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Burglon, Nora; Glazer, Thelma; Goetz, Delia; & Phillips, E. Mark: DIEGO WINS And Other Caribbean Stories Sell, Francis E: PRACTICAL FRESH WATER FISHING Sadoul, Georges: FRENCH FILM
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: THE SONG OF HIAWATHA With Illustrations from Designs by Frederic Remington Coward, Noel: CAVALCADE Anderson, Clary: MAKE THE TEAM IN BASEBALL
Keller, Sharon R: THE JEWS A Treasury of Art and Literature Charyn, Jerome: THE FRANKLIN SCARE Lamont, Lansing: DAY OF TRINITY
Cabanne, Pierre: RUBENS His Life and Work Davis, Bette & Herskowitz, Michael: THIS 'N THAT Schiff, Ze'ev & Ya'ari, Ehud: ISRAEL'S LEBANON WAR
Smith, Peter C: THE GREAT SHIPS PASS British Battleships At War 1939-45 Yglesias, Jose: IN THE FIST OF THE REVOLUTION Life in a Cuban Country Town Pike, James A: BEYOND THE LAW The Religious and Ethical Meaning of the Lawyer's Vocation
Grey, Howard & Stuart, Graham: THE VICTORIANS BY THE SEA Cone, Fairfax M: WITH ALL ITS FAULTS A Candid Account of Forty Years in Advertising Linenger, Jerry M: OFF THE PLANET Surviving Five Perilous Months Aboard the Space Station Mir
Schillings, C. G: WITH FLASH-LIGHT AND RIFLE Photographing by Flash-Light At Night the Wild Animal World of Equitorial Africa Gardner, John: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF CHAUCER Shaw, George Bernard: SIXTEEN SELF SKETCHES
Shaw, George Bernard: DOCTORS' DELUSIONS Shaw, George Bernard: EVERYBODY'S POLITICAL WHAT'S WHAT? Hardy, Alister; Harvie, Robert; & Koestler, Arthur: THE CHALLENGE OF CHANCE A Mass Experiment in Telepathy and its Unexpected Outcome
Kean, B. H. & Tucker, Harold A: THE TRAVELER'S HEALTH GUIDE Miller, Douglas T: JACKSONIAN ARISTOCRACY Class and Democracy in New York 1830-1860 Sullivan, Ellen [editor]: A VERMONT SCRAPBOOK Fifty Vermonters Remember
Billings, Warren M. [editor]: THE OLD DOMINION IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY A Documentary History of Virginia 1606-1689 Gentleman, David: DAVID GENTLEMAN'S COASTLINE James Jr. , Theodore: FIFTH AVENUE
Bowles, Paul: A LITTLE STONE Douglas, William O: MY WILDERNESS East to Katahdin Guiles, Fred Lawrence: STAN The Life of Stan Laurel
Wilson, Woodrow: PRESIDENT WILSON'S STATE PAPERS AND ADDRESSES With Editorial Notes, a Biographical Sketch, an Introduction, and an Analytical Index Cohen, David Steven: THE FOLKLORE AND FOLKLIFE OF NEW JERSEY [Various]: AUTO-UNIVERSUM 1966
Grindrod, Ralph Barnes: BACCHUS An Essay on the Nature, Causes, Effects, and Cure, of Intemperance Rodman, Selden: THE GUATELMALA TRAVELER A Concise History and Guide Currid, Elizabeth: THE WARHOL ECONOMY How Fashion, Art, & Music Drive New York City
Delaney, Edmund T: NEW YORK'S TURTLE BAY OLD & NEW Kimbrough, Emily: WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE Bookbinder, Bernie: LONG ISLAND People and Places Past and Present
Benet, Stephen Vincent: SELECTED WORKS OF STEPHEN VINCENT BENET [TWO VOLUME SET] Volume One: Poetry Volume Two: Prose Einstein, Alfred: MUSIC IN THE ROMANTIC ERA A History of Musical Thought in the 19th Century Eban, Abba: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY
Matthiessen, Peter & Porter, Eliot: THE TREE WHERE MAN WAS BORN/THE AFRICAN EXPERIENCE Matthiessen, Peter; Porter, Eliot: THE TREE WHERE MAN WAS BORN/THE AFRICAN EXPERIENCE Tregaskis, Hugh: BEYOND THE GRAND TOUR The Levant Lunatics
Miller, James: "DEMOCRACY IS IN THE STREETS" From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago Huppert, George: THE IDEA OF PERFECT HISTORY Historical Erudition and Historical Philosophy in Renaissance France Mirande, Alfredo & Enriquez, Evangelina: LA CHICANA The Mexican-American Woman
Auden, W. H. , Broder, Nathan, Et Al: THE GREAT OPERAS OF MOZART Furnas, J. C: FANNY KEMBLE Leading Lady of the Nineteenth-Century Stage Beattie, Ann: SECRETS AND SURPRISES
Zook, Nicholas: MUSEUM VILLAGES A Profusely Illustrated Guide to More Than 120 Important Museum Complexes in 42 States Kennedy, David M: FREEDOM FROM FEAR The American People in Depression and War 1929-1945 Ellis, David M: NEW YORK STATE Gateway to America
Teale, Edwin Way: WANDERING THROUGH WINTER A Naturalist's Record of a 20,000-Mile Journey through the North American Winter Goethe, Johann Wolfgang: WILHELM MEISTER'S APPRENTICESHIP Adair, John: THE PILGRIMS' WAY Shrines and Saints in Britain and Ireland
Williams, Caroline: AS ALWAYS---CINCINNATI Ragette, Friedrich: THE SANCTUARY OF JUPITER HELIOPOLITAN IN BAALBECK An Architectural History Wright, Frank Lloyd: THE NATURAL HOUSE
Gutman, Robert [editor]: PEOPLE AND BUILDINGS Hammer, Nelson R: INTERIOR LANDSCAPES An American Design Portfolio of Green Environments Various: ARCHITECTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [VOLUME TWO ONLY[ Volume Two
Seale, William: THE WHITE HOUSE The History of an American Idea Lenin, Vladimir: LENIN ON YOUTH Berton, Pierre: THE IMPOSSIBLE RAILWAY The Building of the Canadian Pacific--A Triumphant Saga of Exploration, Politics, High Finance & Adventure
Taviani, Paolo Emilio: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS The Grand Design Argan, Giulio Carlo & Mussa, Italo: ARNALDO POMODORO AT THE BELVEDERE FORT Steiner, Jean-Francois: TREBLINKA
Emmerich, Andre: ART BEFORE COLUMBUS The Art of Ancient Mexico Gurteen, S. Humphreys: THE ARTHURIAN EPIC A Comparative Study of the Cambrian, Breton, and Anglo-Norman Versions of the Story and Tennyson's Idylls of the King De Waal, Frans: PEACEMAKING AMONG PRIMATES
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