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SEAR, David R: Roman Coins and their Values VIRGIL: Aeneid I-VI. Edited with Introductin and Notes by R. Deryck Williams WALKER'S County Maps: Walker's Monmouthshire
WARNER, Philip: Distant Battle. A Retrospect of Empire. [SIGNED] WILLOUGHBY, Bob. Text by Richard Schickel: The Platinum Years BOSISIO, JONES, Jenny, SCHUBERT, Camille, GLOVER, Charles, MOORE, Thomas, KNIGHT, Joseph Philip, DEVEREAUX, L, et al: A BOUND COLLECTION OF SONGS AND AIRS ARRANGED FOR THE PIANOFORTE SOME WITH ILLUSTRATED FRONT COVERS
CHARTERIS, Leslie: The Saint and the People Importers [FARRAR, Mrs. John (Eliza)]: The Adventures of Congo in Search of His Master; An American Tale. Containing a True Account of a Shipwreck and Interspersed with Anecdotes Founded on Facts. Illustrated with Engravings GREGORY, John: Days with Ted. A Book of Reminiscences being part 2 of: Simpleton of the Unexpected. (SIGNED, LIMITED EDITION)
HARDY, Thomas: The Oxen HARDY, Thomas: Song Of The Soldiers (HARDY, Thomas). JONES, Bernard: Thomas Hardy. A Poem
HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey. Illustrations by J. Peccinotti: The Cats To Come HOWES, Michael: Amulets KATZEW, Ilona. With an Introduction by William B. Taylor: Contested Visions In The Spanish Colonial World
LACY, Thomas Hailes: Male Costumes Historical, National & Dramatic in 200 Plates. In Two Volumes TOGETHER WITH Female Costume's Historical, National & Dramatic. Vol 2 only LEVI, Peter. (Thomas Hardy): John Clare and Thomas Hardy. The John Coffin Memorial Lecture delivered before the University of London on 16 January 1975 MAXWELL, Gavin: The Adventures of Gavin Maxwell. Compiled, Edited and Introduced by Richard Adams
MODIANO, Patrick. Translated by Daniel Weissbort: Missing Person. REVIEW COPY OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION MOLINEUX, Thomas: A Concise Introduction to the Knowledge of The Globes; Containing A Selection of the most Instructive Problems, with a Variety of Examples and Questions for the Improvement of the Learner; Also a Series of Occasional Exercises, Comprehending an Epitome of Modern Geography. Designed for The Use of Schools and Private Teachers (ROBERTS, Tom). Virginia Spate: Tom Roberts. Editorial Consultant John Henshaw
ATKINSON, M.E: Going Gangster. A Novel for Boys and Girls. Illustrated from Drawings by Harold Jones (BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice). DAY, David: The Burroughs Bestiary. An Encyclopaedia of Monsters and Imaginary Beings Created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Illustrated by Eric Howley BYRON, Lord: Lord Byron's Select Works: consisting of Cain, A Mystery; Hours of Idleness; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers; with occasional pieces; and Life of the Author
ELIOT, T.S: Essays Ancient & Modern FLORIST'S JOURNAL: Florist's Journal, For The Year 1840 and 1841. TWO VOLUMES BOUND IN ONE FRANK, E.Z: Counter Plot
GAY, John. With an Introduction by Oswald Doughty: The Beggar's Opera. Twenty-Eight Plates in Collotype and a Facsimile Title of the First Edition (HANCOCK, Natalie Morris). NATALIE: Peterpuck HOBBIES LIMITED: Hobbies Handbook for 1950
LAMBOURNE, Lionel: The Aesthetic Movement MERRILL, Linda: The Peacock Room A Cultural Biography SALAMAN, Malcolm C., with commentary by. Edited by Geoffrey Holme: British Book Illustration Yesterday and To-Day
SANDERS, Herbert A: The Cult Of The Brush. A Practical Guide To Water-Colour Painting TOPOLSKI, Feliks: Topolski's Buckingham Palace Panoramas. (SIGNED). With a foreword by H.R.H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Appreciation: Bernard Denvir. Collage: Feliks Topolski with Peter Ford. Photography: Marcus Harrison WALT DISNEY: Mickey Mouse Annual
WILLIAMS, Rob. Illustrated by Rob Garney, Matteo Buffagni and Riley Rossmo: Daken Dark Wolverine. Big Break WOLF, Joseph: The Life and Habits of Wild Animals. Illustrated by Designs by.... Engraved by J.W. & Edward Whymper. With Descriptive Letter-Press By Daniel Giraud Elliot BENNETT, Gordon T.H: Sutherland In Pembrokeshire. (SIGNED)
BURROW'S: Burrow's R.A.C. County Map & Gazeteer. Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire & Herefordshire CAMPBELL, Roy: Adamastor CURLE, Richard. (Introduction): Thomas Hardy Through the Camera's Eye
DAVIE, Donald: Brides of Reason DAVIE, Donald: Donald Davie. The Fantasy Poets. Number Nineteen. Editors: George Macbeth and Oscar Mellor DISNEY. [BARRIE, J.M.]: Peter Pan
EBERHART, M.G: Wings of Fear ELIOT, T.S: The Use Of Poetry And The Use Of Criticism. Studies In The Relation Of Criticism To Poetry In England FASSBINDER, Rainer Werner: Plays. Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Denis Calandra. (SIGNED)
[H. W. JOHNSON]: Pythie Poetizings Penned Pictured & Printed by a Pensive Poet. An Alphabet HARDY, Thomas. et al. Edited by J. Stevens Cox: Mumming and The Mummers' Play Of St George. Three Versions including that of Thomas Hardy HAYCRAFT, Howard. With an Introduction by Nicholas Blake: Murder For Pleasure. The Life and Times of the Detective Story
JOHNS, Rev. C.A: The Forest Trees of Britain KHAYYAM, Omar, translated into verse by Edward Fitzgerald with decorations by William G. Easton: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam LANE, Margaret. With an Introduction by Graham Greene: Edgar Wallace. The Biography of a Phenomenon
MALLINSON. Allan: Warrior. (SIGNED) OVER, Mark, edited by Illustrations by W.K. Haselden, Joseph Simpson, Edmund J. Sullivan. Containing also some writings by Mostyn Pigott & Mark Allerton: Wisdom Compressed. A Book of Humour containing the soul of 20th century wit & Philosophy SEAWRIGHT, Paul: Invisible Cities
SPARKES, W.E. Illustrated by W. Matthews: Dante and Beatrice and Aucassin and Nicolette. Retold from the Old Chronicles by .... (The World's Romances Series) SWIFT, Jonathan: A Selection of Poems by .... Edited with an Introduction by John Heath-Stubbs TALGARTH AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY, compiled by: Talgarth's War. 1914-1919
THE LILY LIBRARY. INDIANA UNIVERSITY: The First Hundred Years of Detective Fiction. 1841-1941. (Lilly Library Publication Number XVIII) TOPOLSKI, Felix. (Illustrated by...) Translated by Pritish NANDY. Selected by TAMBIMUTTU: Poems from Bangla Desh The Voice of a New Nation. LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY 50 SIGNED BY TOPOLSKI AND TAMBIMUTTU WALCOTT, Derek: The Fortunate Traveller
WALL, Jeff: Jeff Wall Photographs WALLACE, Edgar: The Angel of Terror WALLACE, Edgar: Bones being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
WALLACE, Edgar: Bosambo Of The River WALLACE, Edgar: The Brigand WALLACE, Edgar: The Calendar
WALLACE, Edgar: The Feathered Serpent WALLACE, Edgar: The Fellowship Of The Frog WALLACE, Edgar: The Fourth Plague
WALLACE, Edgar: The Green Rust WALLACE, Edgar: The Gunner WALLACE, Edgar: People. A Short Autobiography
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