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McLaurin, Tim: Cured By Fire. SIGNED Peterson, Brenda: River of Light Stephens, Martha: Children of the World. A Novel
Flynt, Candace: Sins of Omission Flynt, Candace: Chasing Dad Sellers, Bettie M: Spring Onions and Cornbread
Ray, Janisse: Pinhook. Finding Wholeness in a Fragmented Land Parker, Peter and Frank Kermode, eds: A Reader's Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers Nicotra, Tobia: Arturo Toscanini
Singleton, George: Novel McLaurin, Tim: The Acorn Plan. SIGNED Bickley, R. Bruce, Jr: Joel Chandler Harris: A Biography and Critical Study
Beir, Robert L. with Brian Josepher: Roosevelt and the Holocaust: A Rooseveltian Examines the Policies and Remembers the Times Goldfield, David: Still Fighting the Civil War. The American South and Southern History McKissick, John; with Billy G. Baker; Pat Conroy, Foreword: Called to Coach. INSCRIBED by Pat Conroy
Wilder, Effie Leland: Over What Hill? (Notes from the Pasture) Wilder, Effie Leland: Out to Pasture. (But Not over the Hill) Sanders, Dori: Her Own Place. A Novel Review Copy
Kirschten, Robert: Struggling for Wings. The Art of James Dickey Wiltz, Christine: Glass House. A Novel Bass, Jack and W. Scott Poole: The Palmetto State: The Making of Modern South Carolina
Johnson, Samuel: The Letters of Samuel Johnson with Mrs. Thrale's Genuine Letters to Him. Volume II: 1775 - 1782. Letters 370 - 821.1 Shelden, Michael: Mark Twain: The Man in White. The Grand Adventure of His Final Years Boswell, James. Edited by Peter Martin: The Essential Boswell. Selections from the Writings of James Boswell
Wood, Peter H: Near Andersonville: Winslow Homer's Civil War Glendon, Mary Ann: A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rowley, Hazel: Franklin and Eleanor. An Extraordinary Marriage. SIGNED
Singleton, George: Stray Decorum. SIGNED Hart, James D: The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature Roosevelt, Eleanor; Leonard C. Schlup and Donald W. Whisenhut, eds: It Seems To Me. Selected Letters Of Eleanor Roosevelt
Junior Members Round Table of the South Carolina Library Association: Biographical Companion to a Map of South Carolina Writers Johnson, Samuel; Chapman, R. W. (ed.): The Letters of Samuel Johnson, with Mrs. Thrale's Genuine Letters to Him. Volume I: 1719-1774. Letters 1-369 Loving, Jerome: Mark Twain. The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens
Stafford, David: Endgame, 1945: The Missing Final Chapter of World War II Perle, Yehoshue: Everyday Jews. Scenes from a Vanished Life Hogan, Robert, ed: Seven Irish Plays 1946-1964
Dickey, James: In Pursuit of the Grey Soul. Signed/LTD McGuane, Thomas: Live Water Kinsella, Thomas: Peppercanister Poems 1972-1978
O Conaire, Padraic [translated by Cormac Breathnach]: Field and Fair. Travels with a Donkey in Ireland Kooser, Ted: Official Entry Blank. Poems Jones, Marie: A Night In November. Signed/LTD
MacIntyre, Tom: Blood Relations. Versions of Gaelic Poems of the 17th and 18th Centuries Friel, Brian: Volunteers Kilroy, Thomas: The Shape of Metal
Friel, Brian: The Gentle Island Melmed, Shlomo. ed: The Pituitary. Second Edition Wolf, Allan: Zane's Trace. SIGNED
Aragon, Francisco, ed: The Wind Shifts: New Latino Poetry Stem, Thad Jr: Journey Proud Connell, George: To Be One Thing: Personal Unity in Kierkegaard's Thought
Kilroy, Thomas: The Death and Resurrection of Mr Roche Kilroy, Thomas: Tea and Sex and Shakespeare Carr, Marina: The Mai
Carr, Marina: Portia Coughlan. Revised Edition Carr, Marina: On Raftery's Hill Friel, Brian: Living Quarters after Hippolytus
Friel, Brian: Crystal and Fox Friel, Brian: Wonderful Tennessee Friel, Brian: The London Vertigo. Based on a play The True Irishman or The Irish Fine Lady by Charles Macklin
Murphy, Thomas: A CRUCIAL WEEK IN THE LIFE OF A GROCER'S ASSISTANT Friel, Brian: The Communication Cord Koichi, Kashimoto: Politics in Modern Japan: Development and Organziation. Third Edition
Bonsiepen, Wolfgang: Der Begriff der Negativität in den Jenaer Schriften Hegels Zimmerli, Walther Christoph: Die Frage nach der Philosophie. Interpretationen zu Hegels "Differenzschrift" Bubner, Rüdiger, ed: Das älteste Systemprogramm. Studien zur Frühgeschichte des deutschen Idealismus
Wolf-Devine, Celia: Descartes on Seeing Epistemology and Visual Perception Weimer, Wolfgang: Schopenhauer Nash, Richard: John Craige's Mathematical Principles of Christian Theology
Molina, Fernando R., ed: The Sources of Existentialism as Philosophy Hagenow, Elisabeth von: Politik und Bild. Die Postkarte als Medium der Propaganda Wood, David: The Deconstruction of Time
Dilthey, Wilhelm: Die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, der Gesellschaft und der Geschichte. Vorarbeiten zur Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften (1865-1880). Gesammelte Schriften. Band XVIII Schuhmann, Karl; Edmund Husserl: Husserl-Chronik. Denk- und Lebensweg Edmund Husserls Herrmann, Ulrich: Die Pädagogik Wilhelm Diltheys. Ihr wissenschaftstheoretischer Ansatz in Diltheys Theorie der Geisteswissenschaften. Gesammelte Schriften. Band IX
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