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Vanossi,Mario: South African Italian Home Cooking; Including Deelicious Diet Pasta Dishes ! Gayre of Gayre, R: The Origin of the Zimbabwe Civilisation Rhodes : A Life: McDonald, J.G
De Waal, David Christiaan: With Rhodes in Mashonaland (Rhodesiana reprint library) Wicht, Hein: Palms for gardens in Southern Africa Fripp, Constance E and Hillier, V W (Eds): Gold and the Gospel in Mashonaland 1888 : being the journals of 1. The Mashonaland Mission of Bishop Knight-Bruce 2. The Concession Journey of Charles Dunell Rudd
Orwell,George: The Lion And The Unicorn Devi, Indra: Yoga for You; A Complete 6 weeks' Course for home practice Reitz,Deneys: Commando: A Boer Journal OfThe Boer War
Maclennan, Ben: A Proper Degree of Terror: John Graham and the Cape's Eastern Frontier Schirmer, W. R. & G: Swakopmund Fugard, Athol: People Are Living There
Margo, C S (Chairman) ; Loubser, M G ; Franzen, D G ; Gorven, O D ; Graaf, J de van ; Human, C J F ; Jacobs, A S ; Jowell, K ; Katz, M M ; Lessing, M ; Links, E ; Morris, J R P ; Naude, S J ; Press, S A ; Suliman, M A ; Hoven, N van der ; Tonder, E van ; Wyk, T van ; Zondi, S J: Republic of South Africa : Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tax Structure of the Republic of South Africa Ralls, Alice M: Glory Which is Yours : A Tribute to Pioneer Ancestors Allanson, Sue;Parkes,Margaret & Williams, Vicky: Memories of Knysna: Personal reminiscences
Sampson, H. F: The White-faced Huts; Witchcraft in the Transkei Evenden, C.A. (Evo): Old Soldiers Never Die Keene, Carolyn: The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew Mystery Series)
Dugmore, Rev. Henry Hare: Reminiscences of an Albany Settler Union of South Africa: Companies Act, 1926 (Act No. 46 of 1926) as amended Together with Regulations / Unie van Suid-Afrika: Maatskappywet, 1926 (Wet No. 46 vab 1926) soos gewysig Met Regulasies Minot, John Clair: The Best College Stories I Know
Geyser, Prof O (chair) ; Swart, Prof, M J ; Kapp, Prof P H ; Cronje, Ds H ; Wet, Mnr H C ; Plessis, Mnr J G du ; Oosthyzen, Mev M E: Keur Uit Handhaaf - 'n Keur uit die artikels wat in Handhaaf verskyn het versamel deur 'n Redaksie saamgestel deur die Geskiedeniskomitee van die FAK Moll, Prof J C (Chair) ; Garbers, Dr C F ; Engelbrecht, Prof C A ; Ponelis, Prof F A ; Scholtz, Prof H v d M ; Geldenhuys, Dr D J C ; Viviers, Mev M D A: Akademie 75 - Driekwarteeufees Alberts, Paul (compiler): South African Military Buildings Photographed - An Historical Heritage
Hopkins, H C (compiler): Kakamas - uit die wildernis 'n lushof Unknown: A. G. Visser in beeld: Gedenkalbum (1 Maart 1878-10 Junie 1929) Grobbelaar, O W ; Hudson, Dr C W ; Merwe, H van der: Boerewysheid (Die Afrikaner en sy kultuur, 6)
Roderigues, Jan: Fritz Eloff : 'n Man tussen die leeus . 'n leeu tussen die manne Vyftig Jaar - Gedenkbundel saamgestel uit die publikasies van J L Van Schaik Beperk by geleentheid van die vyftigjarige bestaan van die uitgewery 1914-1964 Three in Norway
Rosenthal, Eric: General de Wet : A Biography Nienaber, P J: Suid-Afrikaanse Pleknaamwoordeboek Deel 1 Van Straten, Cicely: The Warrior's Star
Bree, Charles Robert: A History of the Birds of Europe Not Observed in the British Isles - Five Volumes Ons Kuns Metrowich, F. R: South Africa's new frontiers
Eliot, Charles (Sir): The East Africa Protectorate Reynolds, Rex & Barbara: Grahamstown from cottage to villa (South African yesterdays ; no. 5) [Granville ; La Fontaine]: Blondiau Print
Giffard, A. (ed): The Reminiscences of John Montgomery South African National Gallery Cape Town - Check-list of the Permanent Collections Shepherd, Robert H W: Children of the Veld - Bantu Vignettes
Browne, Right Rev G F: Augustine and his Companions : Four Lectures delivered at St Paul's in January, 1895 Blyton, Enid: Noddy and the Magic Rubber De Henningsen, Amelia / Young, Margaret (Sister Anne Mary MSA): The Reminiscences of Amelia de Henningsen (Notre Mere) (Graham's Town series)
Donaldson, Ken. (Ed): South African Who's Who 1940 - Am Illustrated Biographical Sketch Book of South Africans Harris, William Cornwallis: Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa Bawcombe, Philip: Philip Bawcombe's Kimberley
Bidwell, Maude: Pen Pictures of the Past (Maude Bidwell) Smail, J L: Historical Monuments and Battlefields in Natal and Zululand Ndlovu, Jabu; Seery, Una; Mshengu, Thulani: Our past, our pride
Brews, Harry: Blazing the Trail: South African Golf Volume 1 Nasson, Bill (Series Ed): Turning Points in History: Gr 10 - 12 Phillips, K.N: Tom Collins of Kenya : Son of Valour
Foggin, Lancelot M: Stories from South African History (South African Union Series) Today's News Today Albertyn, Ds P K: Handleiding Voor Zondagsschool Onderwijzers
Zett, Leonard: Ocean View / Masiphumelele / Imhoff : The Southern Cape Peninsula - Vol 5 Benaud, Richie: Spin Me A Spinner Wannenburgh, Alf; Johnson, Peter [Photographer]; Anthony Bannister [Photographer];: The Bushmen
Grant, George : Flinn, Taffy: Watershed Town Human, Linda: The Chinese people of South Africa: Freewheeling on the fringes Rose, Walter,: Die Avonture van Breviceps, Die Re??npadda - 'n Kort beskrywing van enkele voorvalle uit die lewe van 'n klein, vet paddatjie met daardie naam soos deur homself vertel
Tidy, Major D: The South African National Museum of Military History Annual Report 1976-1977 / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Museum vir Krygsgeskiedenis Jaarverslag 1976-1977 Journal of Dendrology / Dendrologiese Tydskrif 3 & 4 / 1981 Journal of Dendrology / Dendrologiese Tydskrif 1 & 2 / 1981
The South African Archaeological Bulletin Vol. XXXIII No. 127 - June 1978 Hall. H: Longmans' Field Handbooks; Common Succulents McCallaghan, Andrew: Jampie Gaan Grens Toe
Botha, S. P: Voelvlei Water Supply Scheme - Souvenir of the Inauguration of The Cape Town City Council's Waterworks by The Honourable S P Botha MP Minister of Water Affairs on 19th January, 1972 / Voelvleiwatervoorsieningskema - Soewenier van die opening van Die Waterwerke van die Kaapstadse Stadsraad Deur Sy Edele S P Botha LV Minister van Waterwese op 19 Januarie 1972 Art / Images in Southern Africa - Stockholm, the Culture Court, May19 - September 24 1989 Touring Sweden and the Nordic countries until May 1990 / Bild/konst i s??dra Afrika - Stockholm, Kulturhuset, 19 maj - 24 september 1989, D??refter turn?? i Sverige och Norden t.o.m. maj 1990 Cooke, C. K: The South African Archaeological Bulletin Vol. 18 No. 17 Part 3 November 1963
Leslie, Mary : Maggs, Tim (Eds.): African Naissance : The Limpopo Valley 1000 Years Ago : South African Archaeological Society , Goodwin Series 8 Vicquery, Linda: Gone Fishing; South African recipes from the sea Solomon, Dennis: Black and White printout in South Africa
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