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THE SLADE SCHOOL OF FINE ART: The Quarto. An Artistic Illustrated and Musical Quarterly for 1896. Edited by John Bernard Stoughton Holborn FORD MADOX FORD (writing as 'Ford Madox Hueffer'): The Cinque Ports. A Historical and Descriptive Record. With illustrations by William Hyde LAURENCE WHISTLER: The Imagination of Vanbrugh and His Fellow Artists
LENI RIEFENSTAHL: The Last of the Nuba EDWARD THOMAS (writing as 'Edward Eastaway'): Six Poems ARCHIBALD MACLEISH: Poems
HAROLD BRODKEY: First Love and Other Sorrows. Stories EVELYN WAUGH: Labels. A Mediterranean Journal ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER: Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories
BARNETT FREEDMAN. Phyllis Bentley: Colne Valley Cloth. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With illustrations by Harold Blackburn, and cover and endpaper designs by Barnett Freedman FORD MADOX FORD (writing as 'Ford H.Madox Hueffer'): The Feather. With a frontispiece by F.Madox Brown (the author's maternal grandfather) GUY DAWNEY: Nigella. Poems
JORGE LUIS BORGES: Labyrinthes. Translated into French by Roger Caillois HESTER SAINSBURY: Lucina Sine Concubitu: A Letter Humbly Address'd to the Royal Society. With three engravings on copper by Hester Sainsbury J.W.FORTESCUE: The Story of a Red-Deer. With decorations by Dorothy Burroughes
WILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH: Windsor Castle: An Historical Romance. (THE AUTHOR'S COPY) MICHAEL FIELD: Poems of Adoration CHARLES WILLIAMS: The Region of the Summer Stars. Poems
IRIS MURDOCH: Nuns and Soldiers. A novel ROBERT MCCRUM: Jubilee. A novel. (THE AUTHOR'S COPY) CHARLES TOMLINSON: The Necklace. Poems. With a five-page introduction by Donald Davie and a new one-page preface by the author. (INSCRIBED)
SIMON ARMITAGE and PETER GILL: Eclipse [and] Friendly Fire. Two plays. (SIGNED) E.A.BELL: Poems and a Dream. (INSCRIBED) REX DIXON: Pocomoto and the Circus Folk. With illustrations by Robert Hodgson
JANE AUSTEN: Sanditon. An Unfinished Novel. Reproduced in facsimile from the manuscript in the possession of Kings College, Cambridge. With an introduction by B.C.Southam ANTON CHEKHOV. Lydia Avilov: Chekhov in the Life. A Love Story. Translated from the Russian and with an introduction by David Magarshack, and with drawings and a dust wrapper design by Lynton Lamb A.D.J.TESSIMOND: Selection. Poems
NATHAN ENGLANDER: For the Relief of Unbearable Urges. Stories. (SIGNED) GERMAIN VIATTE: Aftermath. France 1945-54. New Images of Man. The catalogue of a March-June 1982 exhibition at the Barbican Art Gallery BRASSAÏ: The Artists of My Life. Translated from the French by Richard Miller
EMMANUEL BELLINI. Jean Bresson: Emmanuel Bellini. I. LHomme. II. LOeuvre. A monograph. With a preface by Paul Vailar and text by Jean Bresson. (SIGNED) CAROLE SEYMOUR-JONES: A Dangerous Liaison. Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. A biography ÉMILE ZOLA: The Fat and the Thin. Translated from the French of 'Le Ventre de Paris' and with an introduction by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly
THOMAS BLACKBURN: For a Child. Poems. Selected by Julia Blackburn. (INSCRIBED BY BLACKBURN'S DAUGHTER) DYLAN THOMAS AND CERI RICHARDS: Drawings to Poems by Dylan Thomas. With a ten-page introduction by Richard Burns W.W.GIBSON: contributes his poem 'A Ballad of Thieves' to the second issue of the periodical 'The Dome. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Architecture and the Graphic Arts'. New series, Vol. 1, No. 2. November 1898
MORIS FARHI: Young Turk. A novel. (INSCRIBED) MICHAEL HOLROYD: Unreceived Opinions. (SIGNED) LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE: The Sale of Saint Thomas. A verse-play
FORD MADOX FORD: No More Parades. A novel. Volume two of the Parade's End tetralogy RENÉ CREVEL. Max Ernst: Babylon. A novel. Translated from the French of 'Babylone' and with an afterword by Kay Boyle, and illustrations by Max Ernst URSULA LE GUIN: The Other Wind. An Earthsea novel
JOHN PIPER AND RICHARD INGRAMS: Piper's Places. John Piper in England and Wales DEAN R.KOONTZ: Shadowfires. With illustrations by Phil Parks (created specially for this casebound issue). (WITH SIGNED SLIP) ELIZABETH FERRARS: Unreasonable Doubt. A novel
HENRI DANIEL-ROPS. [R.H.Mottram]: Le Vent Dans la Nuit. Avec un portrait de l'auteur par Marcel Mergier. Gravé sur bois bar G.Aubert. [The Wind in the Night. With a portrait of the author by Marcel Mergier, engraved on wood bar G.Aubert]. (INSCRIBED) KINGSLEY AMIS: is one of a number of contributors to 'For Someone Else's Son'. Extracts and talks for a series broadcast on BBC Woman's Hour, spring 1963 ANTHOLOGY: Some Poems in Wartime
EVELYN WAUGH: Put Out More Flags. A novel HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON: Ritratti: 1928-1982 FRANCES NOYES HART: The Bellamy Trial
ANDREW YOUNG: Winter Harvest. Poems HENRY WILLIAMSON: Stumberleap: A Story Taken from The Old Stag JOHN DRYDEN. Peter Campbell: Alexander's Feast; or The Power of Music. An Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day 1697. With drawings by Peter Campbell
JOHN BETJEMAN AND HUGH CASSON: Sketch Book. A Personal Choice of London Buildings, Drawn 1971-1974. With an introduction by John Betjeman. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) GLENWAY WESCOTT: The Bitterns. A Book of Twelve Poems PETER DICKINSON: Skin Deep
CHRISTOPHER FRY [Richard Church]: Curtmantle. A play. (INSCRIBED) JACQUELINE WILSON: Truth or Dare. A novel JACQUELINE WILSON: Let's Pretend. A novel
JACQUELINE WILSON: Making Hate. A novel ANTHOLOGY. (Philip Larkin interest): Springtime. An Anthology of Young Poets and Writers. Edited by G.S.Fraser and Iain Fletcher CHARLES WHIBLEY: Essays in Biography. (INSCRIBED)
V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Heritage. A novel ROBERT BYRON: Europe in the Looking-Glass. Reflections of a Motor Drive from Grimsby to Athens ANTHOLOGY. Alfred Kreymborg: Others for 1919. An Anthology of The New Verse. Edited by Alfred Kreymborg
E.R.EDDISON. Keith Henderson: Styrbiorn the Strong. With illustrations by Keith Henderson VERA BRITTAIN: In the Steps of John Bunyan. An Excursion into Puritan England. With fifty-six illustrations by Cyril Hargreaves and Others. (SIGNED) MALCOLM LOWRY: Ultramarine. A novel
OSBERT LANCASTER: With an Eye to the Future. With illustrations by the author. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ROBERT BROWNING: La Saisiaz [and] The Two Poets of Croisic THOMAS BURKE: Whispering Windows. Tales of the Waterside
T.STURGE MOORE: The Vinedresser and Other Poems BOOTH TARKINGTON. T.M.Cleland: Monsieur Beaucaire. Designed and with illustrations and decorations by T.M.Cleland and a preface by J.Donald Adams. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN STANHOPE ARKWRIGHT: The Supreme Sacrifice and Other Poems in Time of War. With illustrations by Bruce Bairnsfather, Wilmot Lunt, Louis Raemaekers and L.Raven-Hill
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