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HENRY WILLIAMSON: Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the Country of the Two Rivers. With illustrations by Barry Driscoll TONY GOULD: In Limbo. The Story of Stanley's Rear Column. (INSCRIBED) JOHN HEYGATE. [Henry Williamson]: Decent Fellows. A novel
HENRY WILLIAMSON: Alexandra Wigginton contributes an eight-page recollection of an afternoon spent with Henry Williamson to Frederick Rolfe and Others. A Miscellany of Essays HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Beautiful Years [and] Dandelion Days [and] The Dream of Fair Women. The first three volumes of the author's 'Flax of Dream' sequence HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Flax of Dream. Complete in four volumes comprising The Beautiful Years, Dandelion Days, The Dream of Fair Women [and] The Pathway. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITIONS)
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Peregrine's Saga and Other Stories of the Country Green TED HUGHES: Moortown. Poems. With two drawings by Leonard Baskin and a half-title decoration by the author. (INSCRIBED) GERALD BRENAN: A Life of One's Own. Childhood and Youth
DAVID HUGHES: A Feeling in the Air. A novel. (SIGNED) DAVID HUGHES: Sealed with a Loving Kiss. A novel RICHARD HUGHES: The Spider's Palace and Other Stories. With illustrations by George Charlton
PAUL NASH: The Wood-Engravings of Paul Nash. A catalogue of the wood engravings, pattern papers, etchings and an engraving on copper. Compiled by Jeremy Greenwood HUGH CASSON: A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Sir Hugh Casson and of Lady Casson, held at St. Paul's Cathedral, 29 November 1999 CORONATION: A special Coronation issue of the periodical 'Harper's Bazaar' [UK]. Vol. XLIX, no. 3, June 1953. Edited by Eileen Dickson
OSBERT LANCASTER: Kunsthistorie met een Glimlach. Translated from the English by Cor Jongens and with a foreword by Professor W.S.van Thienen. (INSCRIBED) PATRICK O'BRIAN: contributes his poem 'A Sung Landscape Remembered' to an issue of the periodical 'The Cornhill'. No. 1080, summer 1974 MAX BEERBOHM: Cartoons. 'The Second Childhood of John Bull'
MAX BEERBOHM. A.E.Gallatin & L.M.Oliver: A Bibliography of the Works of Max Beerbohm E.NESBIT: Ballads and Lyrics of Socialism 1883-1908 ROBERT BOLT: Flowering Cherry. A play in two acts. (SIGNED)
T.S.ELIOT: T.S.Eliot - A Symposium. Compiled by Richard March and Tambimuttu T.E.LAWRENCE. Donald Weeks: T.E.Lawrence. An hitherto unknown Biographical/ Bibliographical Note ERIC GILL: Beauty Looks After Herself. Essays
HORACE DE VIEL-CASREL: Marie-Antoinette et La Révolution Françoise JAMES THOMSON: The Seasons. Edited by Bolton Corney. With a life of the author by Patrick Murdoch and engraved illustrations from designs drawn on wood by John Bell, C.W.Cope, Thomas Creswick, J.C.Horsley, L.P.Knight, R.Redgrave, Frank Stone, C.Stenhouse, Frederick Taylor, H.J.Townsend and Thomas Webster W.R.BURNETT: Little Caesar. A novel
FRANZ SCHUBERT: Symphony in B Minor ("Unfinished"). An Authoritative Score. Schubert's Sketches, Commentary, Essays in History and Analysis. Edited by Martin Chusid WILLIAM O'SULLIVAN: A Miracle of Learning. Studies in Manuscripts and Irish Learning. Essays in Honour of William O'Sullivan. Edited by Toby Barnard, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín and Katharine Simms. (INSCRIBED, WITH ALS) SIMON SCARROW: Gladiator: Fight for Freedom. (SIGNED)
ELSA TRIOLET. Henri Matisse: Le Mythe de la Baronne Mélanie. With a tipped-in frontispiece drawing by Matisse who also contributes a drawing to the front wrapper GEOFFREY HILL, SEAMUS HEANEY AND GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. David Annwn: Inhabited Voices. Myth and History in the Poetry of Geoffrey Hill, Seamus Heaney and George Mackay Brown MUIRHEAD BONE: The Western Front. Drawings. Part 1, December 1916. With an introduction by General Sir Douglas Haig
LÉON BAKST: Esquisses de Décors et de Costumes, Arts, Graphiques, Peintures T.H.WHITE: A Joy Proposed. Poems. With an introduction, afterword and notes by Kurth Sprague J.ARMITAGE ROBINSON: Somerset Historical Essays
MARGARET CRUM: First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 in Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford. Edited by Margaret Crum. Complete in two volumes JOHN LELAND: John Leland's Itinerary. Travels in Tudor England. Edited with a twenty-six page introduction by John Chandler SCOTT TUROW: Presumed Innocent. A novel
WYNDHAM LEWIS: The Role of Line in Art. With Six Drawings to Illustrate the Argument. Edited with an introduction by Paul W.Nash STEPHEN LEACOCK: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town. With a colour frontispiece by Cyrus Cuneo HAROLD MONRO: Real Property. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
GRAHAM GREENE: Seize Nouvelles. Translated from the English by Marcelle Sibon ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER: A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories ANGELA CARTER: The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman. A novel
DEREK WALCOTT: Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays JAMES E.AGATE: Responsibility. A novel GEORGE MACKAY BROWN: Loaves and Fishes. Poems. (SIGNED)
E.ANNIE PROULX: The Shipping News. A novel. (SIGNED) GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Light's on at Signpost F.L.GREEN: Odd Man Out. A novel
A.L.BARKER. Duncan Grant: Innocents. Variations on the Theme. Stories. With a dust wrapper design by Duncan Grant WILLIAM COBBETT: Rural Rides in the Southern, Western and Eastern Counties of England, together with Tours in Scotland and in the Northern and Midland Counties of England, and Letters from Ireland. The Whole including many Rides and Tours never before Reprinted, edited with an Introduction, Notes, a Biographical Record of Upwards of Nine Hundred Persons Mentioned, an Index of Places, and a Bibliographical Note by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole. With numerous vignettes by John Nash, and a map of Corbett's Country by A.E.Taylor. Complete in three volumes JAMES AGEE: Permit Me Voyage. With a foreword by Archibald MacLeish
WILLIAM BOYD: School Ties. Two boarding school scripts ALFRED MENDIZABAL: The Martyrdom of Spain. Origins of A Civil War. With a preface by Jacquez Maritain D.M.THOMAS: The White Hotel. A novel
NOËL COWARD: Not Yet the Dodo and Other Verses ANNE ENRIGHT: The Forgotten Waltz. A novel. (SIGNED) FRANCIS THOMPSON. Henry Williamson: The Mistress of Vision. With a commentary by the Rev. John O'Connor, a preface by Father Vincent McNabb, and an essay, 'A First Adventure with Francis Thompson', by Henry Williamson. Now reprinted with an introduction by Joseph Jerome [i.e. Brocard Sewell] and this new Williamson essay
EDWARD THOMAS: Lafcadio Hearn. A biography TED HUGHES: The Earth-Owl and Other Moon-People. Poems. With eleven full-page line cut illustrations by R.A.Brandt GEOFFREY HILL: King Log. Poems
ELIZABETH DAVID: Summer Cooking. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Adrian Daintrey DIANA ATHILL: contributes six stories to the anthology New Authors Short Story One NOËL COWARD. William Marchant: The Privilege of his Company. Noël Coward Remembered
MARY ANN CAWS: Surrealist Painters and Poets. An Anthology. Edited by Mary Ann Caws ARTHUR MILLER: Death of a Salesman. Certain private conversations in two acts and a requiem ROBERT MORGAN: Memoir. Poems. (SIGNED AND INSCRIBED)
THOMAS KINSELLA: The Pen Shop. Two poems. (SIGNED) JOHN BERGER: G. A novel TONY GOULD. (Cristián Huneeus): Death in Chile. A Memoir and a Journey. (INSCRIBED)
JOHN M.SYNGE. W.B.Yeats: Poems and Translations.With a tribute to W.B.Yeats XIAOLU GUO: I Am China. A novel. (SIGNED) CHRISTOPHER PRIEST: The Space Machine. A Scientific Romance. (INSCRIBED TO HIS EDITOR)
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