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DYLAN THOMAS. Andrew Lycett: Dylan Thomas. A New Life. (SIGNED) JOHN COWPER POWYS. Agnus Miller Parker: Lucifer. A Poem. With engravings by Angus Miller Parker. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) WILLIAM LIONEL WYLLIE AND M.F.WREN: Sea Fights of the Great War. Naval Incidents During the First Nine Months. Text by M.F.Wren with illustrations by William Lionel Willie
HAROLD F.HUTCHISON: London Transport Posters. With an introduction and notes by Harold F.Hutchison JOHN PIPER. Sir George Sitwell: On the Making of Gardens. With an introduction by Sir Osbert Sitwell and decorations by John Piper. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) T.E.LAWRENCE. Jeremy Wilson: Lawrence of Arabia. The Authorised Biography of T.E.Lawrence
NANCY MITFORD: The Sun King. [A biography of King Louis XIV]. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) IAN FLEMING: contributes a brief piece on his North Shore Jamaican home 'Goldeneye' to the anthology House & Garden Weekend Book. Edited by Elisabeth Brayne GEORGE SEFERIS. Keith Vaughan: The King of Asine and Other Poems. Translated from the Greek by Bernard Spencer, Nanos Valaoritis and Lawrence Durrell, with an introduction by Rex Warner and a dust wrapper design by Keith Vaughan
A.P.HERBERT: The Bomber Gipsy and Other Poems ROBERT BYRON: The Road to Oxiana ERSKINE CHILDERS AND BASIL WILLIAMS: The H.A.C in South Africa. A Record of the Services Rendered in the South African War by Members of the Honourable Artillery Company
T.E.LAWRENCE (interest): Great Contemporaries. Essays by Various Hands CHARLES WILLIAMS: Poems of Conformity CHARLES WILLIAMS: Taliessin Through Logres. Poems
CHARLES WILLIAMS: All Hallows' Eve. A novel H.E.BATES: A German Idyll. With wood engravings by Lynton Lamb. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) CLARE LEIGHTON: Give us this Day. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by the author
C.J.C.STREET: Ireland in 1921 VIRGINIA WOOLF. Frederic William Maitland: The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen HENRY GREEN: Party Going. A novel
MAITLAND RADFORD: Poems by Maitland Radford. With a Memoir by Some of His Friends RUPERT BROOKE. Maurice Browne: Recollections of Rupert Brooke ALEXANDER THEROUX: Three Wogs. A novel
HENRY A.ROBINSON: Further Memories of Irish Life JOHN BETJEMAN. Dr. G.Krishnamurti: The Eighteen-Nineties: A Literary Exhibition. September 4-21 1973 [and] The Eighteen-Nineties. Supplement to the Catalogue. Compiled by Dr. G.Krishnamurti. With a foreword by Sir John Betjeman CHRIS BONINGTON: Everest. The Hard Way. (SIGNED)
HEATHER AND ROBIN TANNER: Wiltshire Village. Text by Heather Tanner, with etchings and pen drawings by Robin Tanner E.M.FORSTER: The Story of the Siren E.M.FORSTER: Pharos and Pharillon
T.E.LAWRENCE: Fifty Letters: 1920-1935. The catalogue of an October-December 1962 exhibition at the Humanities Research Center, University of Texas EDWIN M.LANHAM: Sailors Don't Care. A novel. (INSCRIBED) KATHARINE TYNAN: Shamrocks. Poems
WILLIAM MCFEE: Letters from an Ocean Tramp. (SIGNED) CHRISTOPHER CAUDWELL: Illusion and Reality. A Study of the Sources of Poetry V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Grey Wethers. A Romantic Novel
V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Andrew Marvell V.SACKVILLE-WEST: The Dragon in Shallow Waters. A novel B.B. / D.J.WATKINS-PITCHFORD: The Sportsman's Bedside Book. Written by 'B.B.' with drawings by G.D.Armour, and etchings and tailpieces by D.J.Watkins-Pitchford
MAX BEERBOHM: Rossetti and His Circle LYTTON STRACHEY: Eminent Victorians ROBERT BYRON AND CHRISTOPHER SYKES (writing as 'Richard Waughburton'): Innocence and Design. A novel
R.H.MOTTRAM (writing as 'J.Marjoram'): Repose and Other Verses. (SIGNED) JOHN MONTAGUE: Forms of Exile. Poems DYLAN THOMAS: Ralph Maud edits and contributes his four-page essay 'A Critique of Dylan Thomas's Poetry' to 'Poetry & Audience'. [Vol. 1], no. 7. Jan 21 1954. Edited by Ralph Maud
OSBERT SITWELL: The Winstonburg Line. 3 Satires THOMAS KINSELLA: Moralities. Poems JOHN BETJEMAN: contributes a one-page appreciation of artist and architect M.H.Baillie Scott to an issue of periodical 'The Studio'. Vol. 130, no. 628, July 1945. Edited by Geoffrey Holme
RONALD SEARLE: More Scraps in No Particular Order. Unpublished Sketchbooks of Ronald Searle. [Together with] Watteau Revisited. With a foreword by Ippei Ito, and an afterword by Ben Shahn and Groucho Marx. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) GEORGE MACKLEY: George Mackley. Wood Engraver. Edited by Lewis H.Green. (INSCRIBED BY RUARI MCLEAN) RUMER GODDEN: Bengal Journey. A Story of the Part Played by Women in the Province, 1939-1945
ROBIN PAYNE AND ROSEMARIE LEWSEY: The Romance of the Stones. Text by Robin Payne with illustrations by Rosemarie Lewsey. (SIGNED) TRAGARA PRESS. Steven Halliwell: Fifty Years of Hand-Printing: A Bibliography of the Tragara Press. Compiled by Steven Halliwell and with a ten-page introduction by David Burnett K.A.MERRICK: The Handley Page Halifax. (SIGNED)
ALAN CLODD: Alan Clodd and the Enitharmon Press. A Checklist of His Publications 1967-1987 and Private Printings 1958-1998. Compiled by Steven Halliwell and with a tribute by Jeremy Reed. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) VAL DOONE: This Other Eden. With photographs by the author KATHERINE ANNE PORTER: French Song-Book. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION, INSCRIBED)
LE CORBUSIER: My Work. Translated from the French by James Palmes and with an introduction by Maurice Jardot JAMES JOYCE. Edward Quinn: James Joyce's Dublin. With Selected Writings from Joyce's Works JOHN PIPER. Alan Powers: John Piper's Brighton Aquatints
ERIC GILL. John Donne: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne. With an introduction by Hugh I'A.Fausset, and engravings by Eric Gill. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN BETJEMAN: Eternity. [a Christmas card]. (SIGNED) ELIZABETH BUTLER: From Sketch-Book and Diary. With illustrations by the author
J.M.BRUCE: British Aeroplanes 1914-18 GEORGE BUTTERWORTH: A Shropshire Lad. Rhapsody for Full Orchestra. Composed by George Butterworth GEORGES DUHAMEL. Picart le Doux: Le Prince Jaffar. With illustrations by Picart le Doux
SIDNEY HEATH AND W. DE C.PRIDEAUX: Some Dorset Manor Houses with their Literary and Historical Associations. With a foreword by R.Bosworth Smith. (INSCRIBED) JOHN MINTON: The Football Association Book for Boys QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Fanfare for Elizabeth in the Presence of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. A Programme of Words, Music and Dance with the Royal Opera House and the Royal Ballet, 21st April 1986
JEREMY REED. (Kathleen Raine interest): The Secret Ones. A poem. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) CHARLES WELCH: History of The Tower Bridge and of Other Bridges Over the Thames Built by the Corporation of London; including an Account of the Bridge House Trust for the Twelfth Century, Based on Records of the Bridge House Estates Committee. With a description of Tower Bridge by J.Wolfe Barry, and an introduction by The Rev. Canon Benham BRUCE MONTGOMERY: contributes a three-page article on musical composition in English ballet to the special review of English ballet 'Arabesque. English Ballet 1930-1943'. Edited by Denis Franknel
RICHARD RUSSO: Nobody's Fool. A novel. (SIGNED) HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Power of the Dead. Volume eleven of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight' DAVID JONES. Peter Levi: In Memory of David Jones. The text of a sermon delivered in Westminster Cathedral at the Solemn Requiem for the poet and painter, David Jones, on 13 December 1974
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