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Colman, Ronald: Publicity Photograph None: Publicity Photograph "Alias the Deacon" None: Publicity Photograph "The Kid From Spain"
Chase, Charley: Publicity Photograph None: Publicity Photograph. "Courage of the West" None: Publicity Photograph "Outlaw Women"
None: Publicity Photograph "Lucky Devils" Herman, al: Publicity Photograph Portait in Costume Dietrich, Marlene: Publicity Photograph Portait
Wilson, Don: Publicity Photograph Portrait Anonymous: Publicity Photograph "The Modernaires" Group Portrait Kaye, Sammy: Publicity Portait Photograph, with Program for Xi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi. Winter Formal Dinner Dance, Hotel Berry. January Seventh, 1933
Liberace, George: Signed Publicity Portrait Photograph - George Liberace Anonymous: The Nameless Cave and Historical Museum Edgar H. Wells & Co: A Catalogue of Books of English Literature Chiefly of Authors Of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Barney, Mrs. J.K: The Man That Died for Me: A Story of a California Miner Marlow, June: Publicity Photograph "Their Hour" Jeffreys, Anne: Publicity Photograph. "Dillinger"
McKenzie, Fay: Publicity Photograph "Fay McKenzie" O'Sullivan, Maureen: Publicity Photograph. "Maureen O'Sullivan" Young, Robert, Jr: Publicity Photograph. "Robert Young"
Ritter, Tex: Publicity Photograph. "Tex Ritter" Jackson Jr, Joe: Publicity Photograph. "Joe Jackson Jr." Sprague, Charles: An Oration, Delivered on Monday, Fourth of July, 1825, in Commemoration of American Independence, Before the Supreme Executive of the Commonwealth, and the City Council and Inhabitants of the City of Boston
None: Publicity Photograph. "Flame of the Barbary Coast" Anonymous: Publicity Photograph. "Anna Lee" Armes, Wm. Dallam: The Man with a Hoe : An Essay in Interpretation
Backus, Jim: Publicity Photograph. "Jim Backus" None: Publicity Photograph "Man of a Thousand Faces" Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Looking South Over Docks and Forts at Port Arthur."
Camper, Henry Wax and Eliza Sevilla: Two Original Photographs. "Henry Wax Camper and Eliza Sevilla Camper" Anonymous: Washington Album Anonymous: Original Stereocard Photograph. "Tivoli Beer Garden, Hanover, Germany."
Kruger, Otto: Original Signed Photograph. "Otto Kruger" Cyclone Drill Company: Set of Original Photographs (2) "Rock Drills" Ayers Family: Three Original Photographs. "The Ayers Family, 1895-1910"
Anonymous: Original Photograph "Model H-266 Seday Type Delivery Body." Anonymous: Original Photocard Photograph. "Back from the War." Anonymous: The Excellency of Reason Demonstrated. In Some Short Remarks on Mr. Young's Two Discourses Intitul'd, The Wisdom of Believing
Burleson, Hugh Latimer: The Conquest of the Continent Harrison, Jan: Original Signed Photograph. "Jan Harrison" None: Cabinet Sized Photograph. "La Madeleine"
None: Cabinet Sized Photograph. "Exposition Universelle De 1878. Beaux Arts Allemands." Lehmann, Lotte: Original Photograph "Lotte Lehman" Garden, Mary: Original Photograph "Mary Garden"
Willey, Samuel H: Papers of the California Historical Society, Vol. I, Part II; History of the College of of California Shuck, Oscar T: California Anthology: Or, Striking Toughts on Many Themes, Carefully Selected from California Writers and Speakers Coffman, Arthur: An Illustrated History of Palo Alto
Millikan, Robert A., and James R. Page: California Institute of Technology .Remarks by Robert A Millikan and James R. Page at the Presentation of the Seymour Thomas Portrait of William Bennett Munro; Dabney Hall of the Humanities December Ninth 1946 Shumate, Albert: The Life of George Henry Goddard; Artist, Architect, Surveyor, and Map Maker James, Henry: Terminations: The Death of the Lion, The Coxon Fund, The Middle Years, The Altar of th Dead
Webb, Maria: The Penns & Peningtons of the Seventeenth Cwentury, in Their Domestic and Religious Life: Illustrated By Original Family Letters: Also Incidental Notices of Their Friend Thomas Ellwood, with Some of His Unpublished Verses Camera Craft, A Photographic Monthly : Vol. XLVI, No. 1 Taylor, Archer and Gustave O. Arlt: Printing and Progress : Two Lectures
Bennett, Paul A: Some Notes on the Engaging By-paths and Enduring Pleasures of Fine Bookmaking Carpenter, Kenneth, Compiler: Collector's Choice; An Exhibit of Representative Examples From the Collections of Members of the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco held in the Palace of the Legion of Honor on the Occasion of the Joint Meeting. (continued) Rosenberg, Betty: The Letter Killeth; Three Bibliographical Essays for Bibliomaniacs
Romanoff, Professor: Card Tricks; For Parlor and Stage Entertainments--With Full Instructions for the Amateur Performer Trivas, N. S., Curator of Art: Three Centuries of Landscape Drawing; Exhibition Held in August Through October 1940 Haxworth, Lily, Compiler: Household Hand-Book Containing Reliable Hints and Suggestions for the Household
Tessin, Louise D: Jesso; Modeling for Modern Handicrafts Lipsey, John J: Comic Supplement; Four Short Light Pieces About Colorado's History Henshaw, F. W: The Cause and Meaning of This War
Dressler, Albert, Editor: Letters to a Pioneer Senator; Original Extracts from the Mail Bag of a California Statesman of the '50's Elliot, Stanton: In the Good Old Golden West Davis, John: Speech of John Davis, of Massachusetts, Upon the Bill "To Reduce Duties and for Other Purposes", in Which the Modern Doctrines of Free Trade in Their Application to the United States are Examined; Delivered in the (continued)
Bigler, William: Speech of Hon. William Bigler, of Pennsylvania, on The Tariff Question; Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 8, 1859 Smith, Albert: Speech of Albert Smith, of New York, on The Tariff, and in Reply to the Speech of Mr. Collins, of N. Y.; Delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. S., July 1, 1846 Anonymous: Violation of the Seal of Confidence of the State Department, House of Representatives, Report No. 686, June 12, 1846
Anonymous: The Merrymount Press 1893 - 1993; A Centenary Keepsake Baughman, Roland: The Work of the Grabhorn Press; Notes on an Exhibition Prepared for the Friends of the Huntington Library on the Occasion of Friends' Day, June 4, 1945 (Cover Title) Bent, Arthur Cleveland: Life Histories of North American Wild Fowl; Order Anseres (Part)
Webster, Daniel: Mr. Webster's Vindication of the Treaty of Washington of 1842; in a Speech Delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1846 Stuntz, Homer C: South American Neighbors Garrett, Edmund D., Editor: Victorian Songs; Lyrics-of-the-Affections and Nature; Collected and Illustrated by Edmund D. Garrett with an Introduction by Edmund Gosse
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