BROWN, Ivor (edited by): The Bedside 'Guardian'. A Selection from the Manchester Guardian 1951-1952
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