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BRINK A P ( ANDRE ): Voor Ek Vergeet FUREDI F: The Mau Mau War in Perspective NEUMANN A H: Elephant Hunting in East Equatorial Africa
GROBLER H, HALL-MARTIN A & WALKER C: Predators of Southern Africa VAN DER POST L: Yet Being Someone Other VARIAN H F: Some African Milestones
SEYMOUR S M: Native Law in South Africa NEETHLING-POHL A: Dankbaar die Uwe DAVISON P: Some Nguni Crafts, Part 2 - Uses of Horn, Bone and Ivory
REYNOLDS R & B: Grahamstown from Cottage to Villa HOLMES W D: Safari R.S.V.P TYSON H: Blood on the Path
MACKENZIE W D: John Mackenzie - South African Missionary and Statesman PAULING G: The Chronicles of a Contractor MALHERBE D F: Afrikaanse Spreekwoorde en Verwante Vorme
MAREE W L: Uit Duisternis Geroep ( ROBINSON N J comp): History of Smith, Mackenzie and Company, Ltd TRUSWELL J F: An Introduction to the Historical Geology of South Africa
DA GAMA PUBLIKASIES: Ons Eerste Halfeeu FRANZ G H: Masilo se Oorwinning HILLS L D: Lands of the Morning
MALHERBE J A: Complex Country PERROTT D V: Teach yourself Swahili ALEXANDRE P & LEARY F A transl: An Introduction to Languages and Language in Africa
WASSENAAR A D: Theodorus Wassenaar WICHT H: The Indigenous Palms of Southern Africa FUGGLE R F & RABIE M A: Environmental Concerns in South Africa
VAN DER WALT J J A & WARD-HILLHORST E: Pelargoniums of Southern Africa Vol 1 CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON J L: The Zoology of Tropical Africa BRANDER M: Hunting & Shooting
HARESNAPE G ed: The Great Hunters HARRIS W C: Wild Sports of Southern Africa FINAUGHTY W: Recollections of an Elephant Hunter 1864-1875
LEYLAND J: Adventures in the Far Interior of South Africa VAN WYK P: Trees of the Kruger National Park BEVIS M: The Insects of Southern Africa
STREET P: Animal Partners and Parasites WALKER C: Signs of the Wild ASTLEY-MABERLY C T: The Game Animals of Southern Africa
FINCH-DAVIES C G: Game Birds and Waterfowl of Southern Africa HORSBRUGH B R & FINCH-DAVIES C G: Game Birds and Waterfowl of Southern Africa BROADLEY D G: FitzSimons' Snakes of Southern Africa
GON O & HEEMSTRA P C: The Fishes of the Southern Ocean STEWART J & CAMPBELL B: Orchids of Tropical Africa SCHOEMAN P J: Op die Groot Spore
VAN NIEKERK A A J: Die Soutryers FRIEDENTHAL J M: Oerwoud-Bure MYERS N: The Sinking Ark
YOUNG E ed: Capture and Care of Wild Animals ACEBES H: Portraits in Africa SCHULTHESS E: Antarctica
BOSMAN H C: Mafeking Road JUTA J: Background in Sunshine HARRISON J A et al eds: The Atlas of Southern African Birds Vol 1: Non-Passerines, Vol 2: Passerines
PARKER I & AMIN M: Ivory Crisis SIEGFRIED W R et al: South African Red Data Book - Aves GREYLING T & HUNTLEY B J: Directory of Southern African Conservation Areas
BRADLOW F R ( Frank ): Baron von Ludwig and the Ludwig's-Burg Garden BRAIN C K: The Transvaal Ape-man-Bearing Cave Deposits BUTLER G ( Guy ): Bursting World
BAKER J: Preserving a House MILLER J H: The South African Xylariaceae GUNN M D et al: 1) Edwin Percy Phillips 2) SA Species of Myrica 3) Genus Talinum 4) New Species of Raphia 5) Disc in SA Species of Maerua 6) Note on Erythrophleum 7) Stapeliae in Tropical Africa 8) New Records of African Plants & 9) Fungi 10)Vegetation of Ntshongweni 11) Plant Ecology of Hawaan Forest
GUNN M D et al: 1) E M Doidge 2) Species of Arthrocnemum and Salicornia in SA 3) A Revision of African Species of Epilobium 4) New Species of Streptocarpus 5) New Records of African Plants 6) Genus of Microcladia 7) New Species of Brown Algae OBERMEYER A A et al: .1) R Pott-Leendertz & the Tvl Museum Herbarium 2) Genus Andropogon in SA 3) Genus Asparagus in SA 4) Notes on SA Cruciferae 5) Notes on Boerhavia in SA 6) Records of African Flowering Plants 7) Genus Ceramium in SA 8) New Species of Dictyotales in SA 9) Virus Disease of Datura 10) Identity of Pea Blight Fungus in SA 11) Cytology of Mycosphaerella pinodes 12) New Species of Ascomycetes & Sphaeropsidaceae from Tvl 13) & 14) New Records of SA Fungi 15) Two Species of Erysiphaceae from Pretoria TALBOT P H B et al: 1) Studies of SA Resupinate Mymenomycetes 2) Study of Potamophila prehensilis 3) Taxonomy etc of Pseudobromus africanaus 4) SA Species of Acacia with Glandular Glutinous Pods 5) Revision of Genus Cyclopia 6) Notes on Asparagus africanus and related sp 7) New Recors of SA Fungi 8) Encepha-lartos natalensis 9) Newly Described Species PLUS Index Vol VI
TALBOT P H B et al: 1) Entorrhiza callospora sp nov & other parasitic Fungi in Limeum Roots 2) Cyphelloid Fungi of SA 3) New Records of SA Fungi 4) Three species of Curvularia from Pinus 5) Notes on Certain SA Erythrina sp 6) Schotia sp in SA 7) New records of SA Flowering Plants 8) Oleaceae of SA HANSFORD C G et al: 1)Parasitism of some SA Microthyriales 2) Some new Hymenomycetes 3) Revision of SA sp of Tephrosia and segregation from Ophrestia 4) New sp of Ficus from Border between Mocambique & Nyasaland DOIDGE E M: The South African Fungi and Lichens
PASSMORE N I & CARRUTHER V C: South African Frogs VENTER A J: Coloured - a Profile of Two Million South Africans VARLEY D H & MATTHEW H M eds: The Cape Journals of Archdeacon N. J. Merriman
TREDGOLD A: Village of the Sea HOARE M ( Mike ): The Seychelles Affair FISHER J: That Miss Hobhouse
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