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Haller, Albrecht von: ELEMENTA PHYSIOLOGIAE CORPORIS HUMANI. Tomus Sextus. Deglutio. Ventriculus. Omenta. Lien. Pancreas. Hepar Brusse, Mark. Met etsen van Sjoerd Bakker: Papieren Dozen Schulz, Bruno. Chmurzynski, Wojciech and Yona Fischer, curators: Drawings of Bruno Schulz from the Collection of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature, Warsaw
Haller, Albrecht von: Disputationes Chirurgicae selectae, collegit, editit, praefatus est Albertus Hallerus. Tomus Primus, Secundus Blackburn, William, ed. (with selections by William Styron and others): One and Twenty: Duke Narrative Verse 1924-1945 Davis, Katherine K: Cinderella. A Folk-tune Operetta in three Acts without Spoken Dialogue
Gastregt, Ben: Eten in Rotterdam Burgt, Ir. C. van der: Tropical Hardwoods for Marine Construction Hubbard, L. Ron: The Phoenix Lectures: The Celebrated Lecture Series Given by L Ron Hubbard to the professional Course, Phoenix, Arizona in July 1954, Compiled into Book Form by the Editorial Staff of the Publications Organization World Wide
Dunn, Robert Steed, editior-in-chief: The Harvard Monthly. October 1897-February 1898 Silvette, Herbert: On Insanity in Seventeenth-Century England Dogbolt, Barnaby; (pseud. Herbert Silvette): Abraham Wrestles with an Angel: A Dialogue, found among the posthumous papers of Barnaby Dogbolt and now printed for his friends by his Executor Herbert Silvette
Brown, Thomas R. (William Osler): Osler and the Student PASTEUR, Louis: Oeuvres de Pasteur. Reunies par Pasteur Vallery-Radot. Tome II. Fermentations Et Generations Dites Spontanees Max (the Dog); Kourtney Harper: Every Dog Has His Dream. SIGNED
Everson, William: Prodigious Thrust Godwin, Gail: The Perfectionists. SIGNED Montfort, Michael (Charles Bukowski): Bukowski: Photographs 1977-1991. (Prospectus)
Gilchrist, Ellen: Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle. A Book of Stories. PROOF Hudson, Stephen: The Other Side. INSCRIBED Nabokov, Vladimir: The Eye. ARC
Koger, Lisa: Farlanburg Stories. SIGNED Jong, Erica: Becoming Light. Poems New and Selected. SIGNED Kinnell, Galway: Black Light. SIGNED
Nordan, Lewis: Music of the Swamp. Advance Excerpt Nordan, Lewis; Louis Rubin, Anne Tyler, et al: The Algonkian. New Series Number Three. January 1996 McCorkle, Jill: Crash Diet. Advance Excerpt
Mann, Thomas: Doktor Faustus. Die Entstehung Des Doktor Faustus Nordan, Lewis: "The New People" SIGNED in The Oxford American, January/February 1997 Tisdale, Sallie: Talk Dirty to Me. An Intimate Philosophy of Sex
McHaney, Thomas L., and Noel Polk, ed. (Ellen Douglas): The Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South, Volume XXXIII Number 4, Summer 1995, Special Issue: Ellen Douglas Smith, Charlie: Canaan. SIGNED Mora, Jose Ferrater: Being and Death. An Outline of Integrationist Philosophy
Mann, Heinrich: The Little Town Muscatine, Charles: Medieval Literature, Style, and Culture. Essays Beckmann, Martin J: Tinbergen Lectures on Organization Theory. Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition. INSCRIBED
Beebe, Maurice Ed.; John Fowles: Journal of Modern Literature. Volume Eight, Number 2, 1980/81 - John Fowles Special Number Harris, Y. L: Hindu Kush di Napoli, Ricardo Bins: Etica e Compreensao do Outro. A Etica de Wilhelm Dilthey sob a perspectiva do encontro interetnico
Ades, Albert and Albert Josipovici: Goha the Fool Gide, Andre: Thésée Garrett, George; Holmes, Theodore; Wallace, Robert: Poets of Today IV. George Garrett, "The Reverend Ghost" and other Poems, Theodore Holmes "The Harvest and Scythe", and Robert Wallace "This Various World and Other Poems"
Hardison, O. B.; Pitchford, Kenneth; and Pritchard, Sheila. Ed. by John Hall Wheelock: Poets of Today V. Lyrics and Elegies; The Blizzard Ape: Poems; In Rainwater Evening: Poems Ondaatje, Michael: Aardvark (for the memory of Emma Peel). SIGNED Ondaatje, Michael: The Collected Works of Billy the Kid. Playbill
Ondaatje, Michael: The Collected Works of Billy the Kid. Left Handed Poems. SIGNED Ondaatje, Michael: There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do. Poems 1963-1978. SIGNED Ondaatje, Michael: Elimination Dance
Ondaatje, Michael: Elimination Dance. SIGNED Carr, Waggoner: Texas Supplemental Report on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Serious Wounding of Governor John B. Connally November 22, 1963 Haglund, Ingrid Larsson: 17th Century Recipts from Count Peter's Receipt Book Gastronomy and History From Visingsborg, Sweden's First County
Husqvarna Viking: Husqvarna Viking Gallery of Quilt Art. 2003 Masterpieces: Spirit and Strength The Decorative Arts Collection: The Book of Painted Quilts: Handpainted Quilts and Other Home Accessories Hunt, Anthony: Genesis, Structure, and Meaning in Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End
Lenz, Siegfried: Training Ground Fairchild, B. H.; Barry Moser; Pennyroyal Press: Trilogy Neilson, Francis: The Cultural Tradition and Other Essays
Bruccoli, Matthew J: The Composition of Tender Is the Night Schroeder, Ralph, ed: Max Weber, Democracy and Modernization Ward, James F: Heidegger's Political Thinking
Sumner, William Graham: The Forgotten Man and Other Essays Clough, Arthur Hugh: Clough the Critical Heritage. Edited By Michael Thorpe Hume, Martin: Spanish Influence on English Literature
Thompson, Francis: Literary Criticisms. Newly Discovered and Collected By Terence L. Connolly Williams, John Babbington (James Brampton): Leaves from the Note-Book of a New York Detective. The Private Record of J. B Moriyama, Daido: Erotica
Humphreys, Josephine: Rich in Lover. Proof. INSCRIBED Dowell, Coleman: One of the Children is Crying Vaughn, Elizabeth Dewberry: Many Things Have Happened Since He Died And Here Are the Highlights. SIGNED
McCorkle, Jill: Tending to Virginia. ARC. SIGNED Mankowitz, Wolf: Old Soldiers Never Die Mason, Bobbie Ann: In Country. ARC. SIGNED
Parkhurst, Liz and Rod Lorenzen, eds. (Lee Smith; Ellen Douglas]: Homecoming. The Southern Family in Short Fiction Mojtabai, A. G: Autumn Kiely, Benedict: The Collected Stories of Benedict Kiely
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