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G.B. Piranesi: Novitatem Meam Contemnunt Ego Illorvm Ignauiam
G.B. Piranesi: Dimostrazione in grand di alcune delle parti facciata. .
G.B. Piranesi: Capitello di marmo nel Palazzo Mattei, ornato di cornucopie. .
G.B. Piranesi: Al Signor Egidio Earle Cavaliere Inglese Amatore delle belle arti. .
G.B. Piranesi: A Sua Eccellenza il Sig. Conte di Brassac Primo Scudiero di Madama Vittoria. .
G.B. Piranesi: Capitulum angulare repertum in Hortis Sallustianis. .. Tab VII
G.B. Piranesi: In Vinea Iacobi Ingamij ad Circum Maximum. Tab XII
G.B. Piranesi: Del Castello Dell' Acova Givlia
G.B. Piranesi: Veduta Degli Avanzi di Antiche Fabbriche alle falde. .
G.B. Piranesi: Disegno di un Soffitto Disstribuito a varj..
George H. Burgess: San Francisco in 1849
John Faed: Shakspeare and His Friends
G.B. Piranesi: Al Signore Pietro Traille Cavaliere, e Capitano. .
A. E. Howarth: Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland
W. Dendy Sadler: Friday
W. Dendy Sadler: Thursday
J-Ces Savigny: Coquilles Crenatules Pl. 12
J-Ces Savigny: Coquilles Marteaux. Peignes. Vulselles Pl. 15
Henry Alken: Fox Hunting Going to Cover / Fox Hunting Breaking Cover Tally Ho! / Fox Hunting Leap Swishing at a Rasper / Fox Hunting, Death. . .Who: Whoop
Nick Mika: Canadian National Locomotive 1405
Nick Mika: Canadian Pacific Locomotive 2803
Nick Mika: Canadian National Locomotive 6200
Nick Mika: Canadian Pacific Locomotive 136
G. B. Piranesi: Two Groups of Furniture
G.B. Piranesi: Miscellaneous Furniture including a Sedan Chair and a Commode
Almer: View of New York
J-Ces Savigny: H.N. Zoologie Echinodermes / Asteries Pl. 4
J-Ces Savigny: H.N. Zoologie Echinodermes / Asteries Pl. 3
J-Ces Savigny: H.N. Zoologie Echinodermes / Asteries Pl. 5
Francesco Primaticcio: Vulcan and the Cyclopes Forging Arrows for the Cupids
G.B. Piranesi: Veduta della Piazza della Rotonda
William Beechey: The Most Noble Lord Horatio Nelson, Viscount and Baron Nelson of the Nile
Perignon: Vue du Port au Prince
Ozanne: Vue de la Baye du Fort - Dauphin
Ozanne: Le Port de Nippe
Ozanne: Cap et Mole St. Nicolas
Ozanne: Vue de la Rade de Leogane
Ozanne: Vue de la Ville de Jeremie
Ozanne: Vue du Port de Lacul du Petit Goave
Ozanne: Vue de la Ville du Port de Paix
Perignon: Vue de la Ville des Cayes
Ozanne: Vue de la Ville du Petit - Goave
Perignon: Vue de Bombardopolis ou Vulgairement Bombarde
Perignon: Vue de la Ville du Mole St. Nicolas
Perignon: Vue de la Ville de St. Marc
Ozanne: Vue du Bourg des Coteaux
Ozanne: Baye et Fort St. Louis
Perignon: Vue de la Plate Forme du Mile St. Nicolas
Ozanne: Vue du Bourg du Cap-Tiburon
G.B. Piranesi: Vaso Antico di Marmo, con urna cineraria sottopostavi, che si vede presson il Cavalier Piranesi
Raphael: Parnassi Montem Spectantibus, Summo in Vertice Residens, Oculorum Aciem Statim . .
Raphael: Etsi, Quas Habet Paries, Interiecto Fenestae Spatio Videantur Seiunctae. .
W.F. Cooper: LMS Kerry Ireland for Holidays
N. Currier: Single
Cutting: A New England Homestead
Thomas Worth: Bustin a Picnic
F.F. Palmer: Warwick Castle on the Avon
Henry Salt: The Town of Abha in Abyssinia
T.G. Dutton: Sailing in Rough Seas
Joseph Pitton de Tournefort: Veue du Mont Ararat du Cote des Trois Eglises
Horace Vernet: The Arab at Prayer
R. Dodd: Design for a Stone Bridge to admit Shipping to pass under its centre arch with views of the proposed embankments of fire-proof warehouses above them
Rossini: Veduta della Gran Mole Adriana, e Ponte Elio
Rossini: Veduta del Interno del Pronao del Pantheon
J. Barney: Cries of London
Beniamin West: William Penn's Treaty with the Indians, when he founded the Province of Pensylvania in North America 1681
Henry Salt: The Pass of Atbara in Abyssinia
Champin: Vue d\'une Partie de la Ville de Nice
J.B. Vanmour: Armenien de Perse / Fille Armenienne que l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'on conduit a l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Eglise pour la marier
Rossini: Veduta Dell' Interno dell' Arco di Giano
Rossini: Interno del Promao del Tempio di Vesta, in Roma
H. Alken: The High Mettled Racer The Foal / The Death / The Racer / In Training / The Hunter / The Post Horse
F. Piranesi: L'Amour dansant avec deux des Graces et Accompagnant sa danse du son de crotales
F. Piranesi: L'un des Heros qui ont conquis a la course les filles de Danaiis. Emportant l'epouse qu'il a choisie
F. Piranesi: L'un des Heros qui se sont dispute a la course les filles de Danaiis. Choisissant et enlevant son Epouse
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