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GRAHAME-WHITE, Montague: At the Wheel Ashore and Afloat. Reminiscences of Motoring, Yachting and Travel Over a Period of Forty Years WATERFIELD, Gordon: Sultans of Aden SUFFLING, Ernest A: Epitaphia, Being a Collection of 1300 British Epitaphs.....with an Introduction Upon Modes of Burial and a General Survey of Interments in the British Isles...
EVANS, Powys: Fifty Heads STODDART, Thomas Tod: The Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland HOWELL, James: Certain Letters Of James Howell
RUTHERFORD, Ernest: Radioactive Substances and Their Radiations PRICE, Frank Percival: The Carillon WOODMAN, Richard, Illustrated by David Smith: View from the Sea
JOHNS, W.E: Biggles Goes to War ROCHEFOUCAULT, Duke De La: Moral Maxims COLLINS, Wilkie, Illustrated by Anne Scott: Tales of Suspense
TROLLOPE, Anthony, Illustrated by Joan Hassall: Mary Gresley and Other Stories ANDERSEN, Hans, Illustrated by Gwen Raverat: Four Tales: a New Version of the First Four By H.P.Keigwin RHYS, Grace, Illustrated by Margaret Tarrant and Megan Rhys: In Wheelabout and Cockalone
RANKIN, Reginald: Tunisia ROBINSON, Rony: The Ted Carp Tradition DONNELLY, Ignatius: Atlantis the Antediluvian World. a Modern Revised Edition By Egerton Sykes
SILLITOE, Alan: Road to Volgograd HOCHHUTH, Rolf: Soldiers. a Play OWENS, Rochelle: Futz and What Came After
HOLTBY, Winifred & GINSBURY, Norman: Take Back Your Freedom. a Play in Three Acts GRANT, James Russell: Hyphens PRITCHETT, V.S: Turnstile One. a Literary Miscellany from the New Statesman and Nation
ABSE, Dannie: A Small Desperation RIDLER, Anne: Henry Bly & Other Plays STRACHEY, Lytton: Elizabeth and Essex
PEARSON, Hesketh: Modern Men and Mummers OSLER, William: An Alabama Student and Other Biographical Essays POLYA, G: Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning. Vol.1: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics. Vol 2. Patterns of Plausible Inference
MELLANBY, Kenneth: Pesticides and Pollution OSBORNE, Oliver: The Other Man and Myself. Or, Scenes in the Sunny South CLOETE, Henry: Five Lectures on the Emigration of The Dutch Farmers from the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and Their Settlement in the District of Natal Until Their Formal Submission to Her Majesty's Authority in the Year 1843
TOWNSEND, William J: Madagascar, Its Missionaries and Its Martyrs ANON: The Irish in South Africa 1920 - 21 ANON: The Life of General the Right Honourable Sir David Baird, Bart
HANESWORTH, A: Memoir of the Hon. John Geard of Port Elizabeth KERKERAAD DER GEMEENTE: Ontstaan Van De Gemeente Noorder Paarl WILSON, Helen C: The Two Scapegoats. A Few Remarks on Piet Retief in Defence of Captain Allen Gardiner and the Rev. F. Owen
(COLENSO) CUMMING, John: Moses Right and Bishop Colenso Wrong, Being Popular Lectures in Reply Tom the First and Second Parts of "Bishop Colenso on the Pentateuch" BENT, J.Theodore: The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland, Being a Record of Excavation and Exploration in 1891 DUMONT, P.J (Collected By QUESNE, J.S.) // DE MAY, R: Narrative of Thirty Four Years Slavery and Travels in Africa, Bound Togerther with DE MAY, R Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of Henederick Portenger... Wrecked on the Shores of Abyssinia in the Red Sea
KESSLER, L: The Gold Mines of the Witwatersrand and the Determination of Their Value BROOMHEAD, J.W: Round the Rand. Present Position and Prospects of the Rand Mines KASSNER, Theo: Gold Seeking in South Africa
FLEMMING, Leonard: Getting About in London EDWARDS, John: Reminiscences of the Early Life and Missionary Labours of the Rev John Edwards, Fifty Years a Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa DUGMORE, H.H: The Reminiscences of an Albany Settler. a Lecture Delivered in Graham's Town at the British Settlers' Jubilee May 1870
CAMPBELL- JOHNSTON, A.R: South Africa. Its Difficulties & Present State Suggested By a Recent Visit to That Country MACDONALD, J. Ramsay: What I Saw in South Africa September and October 1902 ANON: Memoir of the Life and Work of Rev John Brebner, M A., LL>D>
STORER, F>H>: Agriculture in Some of Its Regulations with Chemistry CALDECOTT, A: The Church in the West Indies KNIGHTS OF ST JOHN: The Centenary of the Revival of the Order of St. John in England 1931
NORRIS-NEWMAN, Charles L: With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1880 - 1 KNOPFLI, Rui and Others: Mocambique a Preto e Branco DUNCAN, Henry: Doors of Perception:Essays in Book Typography
POLLARD, John: African Zoo Man MOYSE-BARTLETT, H: The Pirates of Trucial Oman KENSLEY, Brian: Sea Shells of Southern Africa. Gastropods
LOVECRAFT, H.P. (ed. DERLETH, August): The Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales of Horror BRANDT: Treatment of Uterine Disease and Prolapsis By the Movement Cure. Notes Collected Since 1861. Edited and Translated, with an Introduction By Dr. Roth AINSWORTH, W.Harrison: Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance
REITLINGER, Gerald: The Final Solution. The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe 1939 to 1945 BRITTENDEN, R.T: New Zealand Cricketers ANON. (TRANSVAAL REPUBLIC): Financieele Mededeelingen Van De Deputatie Der Zuid-Afrikaanische Republiek
CARNEGIE, D.P: Poems to a Great Naval Hero TAYLOR, W. Thomas: Printer's Choice: A Selection of American Press Books, 1968-1978. Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Grolier club, New York December 19, 1978-February 3, 1979. Selction of Books and Press Histories by Ruth E. Fine and William Matheson. Bibliographic AYLIFF, John and WHITESIDE, Joseph: History of the Abambo (Fingos)
JURITZ, Charles S: The Chemical Constitution of Some Colonial Fodder Plants & Woods BOTHA, Paul M: Van Boer Tot Boer En Engelschman VAN DUYL, A.G.G: Een Afrikaander Naar Het Oorspronkelijk Handschrift
G. ROSS ("A Refugee"): The All-Absorbing South African Sham and a Remedy DU TOIT, S.J: Looverkransen Voor Transvaal Gevlochten En Der Transvaalsche Deputatie Aangeboden, Tijdens Haar Besoek in Europa Ten Jare 1883 En 1884 BOSENBERG, C.H: Beschrijving Der Gebruikelijkste Geneesmiddelen En Aanwending Derselve
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