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Maclaren-Ross, J: The Funny Bone Cartwright, A P: Wes-Driefontein - Stryd teen 'n Oorstroming Animals, Volume 4 Numbers 1 - 20
Leipoldt, C Louis: Praatjies met die Oumense Parsons, Raymond: Manuel, Markets and Money Marais, Johann Lodewyk: Honderd Jaar Later
Tapson, Winifred: Timber and Tides Pollock, A M: Pienaar van Alamein Halperin, Ada: Cooking and Baking the Fat-Free Way
Taute, Ben: Opvoedende Onderwys Grey, Zane: Riders of the Purple Sage Populair-Wetenskaplike Leesboek Deel II
Wessels, Annemarie: As Die Newels Verdwyn Spence. Ela: Die Nag Is Helder Spence. Ela: Drie Maal het die Uil Geroep
Snyman, Martie: Die Vloek Van Tantalus Von Horsten, Hendrik en Fritz: Die Dale Juig Swanepoel, S: Die Avontuur van Eugene de Villemont
Hendriks, R: Slagoffers van Liefde Groenewald, C.A: So Diep Die Begeerte Du Randt, Leonora: Silwer Rimpelings
Schoonees, Dr. P.C: Tien Jaar Prosa Du Toit, S.J: Tussen Die Dae Steyn, Aletta: Aan Die End Van Die Laan
Van Der Post, Johann: Die Vervloekte Diamant Leipoldt, C Louis: Praatjies met die kinders Grey Zane: Die Einde Van Die Bende
Van Ewyk, Rita Graf: Die Huis op Paradys-Eiland Venter, Emma D M: Ou Kamferboom Brink, Dewald: Die Moord by Rus-Aan-See
Van Heerden, A: Die Goue Jare Fox. Jamie: Ghost Writer and other Poems Brink, Andre Philippus: Pavane (Afrikaans Edition)
Newman, Kenneth: Newman's Garden Birds Cullinan, Cormac: Wild Law McBride, Chris: Liontide
Burn Tar! 2009; A Showcase of South Africa's finest motorsport champions Old Testament Hebrew & English Obsatz, Michael: Niegewelddadige Kinders in 'n Gewelddadige Wereld , 21 vaardighede vir die 21ste eeu(Afrikaans Edition)
Van Heerden, Izak: Target Try- Line Pieterse, Martie: Speel-speel skoolgereed: Maak Jou Kind Van Geboort Af Leer- En Skoolgereed - 'n Praktiese Gids (Dreamtime Stories from Africa) (Afrikaans Edition) Parallel Language 2nd Volume The Star Five-minute Exercises in Bilingualism
Parallel Language 3rd Volume The Star Five-minute Exercises in Bilingualism Fourie, F. C. v. N: Regional Development & Planning In South Africa Dugmore, Syd: Rugby Down the Years; An Eastern Cape & Border Schools' Rugby History
Kanafojski, Cz. ; Karwowski, T ; Bartoszewski, Waldemar and Markiewicz, Halina (translators): Agricultural Machines, Theory and Construction Vol 2 : Crop-Harvesting Machines (Teoria i konstruckja maszyn rolnixzych tom 2 Maszyny do zbioru ziemioplod??w) Krebs, Shani: Dragons & Butterflies: Sentenced to Die, Choosing to Live - A Memoir Aucamp, Hennie: Spitsuur
Konings, Ad: Guide to Malawi Cichlids (Back to Nature) Beeton, Ridley; Saunders, Walter: Twenty-three South African poems Owen, Harry: Non Dog
Van der Merwe, H.J.J.M: Afrikaanse Taalkwessies Klug, John; Tainton, Neil: Cricket Pitch and Its Outfield Ross, J. C: Soil Conservation In South Africa
Herbst, Jeffrey : Mills, Greg: How South Africa Works and Must Do Better Small, Adam: Kanna Hy Ko Hystoe (Afrikaans Edition) Rowling, J.K.; Geldenhuys, Kobus: Harry Potter En Die Halfbloed Prins
Rogers, Rex M: Seducing America: Is Gambling a Good Bet? Rousseau, Leon: Die groot verlange: Die verhaal van Eug??ne N. Marais von Meck, Anoeschka: My Name is Vaselinetjie
Feminist Africa: Intellectual Politics (Issue 1) Oz, Amos; de Lange, Nicholas [Translator]; Lange, N. De [Translator];: My Michael Seneviratne, Seni: The Heart of It
Balch, Jeff; Jansen, Martin (editors): Jabulani! freedom of the airwaves: Towards democratic broadcasting in South Africa : conference report, Doorn, Netherlands, August 1991 Lotz, Ernst: Jonkershoek En Sy Berge -'N Gids Vir Klimmers En Stappers Haresnape, Geoffrey: Where the Wind Wills: New Poems
Van Zyl, J.A.F. : Tomaselli, K.G. (Ed): Media and change Kaplan, Lee Z: American Saddle Horses in South Africa Croston, David: Employee Engagement: The 'People-first' Approach To Building A Business
Tabb, Mark: The Sacred Acre: The Ed Thomas Story Smith, Edwin W: The Mabilles of Basutoland Taschner, Ludwig: Roses
Murray, Rev. Andrew: The Power Of The Spirit Porteous, R. S: Cattleman Buchanan, Barbara I: Natal Memories
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