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BENTLEY, Maxwell: Commercial Hydroponics, Facts and Figures EDWARDS, Ralph & JOURDAIN, Margaret: Georgian Cabinet - Makers KNOWLES, Arthur: Auto-biography , My Forty Years of Motoring
CHULA, Prince of Thailand: Road Racing 1936 HOUGH, Richard: BP Book of the Racing Campbells MAUGHAN ,W, Somerset: The Novels and their Authors
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ISAAC, Peter C.G. (edited by): The Treatment of Trade Waste Waters and the Prevention of River Pollution WALKER, Winifred: All the Plants of the Bible PERRY, Frances: The Garden Pool
TRAILL, H.D. & MANN, J.S: Social England. A Record of the Progress of the People in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts, Industry, Commerce, Science, Literature and Manners, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day OKEY, Thomas, Illustrated by Erichson: The Story of Venice LEVY, Juliette De Bairacli Levy: Herbal Handbook for Everyone
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ABRAHAMSEN, Martin & SCROGGS, Claud, L: Agricultural Cooperation BEEDELL, Suzanne: Water in the Garden TILDEN, Wm T: Aces, Places and Faults
MACLEAN, Alistair: The Lonely Sea KERSH, Gerald: They Die with Their Boots Clean KERSH, Gerald: The Horrible Dummy
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SAMPSON, David: After Tobruk: The Conducted Tour TIME: Time the Weekly Newsmagazine April 23 1945 Vol.XLV Number 17.Mediterranean Pony Edition THOMAS, Dylan: A Prospect of therSea
FARRER, Reginald: On the Eaves of the World LAMB, Lady, Illustrated by A De Neuville and Other Artists: Warrior Kings from Charlemagne to Frederick the Great DABRITZ, Walther & METZELTIN, Erich: Hundert Jahre Hanomag. Geschichte Der Hannoverschen Maschinenbau Aktien Gesellschaft Vormals Georg Egestorff in Hannover 1835 Bis 1935
KEETON, George W: Trial By Tribunal. A Study of the Development and Functioning of the Tribunal of Inquiry MARCHANT, Ronald A: The Church Under the Law. Justice Administration and Discipline in the Diocese of York 1560 - 1640 LANDOR, Henry S: Auf Verbotenen Wegen. Reisen Und Abenteuer in Tibet
HUTTON, Walter S: The Works' Manager's Hand-Book of Modern Rules Tables and Data for Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Millwrights and Boiler Makers; Tool Makers, MacHinists, and Metal Workers: Iron and Brass Founders Etc TYRMAND, Leopold: Zly DU-PLAT-TAYLOR, F.M: The Design, Construction and Maitenance of Docks, Wharves & Piers
MUNNIK, G.G: Major Greville, V.C. A Tale of the Great Boer War WEBER, Adolf: Leitfaden Der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre GRUBEL, Herbert G: World Monetary Reform. Plans and Issues
GLOVER-WEST: Continuous Carbonization in Vertical Retorts. Glover-West System Publication No. 2 EMERY, K.O: The Sea Off Southern California. A Modern Habitat of Petroleum KRUMBEIN, W.C. & SLOSS, L.L: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
COATES, Donald R (Edited by): Glacial Geomorphology "Truth's Investigator": The Great Oil Octopus LAMBERT, Derek: The Kites of War
JENSEN, L. Bernard: South African Scenery. Victoria Falls and Native Life LEE, )-Young: Things Korean DUNLAP, Jane: Exploring Inner Space. Personal Experiences Under LSD-25
JUL, Mogens & KUNDRUP, Mog. (Edited by): The Technology of Herring Utilization. Report of the FAO Meeting on Herring Technology Bergen Norway 24 - 29 September 1950 ELOFF, G: A Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Changes in the Crossing-over Value, Their Causes and Meaning CONGRESO GEOLOGICO INTERNACIONAL. XXe Sesion Ciudad De Mexico 1956: Comision Para La Correlacion Del Sistema Karroo (Gondwana)
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