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DICKINSON, Robert Latou: Human Sex Anatomy
PAGE, John Lloyd Warden: An Exploration of Dartmoor and Its Antiquities
IRVING, John: Dumbarton Castle. Its Place in the General History of Scotland, Forming Part I of a Revised History of Dumbartonshire
GRAY, Anton: An Outline of the Geology and Ore Deposits of the N'kana Concession
PADWICK, Constance E: Call to Istanbul
SMITH, Thornley: The Earnest Missionary: A Memoir of the Rev. Horatio Pearse, Late
"GORDONIA": Echoes from Hottentots Holland
KAISER, Georg: Holle Weg Erde. Ein Stuck in Drei Teilen
W.G.R.M: In Remembrance J.C. Reprinted from "Cape Times" 7th October 1906
GRAY, J.L: The Jew in the Economic Life of South Africa
SUTTON, Ralph (Edited by): For Queen and Empire. A Boer War Chronicle. 75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition 1974
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KITTEL, Rudolf (edited by): Biblia Hebraica
BLACK, Matthew & FOHRER, Georg (edited by): In Memoriam Paul Kahle
GOLDMAN, Arthur; MILLER, Dave & JOFFE, Hessel: S.A. Book of Soccer 1965
LEACH, Gerald & MEARNS, Robin: Beyond the Woodfuel Crisis
MARKS, Lillian: Saul Marks and the Plantin Press. The Life and Work of a Singular Man
MANZONI, Alessandro: I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed)
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OSBORN, Sherard: My Journal in Malayan Waters or, the Blockade of Quedah
LEO, Bessie and Others: The Life and Work of Alan Leo. Theosophist Astrologer Mason
HENRY, Clarissa & HILLEL, Marc: Children of the SS
PERVIN, William J: Foundations of General Topology
JACOBSON, Nathan: Lectures in Abstract Algebra. Volume II: Linear Algebra
RUSSELL, Edward: Design for Destiny
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KESWICK, Maggie (Edited by): The Thistle and the Jade. A Celebration of Jardine Matheson & Co
KHAN, Hazrat Inayat: The Sufi Message: Volume VI The Alchemy of Happiness
KHAN, Hazrat Inayat: The Sufi Message: Volume IX: The Unity of Religious Ideals
BRADBURY, Malcolm]: The History Man
KETCHUM, Milo S: The Design of Highway Bridges of Steel Timber and Concrete
MADGE, John (Edited by): Tomorrow's Houses
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ALLEN, H. Warner: Sherry and Port
ALLEN, H. Warner: White Wine and Cognac
ALLEN, H. Warner: Natural Red Wines
JAMES, Walter, Illustrated by Harold Freedman: A Word Book of Wine
WILDMAN, Frederick S: A Wine Tour of France
CABELL, James Branch: The Way of Ecben
MANNING, William: The Wrongs of Man Exemplified, or an Enquiry Into the Origin, Cause and the Effect, of Superstition, Conquest and Exaction, Separate and United; and the Injustice They Have Operated on the Condition of Man in a State of Society;Containing also .....
WAUGH, Alec, Illustrated by Biro: In Praise of Wine
SIMON, Andre: The Gourmet's Week End Book
SIMON, Andre: A Dictionary of Wines, Spirits and Liqueurs
BOLITHO, Hector (Edited by): The Glorious Oyster
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TUCCI, Sandro: Gurkhas
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BORMANN, Ernest G: Forerunners of Black Power: The Rhetoric of Abolition
SAVAGE, W. Sherman: Blacks in the West
PAGE, Kirby: National Defense
JACOBS, Henry: Colonial Church Histories. New Zealand, Containing the Dioceses of Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson, Waiapu, Wellington and Malanesia
COCKBURN, John A: Australian Federation
BAUCKE, William: Where the White Man Treads
CORYAT, Thomas: Coryat's Crudities. Hastily Gobled Up in Five Months Travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia Commonly Called the Grisons Country, Helvetia Alias Switzerland, Some Parts of High Germany and the High Netherlands; Newly Digested in the Hungry Aire .....
YOUNG, Robert B: The Life and Work of George William Stow, South African Geologist and Ethnologist
KRIEL, T.J: The New English-Northern Sotho Dictionary
CLARK, Percy M: Souvenir of the Victoria Falls
HEDGEMAN, Anna Arnold: The Trumpet Sounds. A Memoir of Negro Leadership
HERBER, William: Live Bait for Murder
YOUNG, James O: Black Writers of the Thirties
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REEL, A. Frank: The Case of General Yamashita
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SWOMLEY, John W: Liberation Ethics
HALSE, Albert O: The Use of Color in Interiors
MYERS, A Wallis: Lawn Tennis Its Principles & Practice
Deutschen Reichs Statistischen Reichsamt: Die Wirtschaft Des Auslandes 1900 - 1927
PALGRAVE, Francis Turner, Illustrated by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale: The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language
KINGSLEY, Charles, Illustrated by Katherine Cameron: The Water Babies
AVALON, Arthur: Tantra of the Great Liberation
SANDERSON, Ivan T: Uninvited Visitors
CERMINARA, Gina: Insights for the Age of Aquarius
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