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BRETT Henry edited C R Bradwell: White Wings Immigrant ships to New Zealand 1840-19002 HARVIE, E F: George Bolt Pioneer Aviator FORD Madox Ford: A Man Could Stand Up - a Novel
BEST James W: Tiger Days THOMSON John: The Clinical Study and Treatment of Sick Children LOVELL Bernard: Out of the Zenith, Jodrell Bank 1957-1970
PONTING Herbert & HURLEY Frank: 1910-1916 Antarctic Photographs Scott Mawson and Shackleton Expeditions TERRAY Lionel: Conquistadors of the Useless from the Alps to Annapurna and Beyond PASCOE John: The Southern Alps from the Kaikouras to the Rangitata
ORMAN Tony: The Sport in Fishing MOLESWORTH Mrs: The Cuckoo Clock ANDERSON Cmdr William R: Nautilus 90 North
UPFIELD Arthur: Madmans Bend FERRARS Elizabeth: Murder Moves In CORBETT James: Gallows Wait
MACKENZIE Compton: The Lunatic Republic FOWLES John: The French Lieutenants Woman VELIKOVKY Immanuel: Ages in Chaos
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HIBBERD Shirley: Familiar Garden Flowers 5 Volumes GREEN Thomas Hill: Prolegomena to Ethics CAESARIS C Iuli Caesar edited T Rice Holmes: C Iuli Caesaris Commentarii rerum in Gallia Gestarum, De Bello Gallico (War in Gaul / Gallic War)
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SOTHEBYS: Important American Indian Art New York 5/19/1998 MCFARLANE Shona: Of cabbages and things.. UNGERER Tomi: Compromises
BEGG N C: Historic Buildings of New Zealand, North Island BEGG N C: Historic Buildings of New Zealand, South Island DOBSON Austin: Old World Idylls and other Verses
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