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Lüthe, Rudolf: David Hume. Historiker und Philosoph. INSCRIBED
Thöny-Schwyn, Giosua Anton: Rhapsodie des Lebens: Eine philosophich-padagogische Aufsatzsammlung
Hiltscher, Reinhard / Georgi, André (Hg.): Perspektiven der Transzendentalphilosophie. Im Anschluss an die Philosophie Kants
Critique, revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères. Revue Tome XXXVI - No. 399-400
Perez del Viso, Ignacio (Director): STROMATA. Nos. 1 -2. Año LII, Enero - Junio 1996
Perez del Viso, Ignacio (Director): STROMATA. Nos. 3 - 4. Año LII, Julio - Diciembre 1996
Glauser, Richard: Berkeley et les philosophes du XVII siècle. Perception et scepticisme
Castoriadis, Cornelius: Sur la "Politique" de Platon
Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiana. Fondato da Pietro Piovani. Anni XXIV-XXV. 1994-1995
Nishimura Kiyokazu, Wantanabe Hiroshi, and Otabe Tanesha, editors: JTLA. Journal of the Faculty of Letters. The University of Tokyo. Aesthetics. Schelling. Volume 32. 2007
Fink, Otto: Biebrich am Rhein. Ortsgeschichte, Baudenkmäler, Erinnerungsstätten und Strassennamen. 1870 - 1970
Atteya, Ahmad Abdul Halim, ed: Aorak Phalsaphia. (Philosophical Papers) Issue No. 11, 2004
Kazushige Shingu, et al, Hg: Menschenontologie Band 17, 2011
Kazushige Shingu, et al, Hg: Menschenontologie Band 16, 2010
Luno, Angel Rodriguez, ed: Acta Philosophica. Rivista Internationale de Filosofia. Fascicolo II, Volume 2, 1993
Rogers, G. A. J., ed: British Journal for the History of Philosophy Volume 2 Number 2 September, 1994
Cicovacki, Predrag, ed: Diotima. A Philosophical review. Volume III, No. 2. Fall 2002
Kazushige Shingu, et al, Hg: Menschenontologie Band 15, 2009
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 1/2011
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 2/2005
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 2/2007
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 5/2010
Agrimi, Mario, ed. Istituto universitario orientale. Dipartimento di filosofia e politica: Studi Filosofici. XIX, 1996
Tessitore, Fulvio, ed: Archivo di Storia della Cultura. Anno XVII, 2004
Tessitore, Fulvio, ed: Archivo di Storia della Cultura. Anno XVIII, 2005
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 118. Number 469. January 2009
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 118. Number 471. July 2009
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 119. Number 473. January 2010
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 118. Number 470. April 2009
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 121. Number 481. January 2012
Baldwin, Thomas, ed: Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Volume 121. Number 484. October 2012
Alperson, Philip, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 54. Number 3. Summer 1996
Feagin, Susuan, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 64. Number 4. Fall 2006
Feagin, Susuan, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 65. Number 4. Fall 2007
Feagin, Susuan, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 67. Number 4. Fall 2009
Feagin, Susuan, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 68. Number 3. Fall 2010
Fisher, John, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume XLVI, No. 2. Winter 1987
Fisher, John, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume XLIVI, No. 3. Spring 1986
Fisher, John, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume XXXVI, No. 4. Spring 1978
Fisher, John, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume XXXVI, No. 3. Spring 1977.I
Fisher, John, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume XXXVI, No. 2. Winter 1977
Dilthey-Forschung. Heft 13 (2001/2002)
Dilthey, Wilhelm: Descriptive Psychology and Historical Understanding
Sterba, James P., ed: Ethics: The Big Questions
Murray, Michael, ed: Heidegger and Modern Philosophy: Critical Essays
Geldsetzer, Lutz: Die Philosophenwelt in Versen vorgestellt
Kuntz, Paul Grimley: Bertrand Russell
Wendorff, Claus Von: Über die Vision des Alterns: Eine Gerontosophie
Schnädelbach, Herbert und Geert Keil, Hg: Philosophie der Gegenwart - Gegenwart der Philosophie. XV. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie
Geldsetzer, Lutz und Hong Han-Ding: Grundlagen der chinesischen Philosophie
Lange, Ernst Michael: Wittgenstein und Schopenhauer. Logisch-philosophie Abhandlung und Kritik des Solipsismus
Bacin, Stefano: Imperativo
Russow, Lilly-Marlene and Martin Curd: Principles of Reasoning. Instructor's Edition. Manual Included
Abbate, Fred J: A Preface to the Philosophy of State
Madigan, Arthur: Catholic Philosophers in the United Staes Today: A Prospectus
Buss, Martin J., ed: Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible
Donoso, Anton: Julián Marías
Alperson, Philip, ed: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Volume 54. Number 1. Winter 1996
Popkin, Richard H., ed: Journal of the History of Philosophy. Volume XVI, Number 2, April, 1978
Nicolai, Willem Frederick Gerard: Handleiding Bij Het Onderwijs in de Theorie Der Muziek
Messinger, Heinz: Langenscheidt's Condensed Muret-Sanders German Dictionary: German-English
Dufrenne, Mikel and Olivier Revault, eds: Revue d' esthétique n° 2 - 1981. Sartre / Barthes
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 4/2001
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 4/2004
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 4/2005
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 5/2007
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 2/2008
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 1/2010
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 4/2010
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 5/2011
Moser, Peter, Hrsg: Information Philosophie. 2/2012
Paczkowska-Lagowska, Elzbieta, Hrsg: Reports on Philosophy. Nr. 15. 1995
Cacciatore, Giuseppe: Storicismo problematico e metodo critico
Myers, David B: Marx and Nietzsche. The Reminiscences and Transcripts of a Nineteenth Century Journalist
Bianco, di Franco, Giovanni Matteucci and Elio Matassi: Dilthey e l'esperienza della poesia. Aesthetica Preprint. 62, Agosto 2001
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