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SUSAN HILL: A Bit of Singing and Dancing. Stories STEPHEN FRY: The Hippopotamus. A novel. (INSCRIBED) CLIVE CUSSLER: Raise the Titanic! A novel
ELEANOR CATTON: The Rehearsal. A novel C.J.BOX: The Bitterroots. A novel. (SIGNED) IAN BOTHAM: Head On. The Autobiography. (INSCRIBED)
ANDREW MOTION: Laurels and Donkeys. Poems DONNA LEON: Transient Desires. A novel. (SIGNED) VICTOR JESTIN: Heatwave. A novel. Translated from the French of 'La Chaleur' by Sam Taylor. (SIGNED)
COLIN THUBRON: Falling. A novel. (SIGNED) EUGENIO MONTALE: The Collected Poems of Eugenio Montale 1925-1977. Translated by William Arrowsmith and edited with an introduction by Rosanna Warren ELSPETH HUXLEY: Nellie. Letters from Africa. With a Memoir
TERRY PRATCHETT: Moving Pictures. A Discworld novel ISABEL RAWSTHORNE. Carol Jacobi: Out of the Cage. The Art of Isabel Rawsthorne EDGAR LUSTGARTEN: The Chalk Pit Murder
TERRY PRATCHETT: The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner and Other Stories DICK KING-SMITH: The Crowstarver. A novel. (SIGNED) ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
HAROLD PINTER: The Collection and The Lover THEODORA CORRIE: Siberian Echoes. (INSCRIBED) SIMON ARMITAGE: Black Roses. The Killing of Sophie Lancaster. A poem
JOSEPH SZABO: Teenage. Photographs. With an introduction by Cameron Crowe SHEILA BURNFORD: The Incredible Journey. With illustrations by Carl Burger STEVE MCCURRY: From These Hands: A Journey Along the Coffee Trail. Photographs. (INSCRIBED)
GEORGE ORWELL: Down and Out in Paris and London J.G.BALLARD: The Empire of the Sun. A novel JOHN HEATH-STUBBS: A Partridge in a Pear Tree. Poems for the Twelve Days of Christmas. With illustrations by Emily Johns. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
SUPERMAN. Jerry Siegel and Stan Carter: Superman. No. 46. Edited by Whitney Ellsworth. National EDWARD THOMAS: Rest and Unrest. Essays CARLOS RUIZ ZAFÓN: The Shadow of the Wind. Translated from the Spanish of 'La Sombra del Vientoby' Lucia Graves
JAMES FOX: The Langhorne Sisters. (SIGNED) CAPTAIN J.C.DUNN: The War the Infantry Knew 1914-1919. A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium with The Second Battalion His Majesty's Twenty-Third Foot, The Royal Welch Fusiliers: Founded on Personal Records, Recollections and Reflections, assembled, edited and partly written by one of their Medical Officers PETER HANINGTON: A Dying Breed. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
JANET FRAME: To the Is-Land. An Autobiography JORGE LUIS BORGES: In Praise of Darkness. Poems. Translated from the Spanish of 'Elagio de la Sombra' by Norman Thomas di Giovanni DONNA LEON: So Shall You Reap. A Commissario Brunetti Mystery. (SIGNED)
R.S.THOMAS: Frequencies. Poems R.S.THOMAS: The Echoes Return Slow JOHN VERNON LORD: Drawn to Drawing
ANNA KAVAN: contributes her hitherto unprinted eight-page essay 'Two New Zealand Pieces' to the anthology Choice. Some New Stories and Prose. Edited by William Sansom and with illustrations by Leonard Rosoman FRANCIS THOMPSON. G.K.Chesterton: Eyes of Youth. A Book of Verse. With a foreword by G.K.Chesterton LORINE NIEDECKER: contributes three poems to the anthology New Directions in Prose and Poetry. Number Eleven. Edited by Jams Laughlin
HENRY GREEN: Pack My Bag. A Self-Portrait BERNARDINE EVARISTO: The Emperor's Babe. A novel STEVE HAMILTON: Winter of the Wolf Moon. A novel. (SIGNED)
KATE ELIZABETH RUSSELL: My Dark Vanessa. A novel. (SIGNED) RICHARD RUSSO: Everybody's Fool. A novel RICHARD BACH: The Ferret Chronicles. Complete in five volumes comprising Air Ferrets Aloft [and] Rescue Ferrets at Sea [and] Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse [and] Rancher Ferrets on the Range [and] The Last War. Detective Ferrets and the Case of the Golden Deed
KEVIN CROSSLEY-HOLLAND AND ANDREW RAFFERTY: Seahenge: A Journey. Poems by Kevin Crossley-Holland and photographs by Andrew Rafferty. (INSCRIBED) RAYMOND CARVER: This Water. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) RAYMOND CARVER: My Father's Life. An essay. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
LOUIS MACNEICE: Collected Poems 1925-1948 CHARLES WILLIAMS: War in Heaven. A novel PAUL THEROUX: Saint Jack. A novel
THE MARCHIONESS OF ANGLESEY. Eric Ravilious: The W.I. Countrywoman's Year 1960. Edited by The Marchioness of Anglesey GEORGE CHANDLER: Liverpool. With a foreword by Alderman J.Braddock ALFRED BOWKER: The King Alfred Millenary. A Record of the Proceedings of the National Commemoration
VICKI BAUM: Grand Hotel. A novel. Translated from the German of 'Menschen im Hotel' by Basil Creighton SHELL GUIDE. Lord Clonmore: Kent. A Shell Guide. A Series of Views of Castles, Seats of the Nobility, Mines, Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Public Buildings, Churches, Antiques, &c. Edited by Lord Clonmore [i.e. William Cecil James Philip John Paul Howard, 8th Earl of Wicklow] F.W.HARVEY: contributes his poem 'To A Silver Birch Tree' to an issue of the periodical 'Vision. The Magazine of the Gloucester Society of Artists'. Vol. 2, no. 1. Summer 1930
JOHN BETJEMAN AND JOHN PIPER: Murray's Berkshire Architectural Guide. Edited by John Betjeman and John Piper JOHN BETJEMAN: A Garland for the Laureate. Poems Presented to Sir John Betjeman on his 75th Birthday FRANK BRANGWYN: contributes a tipped-in frontispiece to an issue of the periodical 'Vision. The Magazine of the Gloucester Society of Artists'. Vol. 1, no. 3. Spring 1930
ELIAS ASHMOLE: The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter WALTER OF HENLEY: Walter of Henley's Husbandry, together with An Anonymous Husbandry, Seneschaucie and Robert Grosseteste's Rules. With transcripts, translations and a glossary by Elizabeth Lamond, and an introduction by W.Cunningham WILLIAM TYNDALE: The New Testament. Translated by William Tyndale 1534. A Reprint of the Edition of 1534 with the Translator's Prefaces & Notes and the Variants of the Edition of 1525. Edited for the Royal Society of Literature by N.Hardy Willis, with an introduction by The Right Honourable Isaac Foot
EDWARD ARDIZZONE: The Adventures of Tim. Six Stories H.E.BATES: Pastoral on Paper. With photographs by John Gay, and maps and drawings by Leslie S.Haywood H.E.BATES: Flying Bombs Over England. Edited by Bob Ogley
LEN DEIGHTON: The elusive Len Deighton issue of 'Ark Magazine. The Journal of the Royal College of Art'. No. 10. [1953]. Edited by Rosalind Dease with Deighton serving as the art editor (this whilst a student at RCA and nine years before the publication of 'The Ipcress File') ROBERT JACKSON. [Brian W.Aldiss, Bob Shaw, Iain Banks, Josephine Saxon, William Gibson, Gene Wolf, and M.John Harrison]: Frontier Crossings. A Souvenir of the 45th World Science Fiction Convention, Conspiracy '87, held in Brighton, Gt. Britain from August 27th to September 1st 1987. Edited by Robert Jackson. (SIGNED BY VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS) WILLIAM TREVOR: The Day We Got Drunk on Cake and Other Stories
V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Challenge. A novel SEAMUS HEANEY: contributes his poem 'Servant Boy' to Responses, an anthology of poetry published to coincide with the 1971 Bedford Square Book Bang T.E.LAWRENCE: Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph
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